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Fb's /friends with benefits etc

I don't really like the plain and simple term as it sounds a bit crass so I abbreviate to FB!! :)

As a man (apparently) I wonder how many women here actually wanted an FB for the excitement of no strings sex vs. how many women actually thought they might find a good partner from an FB and actually did succeed in their quest.

Is it right to want to love more than one woman at the same time? or is that just a typical male thought? :chin: :crazyeyes

It sounds lovely and cute to me (what a man I am!!!) that some FB's become lovers. It makes me happy as a person, to know that people find a soulmate, even from a looked-down-upon system (FB's shock horror lol) There is a theory that a lot of people men/women sleep around because they are not getting their needs properly attended to, not that they would want to admit it. Still, I could be a bit nieve!!

I suppose until exciting, vigorous, non-anxious sex/love making becomes an accepted necessity for both partners instead of some people being repressed and therefore not yielding to each other, then there will always be a need for FB's.
At the end of the day, I have a saying which is simply "do what you have to do to stay alive!!!"

If you need an FB to get you through hard, stressful times, then it's a good thing right?

I suppose I would say that, being a man lol? :crazyeyes

I talk from my heart because I have only recently felt the urge to find a partner (argh) due to various dysthymia depression reasons. Its amazing how one's brain can be stimulated to new heights by "new" thoughts. I am positively feeling hyperstimulated and it's probably a good thing that I have had no choice at the age of 30+ but to learn extreme patience and self-control.

I am looking forward to "attempting" to give nice women a really good going over in a sexy way that really gets them going. You know the sort of thing! I won't devalue it by describing the details on here . That sort of thing is best left for the numerous, amazing tutorials, especially this one, or the bedroom, car, garage, blah blah..

http://www.caitlainscorner.com/content/view/197/70/ omg!

I have been looking on the various FB sites, but some of them seem to be a "bone fish company" organisation with template websites built around it.

For those women who have experienced such things, have you gained great pleasure through lots of FB's or do you sometimes feel a pang of something missing afterwards? I believe that it is more natural for women to feel a bond after a while than men (typical!!)

I firmly believe that everyone needs solid love from a young age via parents to adult/mature ages.
I have not experienced that yet, but I anticipate the possibilities.

I personally believe that the classic, feminine, girly, "nice" woman does need a damn good foreplay session with all of the classic traits before "lovemaking" happens. I like that word better than sex for some reason. Argh, great thing about the internet is that you can be honest with yourself and with other people without being ridiculed personally.

Take my words as they are intended. No games, no nonsense, no bullshit. I have not got time to play games with my life anymore. I hope you appreciate my honest opinions from my perspective.

I hope you all enjoy yourselves. The sooner that all women/men realise that love is an essential in their life and good lovemaking should be an essential part of life, then the better things will be for all.
Women should make sure to enjoy vigorous lovemaking and men should make sure to RTFM! There is no excuse not to give women massive ground shaking orgasms these days. I have seen enough anatomical diagrams to understand the erogenous zones. It isn't rocket science to put it into practice is it???

Men's interpretation of religion and applying it to destroying women's and men's sex urges by making them feel dirty has not helped at all. That's for sure!!!!!!

Sorry fellow men, but some of you are lost in this world and you will never know it.. Maybe one day, you can regulate your testosterone urges and not be led by your penises (I probably will end up like them argh!)

OMG, what a waffler. Such an armchair activist. Still, that's what I am good at..... :thumb:

EDIT lol I forgot to ask about the best FB sites that have real people on them........... Please advise.
Beep boop. I'm a bot.

Fb's /friends with benefits etc 2 votes

I have feelings sometimes
50% 1 vote
I found love!!!! yay!
0% 0 votes
I love him but not vice versa
0% 0 votes
He loves me, but not vice versa
0% 0 votes
I just use and abuse until sated
0% 0 votes
I need many different FB's!!! roar!
50% 1 vote
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