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34yr old doc trouble

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
hi guys, gotten my self in2 a situation.
u c, im a student nurse, and currently on a ward with a v.nice doctor! we got talkin 1 day last wk in between patients and seemed 2 get on well, but hes 34! and im only 18. then 2 day he walked past and kinda hit my hip, not hard just messin, then when i was with a patient waitn 2 go 2 theatre he came over and slipped a note in2 my pocket, sayin, 'wheres the valentine' his mob number and 2 ring after 4.30!
so n e way, he is cute etc, so i texed him at 6.30pm, and he texed back, and then he rang, and weve just been on the fone 4 1hr 45mins!
BUT, we chatted etc, and he said why he liked me etc, but he ses the age diff is a lot, and i agree, and couldnt c us in a serious relationship, so he just ses he wants a bit of fun! i agreed, but then he ses things like ive got a nice figure, and he bets ive got nice boobs etc! i was well shocked, it seemed a bit forward. but i just laughted. he ses hes b in straight with me, and we both kinda agreed on 'a bit of fun'. but im not to sure if he has his bit of fun & then never wants 2 talk 2 me again, i always think negatively though.
were meetin 2moro at 3pm, 2 talk, look at my tattoos, and c wot happens(thats wot he said). do u recon hes just leadin me on 2 get wot he wants?
im not realy sure wether im doin the rt thing, i want 2 but it just seems odd b in with a doctor!
i want 2 stay mates, so if i pull outta 2moro he might think im leadin him on as wew were a bit flirty on the fone, well he was ne way.
sorry its so long winded, please help, my head ses go but my heart ses no!
cheers guys, love helen


  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Go with your heart Helly, if it's your heart that says no. In my opinion (without knowing what you talked about for 1 & three quater hours) this sounds like sexual harassment.

    It sounds like he's taking advantage of the classic doctor/nurse relationship & imho the 16yr age gap isn't so big.

    I'm not trying to spoil your fun, but your doubts are already there aren't they & that should tell you alot. If you go ahead, be prepared to use him as much as he uses you <IMG alt="image" SRC="http://www.thesite.org/ubb/smile.gif"&gt;

    Good luck Helly.


    I had a life once, but I stopped feeding it so one day it just walked away.

    MTS ^5 ;)
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    me again, sorry, i forgot 2 add and ask sumint. im not realy up on many religions, hes asian, and was tellin me bout his mum wantin an arranged marriage, and he said if he liked the girl then yeah he would.
    so then i found it strange that we were talkin bout sex and how many girls he shagged, im tryin not 2 b nieve bout his beliefs, but he was so 4 his religion, do u htink this makes the 'bit of fun' more of just a bit of using me? god i hate men most of the time! soz blokes.
    can n e 1 fill me in on sum of his beliefs please.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    well i dont know about the asian beliefs or woteva, and i don't think the age gap is too big. BUT it soundslike he could b using u.

    Meet with him, have a laff but don't let him take advantage of you. It sounds like he just wants a shag.

    Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road. Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    From the word go 'user' popped into my head.

    I know what its like to be talkin to someone n be flirting wiv them, u cant help it.

    But seriously like i thought to meself @ the beginning well he said its just a bit of fun that means its just sex, n then when u end up falling in love with them they go " well u knew from the start" and all that shit,

    if ur happy wiv it just being sex then fine go for it but i seriously dont think its a good idea if ur expecting just a teeny bit more even,

    dont trick urself into thinking hes gonna fall for u or nothing like that because i just dont think its gonna happen, it seems to me hes laid it down on the line, he just wants some fun n about the marraige n that too,

    sorry to sound harsh n if ive taken this more deeper than it realy is but i really think this guy is just after some punani.

    Good Luck in makin ur mind up.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    he's muslim right? they believe in arranged marriages, and in the girl being a virgin before marriage (guys tend to get off more lightly in this sort of thing) i think...

    It's something unpredictable
    But in the end is right
    I hope you had the time of your life
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    well!, i met up with him & we went to bicester shoppin 4 about 20mins, but it was shite so we went back 2 his- its well posh.
    n e way, we were kissin etc then we went 2 his room & things happened, but it was mainly 1sided, he did it all 2 me! he he he.
    but if i said no then he stopped, he kept tryin 4 sex but never forced n e thin.
    it feels weird, but bein with him most of 2day hasnt made me wanna have him so badly that i ve fallen in love or n e thin, which is wot usually happens, so thats good.
    we chatted bout his religion etc, and he is suppost 2 b havin an arranged marriage, and no sex, no alcohol- that bit hes stuck 2.
    he wants it 2 happen again, but i will have 2 think bout it, he is lovely, and i dont notice the age thing, though we did laugh bout it, but i will have 2 c if he ignores me when were back at work.
    it was fun though.
    thanx 4 the advice guys,
    loadz a love helen
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    HE'S AFTER SEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    DON'T BE USED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by CHEEKy:
    HE'S AFTER SEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Welcome to the world of the male. Life revoles around those 3 ickle letters. S-E-X . Can send any man into a frenzy, especially if connected with FREE and YOU!

    I don't live to work, I work to live and I live at the weekends. I'm the last of the big time drinkers.
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