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having fun

ellie2000ellie2000 Posts: 4,233 Community Veteran
i started playing arkham city, its fun. ppl r boring. so i like cats i draw. the vampires havnt been around lately, so thts gd. im feeling gd yesterday n today :)
Crazy mad insane


  • StellalunaStellaluna Posts: 62 Boards Initiate
    @ellie2000 So pleased you are feeling good today and were feeling good yesterday. It is great you have found some activities you like to do. Sometimes I cat sit for a ginger tom cat who is super cute. Do you have a favourite cat type?
  • ellie2000ellie2000 Posts: 4,233 Community Veteran
    I like a black and white one, I also have a ginger one, called Bob like out the films, but he's a pain in the a to look after. I don't like that 1 as much. He just lays in the basket. He just came in whilst we were on holiday, n we acquired 1 more
    Crazy mad insane
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