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Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
hi. im realy worried i might have HIV.

what are the symtoms?

i had unprotected sex with a girl and im not sure about here sexual background... she has slept with quite a few people tho i thnik..

anyway, she was the last person i had sex with. but know i keep getting these tingling fealings in my back & arm's,, actualy all over my body. its like pins an neadles, and makes me judder (shiver)

is this a symtom of hiv?

please just give me a stright answer. if you dont know dont post. if you think you might know something fire away.. ive got a phone number to ring GUM but its getting around to it and having the currage to ring..

ps,, ive been getting these fealings for the last 3/4 months.

a very worried guy..


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    there are loads of different symptoms, although they tend not to show for a long while after you become infected. like a couple of years. they're generally things like nausea, night sweats, easy bruising...

    get a test. put your mind at rest.

    if you have got HIV, best to get treatment for it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    night sweats.. ie.. wake up sweating? this has happened to me twice.. ohh dear...

    god i dont know if im just being parrinoid or what.. i feal like crying....
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    What makes you think H.I.V ?
    Im curious as to why you would think its that, when them symptoms could be anything. Do you know someone with it?

    Go and see your doctor and tell him your fears, he will test you for that and for any other thing he thinks it could be.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    It could well just be paranoia - if you're really worried about something, it can create symptoms out of nowhere.

    As others have said, go and get yourself tested. Easier said than done, I know, but try to pluck up the courage. It'll end the worrying. Maybe you could tell a close friend and have him/her close by when you get the results? Support from someone you know is always a good thing.

    Good luck!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Having had unprotected sex you should go to your local GUM clinic and get tested anyhow - it's not just HIV you need to worry about, there are many different types of sexually transmitted infection that you could have caught, some of which have no symptoms at all.

    Have you got an STI?


    All our STI factsheets

    Helpline numbers:
    Brook Advisory Centres
    Advice, counselling and medical help around contraception, pregnancy, abortion and sexual health.
    Telephone: 0800 0185023

    Family Planning Association
    Information service on family planning and all aspects of sexual health.
    Helpline: 0845 3101334

    Sexual health is not something to be taken lightheartedly, having waited 4 months I suggest you go and get checked out now.

    You may also want to review your contraception options for the future:

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You have to go see your GP ASAP as no person on here can tell you if you have it or not. Just becuase you may have a few of the symptoms doesn't mean to say you have it.

    If you have waited 4 months then you having an acute HIV infection symptoms would have been and gone. After that it's AIDS which don't have any sypmtoms becuase the damage to you system is already done.

    Acute HIV infection is the earliest and shortest stage of HIV. Not everyone gets symptoms but most people come down with a flu-like illness three to six weeks after infection. The symptoms are the same as flu or mononucleosis.

    You may also get:

    A blotchy type red rash
    Aching muscles
    Sore throat
    Swollen lymph glands

    A few of those are also common in stress and anxiety.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    right i have made an apointment.....

    i think i might have got it off this girl i was seing...

    i still speek to her sometimes. and occasionaly she's said "ohh ive been the doctors again, and ive gotta take more medication because i keep getting sick..."

    ive asked her why and i just get the impresion she is holding something back... i just dunno what to think.. i know she's a bit easy and sleeps around..

    ?? im gonna ring her tommorw and ask her stright.

    worst case sinnario for me is HIV / AIDS..

    im going away for a few days so ill have the test when i get back later this month...

    ive spoke to a mate about it on the phone, he knows her aswell,.
    He said he also wants to get it done aswell cos he said he wants to put his mind at rest, he's not sure about a few he's slept with.. we agreed to go on the same day and get it done,, ill speek to him tomoz, and see if he's still up for getting it done...

    this fealing i keep getting is like a tingleing numbness going through my body... i had sex with this girl nearly a year ago, and since then ive experienced all those symptoms,,

    head ache's
    night sweats
    sore throut

    cant remeber getting flu though.. think thats the only good thig going for me

    god this is so worrying.... thanks for your replys anyway.
    im gonna ring her tommorw and ask her stright out about it...

    growing up sucks!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You say you slept with her nearly a year ago? You might wanna speak to the other girls you have slept with after her as well...

    Your night sweats could be to do with an estrogen deficiency (I think that's more in woman with the menopause though), stress or a perspiration disorder. Stress will also cause head aches, sore throats.

    Here's a few things you get with stress.

    skin breaks out
    shortness of breath
    tight muscles
    aches & pains

    Now compair them with some of the HIV symptoms and their more or less the same. You could be stressed and not even know it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Re: .
    Originally posted by worried999
    this fealing i keep getting is like a tingleing numbness going through my body... i had sex with this girl nearly a year ago, and since then ive experienced all those symptoms,,

    head ache's
    night sweats
    sore throut

    you know, it could just be something like gladular fever - that can last a long time, and it can be passed on by kissing.

    but good luck.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by girl with sharp teeth
    not meaning to lecture,

    You need to be lecturing here.
    I cannot beleive in this day and age people still participate in having sex with partners who they hardly know without using a condom :confused:

    Im not saying dont have sex with people you dont know much, but have the sense to use a condom, it could save you from getting some nasty things.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    yeah.. i know. i was so desparate to get my end away, i didnt care... stupid,, but hay looks like i might have to pay for it.. :(
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Re: yo...
    Originally posted by worried999
    yeah.. i know. i was so desparate to get my end away, i didnt care... stupid,, but hay looks like i might have to pay for it.. :(

    Hey wait for the tests, you dont know anything at this moment.

    You have learned the hard way by having a shock like you have now. Your story is here for other users to see so lets hope they take on board the consequenses of having unprotected sex.

    Get to the doc sooner than later and let him do any relevant tests, for all you know you could have something totally different to what you suspect and have been worrying yourself unnecessary :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    lets hope i am worrying myself unnecessary..

    i just spoke to the girl and she seems quite confident she hasnt got any std's or sti's .
    she's had blood tests and all sorts for other things.

    i asked her if she had a hiv / aids test, and she said no but she's had her blood tested for all sorts...

    so i asume if she's had all these test's then they would have picked up on something HUH??

    well im still goin the clinic anyway, but im going away this week for a bit, and have booked an apointment for the 22nd.

    Im still a bit worried but not as much... i just hope she isnt lying to me. it didnt sound like she was...

    there is so little information about Aids / HIV, its unreal... even this site has got much about it.

    has anyone here who has replyed actualy got Aids / HIV?
    if you dont want everyone to know then PM me, i just want to know how you deal with it etc, etc,

    this forum has helped like, its good to talk....

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Re: .
    Originally posted by worried999
    this forum has helped like, its good to talk....

    Your right, it is good to talk. A problem shared is a problem halved.
    Good luck with the doc :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    hi .

    i just thought id let you all know that i have been the GUM clinic and been tested for all STD's & STI's.

    all came back clear,, but gotta wait 10 days for the syphillis & gonarea resuts.. but they should come back OK a i think, plus they can be treated with Antibiotics.

    Aids & HIV cant, and like i said it came back clear... got a same day result.....

    the only thing i can learn out of this is to use a condom, and if i aint got one, tuff shit,, no nookie...

    thanks anywayz
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Re: hi

    Glad its all clear for ya, bet its been a bit of a worry for you, but at least now you know :)
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