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I hate life

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
<b>Exactly, i hate life.</b>
i got no friends
parents dont talk to me
got no g/f's only eva had 3 cos no girls want me.
every one has lied to me and will not stop lying
people say im good looking but i aint. cos if i was as good looking as they say i am id have better luck with people.
every one says im gay, duno why
people always try to put me down and try to get at me. one person did this by spreading round my college im gona kill myself.
i got no life
i feel really ill
no one takes any notice of me
if i call epople they dont answer cos they know it is me
no one txs me back
and i wana just kill myself, no one would notice, least then maybe id save some poor child or adults life.
Dont bother replying as i was just getting feelings out, but it dont make me feel any better.thanxs for your time in looking at this and sorry i wasted 5 mins of your life.

If you have 3 friends, you are a rich man, no matter how much money you have.


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Sorry...I had to reply

    I remember feelin just the same feelins as you a couple of years ago and it only got better after I tried to kill myself. Oh no, I really shouldnt say that. Thankfully it didnt work bcos I relised how much it would have affected everyone if it had worked. Do your parents know you are feeling like this? Maybe you really are ill babes. I had flu at the time when I actully overdosed and I'm sure hat had a lot to do with it - feeling down and stuff.

    If you want to talk to a random person who might understand I would be really happy to try and help.

    You should run yourself a long hot bath and cry in it for a while. Crying helps so much. Really

    Reply if you want - I'd like to know how you are feeling

    Dee x
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i do cry, every day. people notice ive been crying cos you know u can just tell when someone has been crying. i duno wot to do any more. everyone i know is so happy, they got b/f's or g/f's and ive got no one, not even a mate whos close i can talk to, cos they to busy with their b/f or g/f or maybe i just got no mates.

    think i might as well go and kill myself, right a nice sweet little note and post it to everybody then overdose.(you didnt put that in my head, i just dont like the idea of cutting my wrists or dying of no oxygen)

    theres no point talking to my parents as they dont talk to me anyways and say, do what ever you want to do etc.


    If you have 3 friends, you are a rich man, no matter how much money you have.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    overdosing is horrible
    i thought u would just drift off - yeh?
    you dont..u start being sick and more sick and more sick. then u have regrets and you cant turn it round without telling someone.

    You dont really want to die. You would miss out on so much that your life has led up to.
    Do you really want to miss out on the day you manage to help someone else with your experience...or the day you meet the wonderful girl who is going to love you for what you are (cos that is gonna happen) and the day your first child is born? havin a son/daughter/niece/nephew who totally looks up to you?

    Theres so much to look forward to in life...might seem crap just now. But the whole inner peace thing can help a lot - forget all the fuckers who are too self obsessed to notice you are suffering - live for yourself. Who cares if people hink you are gay? who gives one flying shiney shit? You know, the whole school was saying that I was a lesbian the other day! I came in crying cos of something that had happened the night b4 and cos i didnt tell anyone what was up someone decided I had come out the closet! Well, I didnt let it bother me -in fact i laughed in thier faces and refused to tell them yes or no. people who are malicious just dont matter. concentrate on being nothing like them and you can at least say you have learnt from them and their retardedness.

    I'm so sorry people are making your life like this. I would kick some ass for you but right now all I can do is listnen.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Overdosing certainly isnt the answer here. Im really sorry that u feel so bad, maybe u should get some help as u r obviously deeply unhappy.
    Also not only can taking an overdose make u sick, but it can leave u with permanent brain damage, like a vegetable. Imagine still being alive after trying to kill yourself, and being left like that? Not a good idea. I really hope that u get yourself some help, go and see the docter or if u cant face that just talk to us on here...but please, anything but try and kill yourself, its just not worth it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by lolly:

    Also not only can taking an overdose make u sick, but it can leave u with permanent brain damage, like a vegetable. Imagine still being alive after trying to kill yourself,

    yep i should have continues that bit b4 - I really dont know much about it but thankfully my dad who is a gp noticed somethin was up straight away...

    are you still with us tonight - are you still online?

    dee x
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Well, i'll be your mate...you can email me anytime. What you are going through at College, i went through at school. From primary up to my GCSEs. I hated every day of it. I'm 22 now and 12 years of that was misery of school life. I ignored the name calling etc, and i thought when was it going to end. I couldn't talk to my parents, mum would have gone to school and made matters worse and dad would say stick up for yourself, so i sat back and took it. College however was good for me, it brought me out of my shell, however the past has and always will leave me with a confidence problem. When i started work, mixing with adults also helped me, and then i realised life aint so bad. Suicide is not the answer. All i can say is for you to tell yourself its not you its them, you are better than them. You concentrate on college, get a job and things will improve, you will mix with GROWN UPS and not these children who are making your life hell.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    im still online, but going bed at 9 o'clock i think.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    It's sad to hear that you are feeling like that. I often feel simular: worthless, friendless and all alone fighting my own battle.
    Have you tried talking to your gp or someone who could possibly help or simply listen? Do your parents know you are having problems? It might help talking to them.

    I do hope you get better

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