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Vote for post of the week

**helen****helen** Deactivated Posts: 9,235 Supreme Poster
Here's the nominations for you to vote on this week -

Fiend 85 on Tampons Compak Fresh

"For the record, when you play a lot of sport on your period, it doesn't take long for things to get a little fragrant. Even without your period tbh, after a four hour summer training session it's all about going home to shower.

But no, tampons make me feel weird anyway, so shoving a bar of soap up there with one doesn't appeal."

Moroccan Roll on Saddam

"SADDAM Hussein has been stripped of power and thrown in jail and charged with crimes against humanity. The charges relate to the deaths of 148 shias in the village of dujail. and the israelis..."

Wildchild on I don't want a new boyfriend

"Of course you don't, it's too soon. It's like, when you're eight you're not interested in boys, and you can't ever imagine being interested in boys because they're annoying and smelly and stuff. But sure enough, a few years later you were proved wrong, boys were interesting after all! And the same is true now... you might not feel like you'll ever want someone else, but give it time and you will, believe it or not."

Skive on is it strange to still see you ex?

"Not really. We live in a small village and everybody's had a go on eachother at some point in time. Fucking inbreds."

RiSe & ShIne on the weather

"The British are fucking idiots.

They save up all year to fuck off on holiday for 2 weeks to somewhere like Spain, all the time moaning that the weather's pish back home.

But when it's sunny and warm and it costs you fuck all to enjoy, you cunts still moan!

Make the most of it, 'cause you all know damn well the minute it changes and starts to piss down with rain you'll all be moaning that wish you had the sun back."

Kermit on condoms

"They're not always that comfy, but they're more comfortable than AIDS."

Vote for post of the week 40 votes

Fiend 85
2% 1 vote
Morrocan roll
15% 6 votes
12% 5 votes
RiSe & ShIne
15% 6 votes
17% 7 votes
37% 15 votes
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