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How to use emoji
Hey everyone,
You may have noticed that when you're posting on the boards, the little emoji button:
only gives you 12 emoji to choose from! 

But fear not! The boards do have a lot more to choose from. 

If you're using a computer (not a phone), the easiest way to add emoji to your post is to type a colon : followed by the name of the emoji you want.
soon as you type a colon you should see a list of suggested emoji pop
up. You can start typing the name of an emotion or facial expression to
refine the list and find the right one:

If you're on your phone, you can simply use your phone's built-in emoji.
Here is the full list of emoji built into the new boards and their codes:

Plain text list:
:-1: (thumbs down) :+1: (thumbs up) :angry: :anguished: or D: :astonished: :bawling: :bleep_bloop: (space invader-type thing) :blush: or :3 :cold_sweat: :confounded: or :s :confused: or :/ :cookie: :cry: or :'( :dissapointed: :dissapointed_relieved: :dizzy: :expressionless: :fearful: :flushed: :frown: or :( :grey_question: (question mark) :grimace: or :$ :grin: or :D :heart: or <3 :heartbreak: :hushed: :innocent: or o:) :joy: :kiss: :kissing_blush: :kissing_wink: :lol: :love: :mask: :mrgreen: :naughty: (devil face) :neutral: or :| :no_mouth: :open_mouth: or :o :pensive: :persevere: :rage: or >_< :relaxed: :relieved: :scream: :skull: :sleeping: :sleepy: :smile: or :) :smiley: or =) :smirk: :star: :sunglasses: or B) :sweat: :sweat_smile: :tired_face: :tongue: or :p :triumph: :trollface: :unamused: :warning: :weary: :wink: or ;) :worried: :yum:<br>
Post edited by JustV on
We do need a hug emoji! It's not something that's possible to add at the moment, but hopefully it's a feature Vanilla will add soon
- Aife
"The way that I have found the light in my life is through the expressive arts because I know that I will be accepted for the way I am." ~ Me
"I'm going to get strong again and see you soon. " ~ Anonymous
"The way that I have found the light in my life is through the expressive arts because I know that I will be accepted for the way I am." ~ Me
"I'm going to get strong again and see you soon. " ~ Anonymous