Going back to school/college/university - Support Thread

We’ve reached the time of year where many of us will be going back to school, to college, or to university - and I just thought I’d start a discussion to check in on how everyone is feeling about this, and to offer any advice to others.
It’s totally normal to feel a bit nervous at this time. Often things are feeling very new, whether it is a new year group and new subjects, or you might even be moving to a new place altogether. It’s normal, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t things we can all do to help make ourselves feel that little bit better!
So I’m wondering
1) how are you feeling? Are you excited, looking forward to the change, or is there something on your mind?
2) what advice would you give to someone starting or going back to school/college/university?
I’ll start the little advice train off here. I’m about to go into my third year at university, and I am currently feeling apprehensive as this is an important year for me. However some advice that I would give to anyone in any stage of university, and to myself this year, is to remember that university is not just about grades. They’re important, but it is also a huge learning experience where you grow and develop as a person in so many ways. If ever you are disappointed with a grade, it is really important to also see the positive side which is how much you have grown from the entire experience. This is something I would tell a friend who needed some support, so it’s something I am telling myself as well
I’d love to hear your thoughts and I hope everyone has a really great first day back whenever and wherever that may be. Take good care - it would be great to hear how your first days go. You’ve all got this
I will be doing technically my third year of college, though i dropped out the first year so its really my second.
To answer the questions in order.
1) How are you feeling? Not the greatest, tbh i'm just going back this year to try it, my plan is to hang with it for a couple of months to get my benefit money and then drop out. But if it turns out okay I'll stay.
2) What advice would you give someone starting or going back to school/college/uni?
I'd say not to stress it, it can be scary but remember its daunting for loads of others too. I never did school but i know with college everyone is there to help you. Talk to someone if the work is confusing you, if you're struggling, and importantly if you're being bullied
I liked it over the summer when you didnt have to deal with all the stupid people and pretend to laugh at your friends jokes which is so mentally exhausting but it really hit me at school I had to get used to this again
Also this year there is so much work and Im worried I cant cope already
So tmw is my proper first day of year 13 as I was only in for college for a few hours today to be told about attendance and stuff. Im feeling kind of excited because all of my health and social care teachers have changed, so Im looking forward to see what that's like. Im also scared as well because im worried that im gonna become overwelmed from stress like I did last year and that had really bad consequences for me.
One piece of advice for people who're starting and going back to uni and school and stuff is that you shouldn't let anyone (e.g. teachers and bullies) stop you from doing what you wanna do. If they say anything negative about you, then remember that what they say are just opinions and that you're definately capeable of proving them wrong. Also, be kind to yourself. Remember to have breaks and days off from studying so that you can have a clearer mindset and so that you can experience other aspects of life you enjoy such as hobbies. Even though some teachers act as if grades are the most important thing ever, they're really not because they don't reflect on you as a person. Xxx❤
I graduated from university in 2017 (seems like it was only yesterday though!) but I remember how daunting the first day of a new year felt, especially with the pressure of exams looming.
My advice would be to remember that everyone is feeling nervous in the first few days. Also, do not base your self worth on the percentage score that you receive in an exam! There are always other options if you don't do as well as you hoped. I really like your advice @Past User about talking to someone if you struggling - whether it is work-related or not, reaching out to people you trust is always a positive step.
It's great to hear that you are excited for the new year @Past User. How would you feel about speaking to your new teachers about what triggers your stress and how they could support you through the year?
Best of luck to all of you starting a new year in school/college/university
Im having Counseilling at college soon, so hopefully we can talk about stress and how to deal with it. Im not sure if one of the teachers has already spoken to them, but it seems like a good idea. The only thing is I would be a bit nervous about talking to them xxx
How am I feeling? It was my first day back at college on Tuesday, my third year and I am feeling quite good about it at the moment. I am still struggling with the anxiety around actually going but I always enjoy it when I’m there and it’s good being able to spend time with my friends!
Advice for anyone starting/going back to school, college etc? My advice would be too not but too much pressure on yourself and if you are struggling with the work load or personal issues, there is always someone to go to so you’ll never be alone 💓
Butterfly x
@Past User, I agree with @Past User, I absolutely love your advice about talking someone. It's always one of the very best things we can do to help ourselves I feel! And a huge well done for giving it another go
@ClaraOswald I'm so sorry to hear you had a difficult first day - I really hope today has been better for you
@Past User wow I absolutely loved your advice! very, very true
@Past User Again, some absolutely lovely advice! And so so important
I love that everyone was so open, love this thread! Best of luck guys, we've all got this
I could always speak to some of my teachers I've known for a while but I'm not sure I'm ready to tell anyone just yet. It feels a bit embarrasing as I'm not good at confronting people about my feelings
My week got a bit better but I have a massive booklet to fill in and a test on all the stuff I learnt last year next week so its not going too well, but hopefully it will get better
I'm glad to hear your week got a bit better, and I really hope it continues to do so! Good luck with the booklet and test - I believe in you!