Staying Safe – Online Harms!

Over the next week we have some opportunities for you to stretch your advocacy muscles and tell us your thoughts about staying safe online. Our friends at DCMS (The department of digital culture and media) has carefully put together a white paper on some policy ideas to help keep people safe online, this is called the Online Harms White Paper.
Who are DCMS?
At The Mix, we are big fans of making sure that the opinions of young people are considered in these things, so over the next week we are going to be asking you some questions which will help feed into the consultation.
You can read the paper itself here! Fair warning it’s pretty hefty, so DCMS have broken it down for us. There are four main parts, which we will explore over the next week or so. Every couple of days we will introduce you to another part of the paper and ask a few questions associated to that part. This way you will learn what the paper is all about and get to have your say on each part.
We would love to know your thoughts on the question below. This will help us to know what is important to people your age to make sure those issues are not left out.
What do you think is the biggest issue faced by young people on the internet and why?
who wade into discomfort and vulnerability and tell the truth about their
stories are the real badasses.”
- Brene
There is also a lot of abuse and suicides happening due to the Internet. This is because some people use the Internet to groom other people who are more vulnerable and to track them down and verbally, physically or even sexually abuse them. A lot of suicides also happening because people don't know who to talk to about mental health issues, eating disorders, abuse or bullying they are facing so they believe that suicide is the answer.
"The way that I have found the light in my life is through the expressive arts because I know that I will be accepted for the way I am." ~ Me
"I'm going to get strong again and see you soon. " ~ Anonymous
Thanks for your ideas, you have both talked about really important topics! @Kasa2103 it sounds like you have a lot of knowledge about things to be cautious of online, which is really encouraging to see!
@Aidan fake news will be a topic we look at more in-depth later on in the week, so I am looking forward to your contribution. Censorship is a really interesting one as well, not one that has come up to often. Can I ask what you think the impact of government censorship/ surveillance would be on young people?
“People who wade into discomfort and vulnerability and tell the truth about their stories are the real badasses.”
- Brene Brown