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Is text talk really english?

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
Through the previous threads and discussions raised recently I've been curious to what people think.

please note this isn't for arguing with regards to board policy but for people to give there opinions of its use in every day life etc etc - Mods this is nothing to do with the boards directly, the topic on the boards bought a few questions to my mind were I would like general opinion of the public.

So, do you feel text talk is a valid means of communication when you do not have a character limits?

Do you feel text talk is English or more of its own "sub language" of it's own or something else?

Do you feel allowing or encouraging text talk could/might lower literacy levels?

My opinions are...

I do not feel it is necessary in everyday use. In my opinion the only time it is needed is in messages with low character limits etc. I feel it encourages and breads laziness.

I know I am one of the worlds worst spellers however there is a clear difference between using text talk and spelling errors. To me whether or not it is "English" is a tough one for me, the word are suppose to "mean" English but I don't feel they actually are English. I do feel if for example schools/colleges started to allow text talk it would definitely lower literacy rates. I need to find a credible source but I did here somewhere about a school apparently started to allow text talk on essays, I mean if this became the norm and someone applied for a job with a C.V or Essay if you were an employer would you hire someone with language skills like this?

Opinions please...

Is text talk really english? 39 votes

Yes, I do not see any situation it should be allowed
Unknown 1 vote
It depends on the situation, where it is, formal/informal (please explain?)
UnknownUnknownlittlemissyUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownAnnaarrr!!UnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknown 17 votes
No, It is not needed at all.
UnknownUnknownIndrid ColdUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknown 21 votes
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