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2 things

LostsenseLostsense Posts: 1,329 Wise Owl
1)When I lived in the flat previous to where I am now I had Mind come round to the flat to do an assesment for a floating support worker and they didnt get back in touch so I got in touch with them and they said someone would call me back and no-one never, now this was in about September. Well I had the most strangest phonecall on Monday just gone and it was Mind they was ready to get my 3rd party info from my gp so they wanted to know my gp details but because I was such in shock and couldnt believe it I put the phone down and went onto the Minds facebook page and left a comment and they replied to pm them so they can investigate further, I havent pm them as of yet. Why did they get in touch with me like 6months later? 🤣 Lol do they not think things may have changed in that time! I dont know if I will be entiled to a floating support worker now as I have a home support worker it depends if my home support worker is something funded (cant for the life of me think of the word) which I dont know if she is or not. Ive been forgetting to tell my home support worker but I have just text her litcherally what I have just put here so I will see what she says but I cant believe 6months later getting back in touch with me. They say better late than never but this is a joke.
2)I'm in face2face counselling and if I am correct I have had 6 sessions. Tomorrow is my 7th. Last week my counsellor asked me to think about what I want to talk about this week and I dont know?(which my session is tomorrow) I didnt feel it was really beneficial. I felt awkward. I want to make the most out of these counselling sessions because I only have them weekly until August and it is with my local rape and sexual violence project. I feel like these sessions are just going to be stopped soon because I have no idea what to talk about. I asked in other places and I have saved the post as I'm thinking I'm just going to show my counsellor the post tomorrow and the replies I had..which a few was..
It is hard to talk about what happened. Maybe if there is something that you experience during the week write it down in a journal this can be a flashback, anxiety or any thoughts that you may have. Or if there is something that you want to talk about but can't say it out loud, try writing it down and giving it to your counselor to read.
Sometimes don't think too much and let come what comes. I had ideas of what to do in some sessions and it turned out completely different.
Tell her what you think when you think of the assault......tell her about your experiences..how your life been since the assault and how it was before....did it effect you socially? Did it change your views on intimacy ? do you have any regrets about what happened....dear,talk about anything....even talk about how you don't feel like talking or do don't know what to say... ..
Im about to stop because I feel the same way. I can easily talk about mine and I just hate talking with no one talking back.
I dont think that I spoke a word to my councilor for a good month... It was a counciling session of me sitting in her chair..rocking and staring at her from underneath the bill of my hat... No hello no goodbye not a whole lot of anything. Finally, I sat there and just cried and she consoled me. no words.. that broke the barrier between her and I. Just remember you are building a relationship with this person. you dont know her .. it is going to take time.

I am just wondering if she will see through this and see how it is okay to just sit and cry with someone if that is how the session goes and if anyone else has addional thoughts or ideas?


  • LostsenseLostsense Posts: 1,329 Wise Owl
    My counsellor is off sick so I havent got my session today.
  • CharlotteCharlotte Posts: 229 Trailblazer
    Will you be able to have the session at another time or different day?
  • LostsenseLostsense Posts: 1,329 Wise Owl
    Its every Thursday
  • CharlotteCharlotte Posts: 229 Trailblazer
    Ok, how you feeling without a session? Here if you want to talk about anything
  • LostsenseLostsense Posts: 1,329 Wise Owl
    Like Ive got out of talking about all that with her (^) been back to the doctors this afternoon anyway so I'm progessing into getting something else sorted. Ive been to the doctors like 4 times in 3weeks and I am going next week again for more blood tests and 24h blood pressure monitor if the nurse is in this time and I keep feeling pressure in the left hand side of my head and also like twitches could be in my arms, going down to my leg, or in one or the other, the movements arent big and noticeable really but its a wierd feeling anyway been given a med to try today for what the gp said a migrane attack but shes sending me off for an MRI scan too but Care Co from my mental health team said it could be something called Sotasm (something like that)🤣 but it means theres no pain there when you think there is and I know there is so thats why I'm not giving up on this. I bet they will see a person in my head when I do have the MRI scan which I guess I wont get that appointment for like months. Ive got an inplant that needs coming out too as its been in for 3years this month and need it replacing but my surgery keep saying they do it/they dont do it/they do/they dont. Apparantly now they do so Im waiting for a letter to have that done too.
  • CharlotteCharlotte Posts: 229 Trailblazer
    Ok well done for going to doctors today, hopefully they get back to you soon on the inplant and also sort everything else out with the MRI and blood pressure monitor.

    How do you feeling about not being able to talk the above through with her?

  • LostsenseLostsense Posts: 1,329 Wise Owl
    I will just have to next week
  • CharlotteCharlotte Posts: 229 Trailblazer
    ok, stay strong you can do this
  • LostsenseLostsense Posts: 1,329 Wise Owl
  • LostsenseLostsense Posts: 1,329 Wise Owl
    Bumping this back up so I had my 8th counselling session today walked in and sat down she told me today was a review but I found her very snotty and her approach isnt what I am looking for she dosent have enough input as much as I would like a counsellor too she just lets me lead and I cant lead (Questions are good) she asked if I still wanted my session today but I said no because whats the point when I'm getting a different counsellor. The counselling and wellbeing manager called me and instead of just stopping ^^ and like a couple suggested I'm going to try it with a different counsellor because all counsellors are slightly different so my sessions have been moved to Tueaday afternoons with a different counsellor so we will see how that goes starting next week the 2nd.
  • SienaSiena Posts: 15,673 Skive's The Limit
    Hey lost sense!

    I completely understand this and your very first post. And the replies you had are veru good replies so not sure what to say except that they are right and you're talking with a stranger about something really personal. It's natural for it to take time.

    I've had sessions woth NSPCC which i think were counselling for trauma. It took me about 9 months to get comfortable. And then I had 3 months of being more comfortable. But it was onl6 meant to last 12 month's so im happy they said with me for that long. Point being is i should of appreciated that more but i didn't and then the last few sessions I felt like so much was left un said i just came out with it all and how I felt. When i wish i did that at the beginning. They are not there to judge and not to critise you. They genuinely do want to help. And won't be shock by what you swy

    Let us know how it goes ?! :)
    “And when they look at you, they won't see everything you've been through. They won't see the **** that turned to scars that began to fade with time. They won't see the heartbreaking things that shook up and changed your entire world. They won't know how many tears you cried or even what it was you were crying about. They won't see how strong you had to be because you had no other choice. What they will see though is how compassionate you are because you experienced pain. What they will see is how kind you are because you experienced how cruel the world is. What they will see is how good you are because you've seen how bad things or people can be. The difference between you and your experiences are who you choose to be, despite everything that could have turned you cold and unkind.You are the good the world needs and the best of us.” ~ Kirsten Corley
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