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Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
On Friday night my friend had one snowball e, he says it was 85% acid and 15% mdma and bought it for £4, i find this hard to believe, he said he was tripping like fuck, full visual effects so maybe he isn't bullshitting but what i want to know, is it even possible to have acid and mdma in one pill like that?


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Re: Snowballs
    Originally posted by Shogun
    On Friday night my friend had one snowball e, he says it was 85% acid and 15% mdma and bought it for £4, i find this hard to believe, he said he was tripping like fuck, full visual effects so maybe he isn't bullshitting but what i want to know, is it even possible to have acid and mdma in one pill like that?
    anythings possible mate but ...if it was 85% l.s.d then he wouldn't have any way of knowing there was any xtc in it at all cos he would be tripping full stop. he might be aware there was something in it but what? well he wouldn't know unless he is some kind of chemical emotional effects expert. and i mean serious expert like i never met yet.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Re: Re: Snowballs
    Originally posted by morrocan roll
    anythings possible mate but ...if it was 85% l.s.d then he wouldn't have any way of knowing there was any xtc in it at all cos he would be tripping full stop. he might be aware there was something in it but what? well he wouldn't know unless he is some kind of chemical emotional effects expert. and i mean serious expert like i never met yet.

    he said he was tripping properly. He never tested it so he wouldn't know what exactly was in it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Rubbish, thats total and complete rubbish.

    First of all getting LSD in pills is very very rare indeed, its just not worth the money, a dose of acid goes for 3 pounds upwards but a pill sells for 50p.

    Secondly the ratio he talks of shows a total misunderstanding of the doseage of LSD compared with MDMA/MDXX. The threshold dose of MDMA is 30mg, so lets assume that the 15% is that much, that would mean the 85% would be; 85/15 = 5.666666, so;
    30 x 5.6666 = 170.
    That would mean that the doseage of LSD would be 170mg, thats 170,000mcg, given the normal dose is 150mcg we're talking about over 100 doses in each pill.
    If your friend did this I would suggest that he would have experianced serious mental distress or disorder, this is the kind of dose that potencialy could cause total mental breakdown, he'd have to have a very good hold of himself not to turn his brain inside out with a dose like that. I know someone who has done 20 drips before and came out of it ok, but he's a bit of a rarity.

    Snowballs started when a Latvian ex-soviet factory was used to produce hundreds of thousands of pills in the mid-90's, these were a strong dose of MDA and their invasion of the dance seane made a huge impact. They were a clean white colour and a sphere shape.
    Snowballs today are normaly MDA but not always and not in such high doses as the original ones.

    MDA is basicaly the amphetamine version of MDMA, which insted has a methampetamine basis to it. It is also a harder chemical on the body, especialy with females.
    MDA will cause a strong trip if taken in high doses, causing visuals, distortions etc. However anyone who has ever done acid or mushrooms will easily be able to tell between MDA and a pure trip. MDA is considered by many to have too many physical side effects to be a mind expanding, it has much more of a narcotic/doped feel than acid or mushrooms. Its not in the main a trip that you could learn anything from.
    "There was an occational LSD-like moment of profoundness, but by and large it was a simple intoxication with most things seeming quite hilarious. The intoxication was also quite extreme." PIHKAL.
    The comon side effects of MDA are eye wiggles, difficulty walking, distorted vision, fuzy head, difficulty talking, a slightly speedy edge, it also takes longer to work than MDMA with a come up of about 45mins to an hour.

    My first instinct when anyone says they have acid in their pills is to call them a liar, but it does happen, just very rarely.

    Personaly I would spit in this guys face if he trys to sell you anything with this kind of absolute crap. You would have to conduct very complex testing to know the chemical make up of your pill, also any ratios would be meaningless because of the sensitivity of LSD to light, heat etc. because they would be subject to drastic change given the condictions under which the pills were kept.

    It is also possible that the pills did not contain MDA but some other drug, if they were indeed 'trippy' there are several drugs that are more likely than LSD. There has been some pills of late that included 2CB or 2Ci but both of these are still very rare and difficult to test for because if mixed with MDXX a e-z test will not show them up.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You know your stuff.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Cheers, I'm actualy quite annoyed, I know I have a reference to the original snowballs from Latvia in a book at home somewhere but I cant find it. They nearly fucked hardcore for a while, the dose was supposed to be huge.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The snowballs he had were plain white and a sphere shape but he said he was properly tripping and others were as well who took them, some people took 6, others 3 but he only had 1.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    To be honest if he is selling these as he told you then he deserves to be given such a high dose of acid, I'd say that dealers who spout such bullshit should be dosed, 6 pills of 170mg acid in each sounds about right.
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