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LostsenseLostsense Posts: 1,329 Wise Owl
Feel like I'm dying. A few days ago it really hurt to swallow food and evan a sip of a drink. I also had ear ache and tooth ache so my support worker said it might be tonsilitus so she called my doctors and requested a call back and we haven't had one. She said we will go up and make a complaint on Tuesday but I'm going to phone them in the morning because my throat is really hurting, my support worker said my tonsils are swollen and it's making me struggle to breath aswell. What do you think it is?


  • louisa982louisa982 Posts: 294 The Mix Regular
    Hiya steph

    As you know, We are not medical experts here. I would say the best thing is to look at the NHS website: website http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/Tonsillitis/Pages/Introduction.aspx . Failing that you could always try 111 if your doctor is still not being helpful.

    Get better soon

    Louisa :heart:
  • LostsenseLostsense Posts: 1,329 Wise Owl
    Yeah I know that.
  • LostsenseLostsense Posts: 1,329 Wise Owl
    Update on this:
    I went to doctors Wednesday and I didn't get given anything been back today and been given a 5day course of antibiotics but I've got to take 1 3 times a day. Hopefully that will clear it up. Dr said it's just a sore throat but I've had it for 8days so she gave me antibiotics.
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