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How can I keep him interested?

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Well, I've ben told that this guy is going to ask me out tomorow- and we're very flirty and have expressed that we really like each other so I'm gonna be really chuffed if it does happen!
Anyway- he happens to be very busy out of school and I happen to be very busy during school- so I would be seeing him for a full day a week twice and at recess's and first thing in the mornings for all the other times. I want to know how can I keep him interested and make every moment we do get alone interesting, exciting and fun. Any suggestions if you've got the same probs or just know some exciting activities for when we do get time to be togetha!

Love Lil Lost Angel
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <IMG SRC="tongue.gif" border="0" ALT="icon">
I don't want him to get bored or look elsewhere! Please help!


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    We called it regestration in my day!

    Every moment you spend together won't be interesting, exciting and fun. There will be times you want to remove his kneecaps for being an insensitive twat or want to strangle him when he keeps rat-tat-tatting with his fingers on the table - it's totally normal.

    If he wants to go out with you, then great, he obviously likes you. Just make sure you're not going out of your way to try and make things 'perfect' - they never will be, doesn't mean you can't try together.
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