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Would this make you jealous?

Danny!Danny! Deactivated Posts: 560 Incredible Poster
One of the things that comes up a lot when we're talking about Social Media and relationships is that social media can create jealousy in relationships.

I thought it would be really interesting to do a brief questionnaire/poll on what might make you jealous (your answers won't be connected to your name, but the overall numbers will be showed).


As well as voting, it would be really helpful if you could say a bit about why the things you selected would make you jealous (or why other things wouldn't worry you). And were there any that you had to think about a lot? What did you decide?

Would this make you jealous? 52 votes

Is friends with one or more exes
3% 2 votes
Writes friendly (nothing flirty) posts on their ex's wall on a regular basis
11% 6 votes
Has private conversations with an ex
11% 6 votes
Keeps photos up of themselves with an ex in a social situation
1% 1 vote
Keeps photos up of themselves with an ex in a couple context
7% 4 votes
Makes flirty comments on other people's photos
15% 8 votes
Makes friends with lots of new attractive people of the sex (or sexes) that they're attracted to
9% 5 votes
Has lots of pictures with (attractive) people of the sex (or sexes) they're attracted to
9% 5 votes
Gets tagged in photos where they seem intimate with other boys/girls
13% 7 votes
Make friends with and talk to lots of your friends
1% 1 vote
Communicate with a boy/girl who seems be interested in them sexually or romantically
13% 7 votes
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