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i recently made a camhs referral because i’ve reached the point where i need more help than i’ve been getting. i know that it will probably be a while before i actually see someone, but has anyone on here had experience with camhs? i’ve seen a lot of mixed opinions online and i’d appreciate some real genuine information about what it’s like, if people are okay to share that. i know that everyone’s story and experience will be different but i’d just like to know as much as possible before seeing them. particularly if there’s anyone who’s had experience of hampshire camhs, that’s my nearest one so it’d be good to know what they’re like. also when you turn 18 and you’re too old for camhs, what happens and where do you get moved to if you still need support, and what is that like? thank you to anyone who shares their experience
i had a good experience with CAMHS. Saw them in the first week i was referred and they was very kind and supportive. But would tell my family EVERYTHING. Nothing felt confidenalital and was always speaking to my family or the NSPCC thats only bad thing id say from them. I only saw a care co ordinator for about a year cause was too late to start counselling cause was getting too old for servicd but adults took ages so stay with them for longer than meant and had to leave at 17 with them. I know most places is like 18 though.
I wasn't referred to adults, I was just kinda dumped in? I ended up in hospital and the first time I met the psychiatrist he sectioned me, adults is nothing like Camhs, cause you're an adult they often just expect you to take responsibility for your actions, there's not really much help there, so get the most out of Camhs!
Also adults don't accept everyone from Camhs, there's a lot of people who are dropped when they move unfortunately 🙄