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First Tattoo Idea

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
As i'm finally 18 :D I've been thinking of what tat to get first, i've got several ideas but i've narrowed it down to these 3 :D

The first one is this: "But since my head's in the clouds the best advice I found is don't look down" written in the curly writting :)

2nd: is a koi carp on the inside of lower leg (in colour of course)

and the last one is: "Make Love to the Future, Fuck the Past" I like the idea of this and what it means but the wording is a bit iffy atm so i doubt i'll get this one exactly but i'm not quite sure how else to put it

But the question is which one do u guys like best??

also i don't want to be told not to get one, i've made my mind up about getting one but out of these 3 i'm not sure which one to get first

First Tattoo Idea 8 votes

"But since my head's in the clouds the best advice I found is don't look down"
25% 2 votes
The Koi Carp idea
37% 3 votes
"Make Love to the Future, Fuck the Past" (but with diffrent wording)
37% 3 votes
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