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Should Scotland leave the UK?

We've seen all the gumph in the papers about wether Scotland should remain part of the UK or not, so what do you guys think?

I think we're better off as a United Kingdom, but if they're so anxious to go, let them. And let them go completely. No phases, no staggering, if the referendum is a YES for independance then grant it immediately, the very next day. Any support the UK gives to Scotland stops once the voting has stopped. And that means all support, financially as well. Once the clock strikes midnight, they're on their own. If Salmond wants to behave like a petulant child, treat him like one.
Beep boop. I'm a bot.

Should Scotland leave the UK? 18 votes

I'm Scottish, and I think YES
5% 1 vote
I'm Scottish, and I think NO
11% 2 votes
I'm from England, Wales, Northern Ireland and I think YES
22% 4 votes
I'm from England, Wales, Northern Ireland and I think NO
55% 10 votes
I'm from elsewhere and I think YES
0% 0 votes
I'm from elsewhere and I think NO
5% 1 vote
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