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I hate Christmas

Amy22Amy22 Posts: 4,507 The Mix Elder
I hate Christmas, I find it so stressful to be honest. Like I used to like it because it was when I would be around with my family. But I feel like my family is being torn apart. So the thing is that my dad seems to stress a lot especially when it comes to cooking Christmas dinner. But when me and my mum offer help, he doesn't seem to accept it and then complains sometimes that we aren't helping him. I know he doesn't mean getting stressed. But I worry that he will stress himself out too much.

This year will be the year that my nan and bamp won't be down with us for Christmas as my nan has been struggling a lot with her health and mobility. So getting her into the house would have been very hard. So it is just the three of us, me, my mum and dad. But today my dad got stressed again when cooking and he shouted a bit. It kinda scarred me and I got upset. I know he didn't mean to. But like I have the feeling like I ruined Christmas for being upset. I think this might mark the reason why I won't celebrate Christmas anymore with my parents. I think next year I might celebrate on my own. The fact that my nan and bamp tend to argue whenever we go up their house also is stressful. I feel like I'm inbetween the stress and the shouting.

No more Christmas for me I guess anymore, as I won't be celebrating it.
Just a person who likes pop culture and films


  • JustVJustV Community Manager Posts: 5,464 Part of The Furniture
    This feels like a reasonable thing to think about for yourself @Amy22. :) I'm a big fan of ditching tradition for the sake of tradition if it's not working out, or if it's just not enjoyable.

    A few years ago I decided I wasn't going to 'do' Christmas any more, for similar reasons to you. Family around me getting stressed out, lots of obligations to see people I didn't feel strongly about seeing, let alone the pressure of buying presents and making it a nice day.

    So now, me and my partner tend to do our own thing, I decided I wasn't going to do presents anymore, and it's worked out quite well for us both. I guess the point is you can do something that you want (even if people make you feel bad about that at first!)
    All behaviour is a need trying to be met.
    The truth resists simplicity.
  • Amy22Amy22 Posts: 4,507 The Mix Elder
    Thank you so much @Mike it's that it can be quite stressful for me and family especially with cooking. However, it got sorted out now and everything is alright.
    Just a person who likes pop culture and films
  • TheNightmareTheNightmare Posts: 1,809 Extreme Poster
    Amy22 wrote: »
    I hate Christmas, I find it so stressful to be honest. Like I used to like it because it was when I would be around with my family. But I feel like my family is being torn apart. So the thing is that my dad seems to stress a lot especially when it comes to cooking Christmas dinner. But when me and my mum offer help, he doesn't seem to accept it and then complains sometimes that we aren't helping him. I know he doesn't mean getting stressed. But I worry that he will stress himself out too much.

    This year will be the year that my nan and bamp won't be down with us for Christmas as my nan has been struggling a lot with her health and mobility. So getting her into the house would have been very hard. So it is just the three of us, me, my mum and dad. But today my dad got stressed again when cooking and he shouted a bit. It kinda scarred me and I got upset. I know he didn't mean to. But like I have the feeling like I ruined Christmas for being upset. I think this might mark the reason why I won't celebrate Christmas anymore with my parents. I think next year I might celebrate on my own. The fact that my nan and bamp tend to argue whenever we go up their house also is stressful. I feel like I'm inbetween the stress and the shouting.

    No more Christmas for me I guess anymore, as I won't be celebrating it.

    I relate to family having family problems, it sucks. I hope you're feeling better now, I'm always here if you need to talk.
  • spoonspoon Posts: 375 Listening Ear
    i dont think you ruined christmas for being upset. it sounds like everyone was stressed. i hope next christmas will be better for you however you want to celebrate <3
    Whats a signatureeeww
  • Amy22Amy22 Posts: 4,507 The Mix Elder
    @Spoon Thank you so much for your kind words. I am much better, sometimes in my family Christmas can be quite stressful as we do a lot for the other side of my family as well. Today has been much better now though.
    Just a person who likes pop culture and films
  • Amy22Amy22 Posts: 4,507 The Mix Elder
    @FordRanger Thank you so much.
    Just a person who likes pop culture and films
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