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Post of the month; September

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
Hey Everyone

It's time for Post of the Month!
This time we have 3 great posts to choose from:

WhispersOfTheHeart nominated RandomGirl for this post:
Randomgirl wrote: »
A wise lady once told me that everyone is 'wearing a mask' just some are more socially acceptable than others.

This is part of this thread: Depression Face

**helen** nominated WhispersOfTheHeart for this post:
Living the single life, you know me. No Man/Girl can ever hold me back, I'm a free spirit drifting along, single, but not alone xD

This is part of this thread:
What's your relationship situation?

butterfly123 nominated ella! for:
ella! wrote: »
I'm proud of you. You most certainly are not weak. You're here and you have achieved so much. You gave young people with mental illnesses a voice- that is not the work of someone who is weak, it is the work of someone who is very strong willed and brave. You're not wrong. In life we can't please everyone, or even satisfy everyone, and it's shit, I really do understand how it feels to be knocked down when you, yourself, feel good about something. Hold onto those feelings of pride and know that they are more important than the negative comments.

Keep on keeping on, please believe me when I say you can and will go so far. Further than maybe you believe. I've been in your position, I know how terrifying and isolating it can feel, but you can do this. *hug*

This is part of this thread:
The 'I need a hug' thread - please read first post before posting :)

Get voting! And don't forget to keep the nominations flowing in :yippe:

Post of the month; September 11 votes

36% 4 votes
45% 5 votes
18% 2 votes
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