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any advice

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
ok, ive just had the strangest weekend ever! i need some advice so heres the story....
on sat nite i met a boy that use to go to school with about 2 yrs ago. we got on really well and kissed and some, dont worry i'm not a one night stand gal. he took me home and sed that we'd go out during the week for a drink. now this is where it gets complicated...
he works with my bro-in-law and he and my sis are good friends with him. they all had planned to go to the local for st pats day and when they heard about me and this bloke they invited me along. they are all really pleased that me and him are together. last nite he drunk a bit and sed that are we like official now. i sort of sed yes, but i'd had a few to drink as well.
now i've sobered up today, i'm completely shitting myself. for some reason after wanting a bf for a long time, i'm panicing that i'll lose my 'single-lifestyle'. what is wrong with me?????
another reason why its not such a good idea is that we are both goin uni in sept, him up north and me staying south.
what should i do? <IMG SRC="confused.gif" border="0" ALT="icon"> <IMG SRC="confused.gif" border="0" ALT="icon"> <IMG SRC="confused.gif" border="0" ALT="icon">


  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You're only panicking because things seem to have moved forward very quickly from the 'single-want-boyfriend' thing to 'relationship'. The best thing to do is to step back from it, decide whether you like this guy or not, and then explain to him that you want to take things easy.

    Having your relatives involved from the first doesn't help either.

    Make sure he knows your position on things if you do want to pursue this. Tell him how you feel, and agree to see each other on a casual basis - it seems to me that part of the problem is that you just don't know the guy well enough.

    And don't panic - it's perfectly normal to feel slightly unnerved by a new experience.

    Hope things work out. x

    <IMG SRC="smile.gif" border="0" ALT="icon">
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Just enjoy the time you've got together... don't worry about Uni till the time comes! <IMG SRC="smile.gif" border="0" ALT="icon">
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