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Cheesecake vs yellow cake w/ frosting

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
The ice cream we get is buy one get one free so I was going to get two today. I have my eye on two of some limited edition flavors (in title) I am going to get one vanilla for the boring boyfriend so I have one flavor for myself (and I dont want to get 4 tubs) But I am in a dilema. And when it comes to food shopping, I can easily stand in one place and stare blankly at the different choices for a good 5+ minutes, then walk away, come back and repeat several times. Even when choosing something like, do I want bitesize tortilla chips or resturant style... I can spend an hour in a grocery store when I went to get 2 things, just wandering around trying to decide. Then I usually just end up calling people and asking their opinion. So I'm asking your help. I just can't decide. They both sound good and I don't know how much longer they will be in the store. I came back a week later after seeing the delectable girl scout cookie ice cream and they were gone. I still hate myself for that. I think I've seen cheesecake in other brands of ice cream, in fact, I'm quite sure I have; but that could have been a dream, and although I"m intrigued, I'm also slightly skeptical of the yellow cake one. So they both have equal pros and cons.

Cheesecake vs yellow cake w/ frosting 7 votes

Yellow Cake w/ frosting
14% 1 vote
85% 6 votes
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