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Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Anyone had any experiences with these you would like to share?


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    the ones we got at homelands were shit, you are better off getting mushies
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Type R
    the ones we got at homelands were shit, you are better off getting mushies

    He's right on that :yuck:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Crazyredeyes; Have you found that different types of mushies produce quite different experiances, I used to get liberty caps from some hippies I knew and I found them to be very visual and not very instropective, but now I get mexican homegrown ones and they are closer to acid.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Type R
    the ones we got at homelands were shit, you are better off getting mushies

    did you get them at homelands or off the net? what type of one's were they?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    truffles arent that good at all, i hated them, one trip for £10, i was told to eat them on an empty stomach so i did, i ate them, had a can of lcl cuz i didnt know wot to expect, as they were kickin in i was laffin for nottin, really loud as well! got to my friends and the full effects were hittin hard now, i was confused, very nervous then all this turned to paranoia, i was with 2 friends, lad and a lass, i had paranoid thoughts about them, if they liked or hated me, was i welcome to be there! then i relized i cudnt handle this state of mind, so i had sum cannabis, had 2 more cans of lcl, felt alittle better but another 20 mins i was depressed and paranoid again, n feelin violent and having violent thoughts same with paranoid ones! my friend (the lass) had some speed so i had 3 lines of that, this time i felt much betta, happy n buzzin! not long afta about 40-50 mins later i started feelin depressed abit, but no violenece, now it was pure paranoia, i was walkin the streets with my pal (the lad) he tried to calm me down abit like twice which was no good! only night of my life where i felt the world was against me! scary nite but when i got in i had some more cannabis had about 4/5 hours sleep that night! for a couple months my eyesite was abit fucked, lil tracers on lots of things, but they have gone now! that night was only 4 months ago!

    peace stevey
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by bongbudda
    Crazyredeyes; Have you found that different types of mushies produce quite different experiances, I used to get liberty caps from some hippies I knew and I found them to be very visual and not very instropective, but now I get mexican homegrown ones and they are closer to acid.

    I have only had the mexican and the liberty cap ones before, tbh honest I cant really remember much about the differences as I have been doing quite a bit of acid lately.

    From what I can remember you are right the liberty caps were more visual more patterns in the walls and carpets, where as the mexican ones were more of a head trip with bendy walls :crazyeyes
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I've had a few heavy times on acid, I'm in no real rush to try it again, maybe sometime.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Well personally I've had nothing but good times with these.
    The only truffles I've tried are the Psilocybe Mexicana, so I can't comment on the Tampanensis ones.
    People say they're shit in comparison with real mushies, but I found them to be just as good. I've only had one experience with Liberty Caps and it was a very "Wooow! Look at the walls maaaan" trip, quite laid-back, but enjoyable.
    Cubensis I've had lots of experiences with on varying scales, and those seem to be a bit more headfucky, with more patterns, and a bit of laughter.
    Shogun I can't be arsed to write out two thingys so I'll answer your PM in here as well. :)
    The first time I tried truffles, we weighed out 10g each, and my mate decided he was going to put them into a sandwich to try mask the taste a bit (they're not really that bad but if you put lots in your mouth it's horrible), whereas I was just going to eat them straight, few by few, with a glass of lemonade to help. They arn't really that hard to eat you've just got to have something to get the taste away asap.
    Anyway, we sat and smoked a couple of spliffs and lazed about, trying not to think about the 'shrooms, but always with a little voice in the back of your mind "for fuck sake, when am I going to come up!?"
    You start to feel tingly and "different" after about 20 minutes, and after about 30 you begin to notice subtle things like small ripples in the walls, and something someone says that wouldn't normally be funny, makes you giggle. I generally can't remember the part where I start to feel the effects to wham, being at the peak and seeing the walls, the floor, everything around me breathing and morphing and sliding about, and the lights looking so beautiful.
    With truffles, at least with my first experience with them, I was literally in non-stop hysterics from start to finish. Anything anyone said or did made me piss myself uncontrollably, but it was so much fun. Personally, I'd reccomend them.
    On another experience I had with them we all went a bit mad and I ended up having 22g of the Mexicana truffles, which was the heaped handfuls. Again, I just ate them raw with lemonade, but eating that many was vile.
    Again, a very good trip, managed to headfuck myself a bit, and got very worried during the coming up phase that I wouldn't be able to handle it, but 5-10 minutes later all was good and well and I was enjoying watching the ceiling shoot off colours, and over-lap itself and morph and everything. It was so pretty. The corners of the room were so disorientated. One was right near me, the other was what seemed miles away, and the othere two were really close together. That was the cause of most of the headfucks. :p And those shiny blue toothpaste boxes with the big red lips on them.

    Heh. But all in all, I think a very nice trip, and if buying in bulk, quite affordable too. Enjoy.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    My mate at work had some...they looked like pigeon poo :/
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Very detailed and well laid out there for the trip on truffles, I think i'll go ahead and see what they are like.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Truffles :thumb:

    does exactly what it says on the tin ;)
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