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Ahh, there's a girl called umm...let's call her skate.
And I really quite like her, although she has just split up from a boyfriend, and she has told me in general conversation that she doesnt want another relationship.

Thing is, I really like her, and I was finding it difficult to tell her, so I e-mailed her. Do you think this was a good ide (in hindsight cos the damage is done now). She knows I like her, but I'm hoping that she will realise how much, and hopefully go out with me sometime. i don't want to pressure her or anything, and I'm willing to wait for her.

But how long should I wait? I'm not really lookin for harcore advice, just opinions.
Thanks guys,
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  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    if u really like her then wait till she is ready or another way of looking at it is keep waiting until u dont fancy her anymore then there wont be a prob :P
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by shazza:
    <STRONG>if u really like her then wait till she is ready or another way of looking at it is keep waiting until u dont fancy her anymore then there wont be a prob :P</STRONG>

    I guess you're right, just needed to hear it i spose.
    Erm, what have you changd your name from? Cos you've been here a year and I don't recall you ever posting?!?
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    *An update*

    She got the e-mail, and she told me that she really liked it, and that she really liked me. But that she isn't ready to rush into another relationship right now and that she wants to stay single until she is ready. I was gutted because I really do like her, but all I can do now is take a back seat and be her mate.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Is that a refusal?

    No, it isn't!

    All she's saying is that she feels the need to take a break - so that the relationship which she will next have, with you, it seems, will not be suffering the shadows of the previous one. She is just being fair to you, I think, and that's no bad thing.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by DJP:
    <STRONG>Is that a refusal?.</STRONG>

    may as well be <IMG SRC="frown.gif" border="0" ALT="icon">
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru

    How long is your degree course?

    3 years?

    Do you have a degree now?


    Will you have one in the fullness of time, assuming that you work at it?


    Does that mean that because you don't have what you want right now that you'll never get it?


    Does the above statement sound like the whining of a rather petulant small child???

    Jury's out...

    She hasn't said no, she's said a delayed yes. That's all. Don't be so damn miserable about it! I know your mum said that you're special, but that's no excuse!

    Smile! At least you have someone that you are interested in and the capacity to love!!!
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I know, but despite all that I'm still not with her. I know I have 3 years to wait, but at the same time I like other girls as well. I only approached her because she looked the most approachable, although there are other girls who seem to be showing an interest.
    I'd feel really bad if I started going out with someone else only for Kate to say she was ready.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    This seemed an appropriate place to put this question--why do you go out with certain girls as opposed to others? How do you decide on who to ask out? looks? personality? do you care about her?

    You say that there are several "possibilities" at the moment... but how do you decide which one? There doesn't seem to be a point in dating someone you don't care about. Unless you're aiming to hurt her? Is that ever a goal with guys?? Do you just want to be with someone for the sake of not being alone?? That's hardly fair!

    Explain your species to me! Please!!!

  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Nicoleta:
    <STRONG>This seemed an appropriate place to put this question--why do you go out with certain girls as opposed to others? How do you decide on who to ask out? looks? personality? do you care about her?

    You say that there are several "possibilities" at the moment... but how do you decide which one? There doesn't seem to be a point in dating someone you don't care about. Unless you're aiming to hurt her? Is that ever a goal with guys?? Do you just want to be with someone for the sake of not being alone?? That's hardly fair!

    Explain your species to me! Please!!!


    I'd never go out with someone else out of spite, just because she said not right now. That isn't me at all. But I am not going to wait forever on a gamble, wondering if she will say yes, or if she will say no. And in the meantime there may, or may not be missed oppotunities.
    I liked her originally because of her looks, she has a nice smile, a nice body and nice eyes that attracted me to her in the first place. When we met up we got on very well and talk on a deep level sometimes, and a pointless one at other times.

    Maybe you have a point in me not wanting to be alone, until I split from my ex I had not been single for about 2-3 years, either having a 1 week thing here, or a 15 month thing there, I wasn't single for very long. But now I am single, I would like a gf, someone to love me, and someone I can love in return, which means I am not looking for just anyone, if you get me?
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Whowhere:

    I guess you're right, just needed to hear it i spose.
    Erm, what have you changd your name from? Cos you've been here a year and I don't recall you ever posting?!?</STRONG>

    haha i knew noone really took any notice of me but i thought u may have at least seen me about. o well u know me now (sorta)
    <IMG SRC="tongue.gif" border="0" ALT="icon">
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