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Now the US government and the CIA start trading blows

Could it really be that America is finally catching up with Britain? Can we expect accusations to start flying against Bush, just like Blair has experienced here?

This is great:

Rice and the CIA have a little disagreement

And in the meantime:

US forces 'to stay in Iraq for years'

Oh dear oh dear.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'm not suprised that US forces could be in Iraq for years, but I don't want British troops their for years.
    I think the ideal situation, when everything has died down (surely that won't take as long as 4 years!!!) eventually would be for non- US/UK force present in Iraq to over see it's rebuild.

    I don't think this is going to happen as America are going to want to get what they can from Iraq, which you could say is fair enough since they done 90% of the 'Liberating', but it shouldn't be about what they can get, it should be about setting up a fair government now that Saddam has gone.
    I think the fighters & non-combantants of Iraq are more likely to trust a force such as the UN once the fighting is over rather than the actual troops that many of them have been fighting against.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The US shouldn't get "want they want" out of Iraq. Iraq is not a bazaar for the Americans to cherry-pick on. They are not interested in a truly democratic, independently minded government, only in a puppet of Washington DC, and so far things are not looking good for them with not only Islamist parties but ex-Bathaa (sp.?) officials primed to do well in an election. Apparently the US might have a problem with the free democratic will of the Iraqis being expressed.

    The oil corporations of America are not going to want to let go easily. Far too much profit to consider morals, ethics, international law and the meaning of ‘other people’s resources.’

    That is basically why US might have to stay for considerably longer that they had promised to the Iraqis the Americans and the world. If they had any sense left in them they would pull out immediately and let the UN take care of the rebuilding of the country.

    The only hope is that the row about the true reasons of the war continues to grow until it explodes in the faces of Bush, Rumsfield, Rice, Cheney and every other corrupt warmongering crook who holds office in the US government.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Well think of the rhetoric employed by Bush and co, Al.

    "We will stay as long as it takes, and not a moment longer". Clever political speak for

    "We will stay as long as it takes to consolidate our control over the oil reserves and their exploitation and to install our puppet regime to oversee it all, and not a moment longer"
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I think the Americans should pull out completely. Despite everything the Iraqi people seem to trust the British troops and Britain in general. I'm sure the people in Bagdhad are hearing of how things are going on in Basra, how the people are left to live their lives with the only interaction from British troops being positive. it's just a pity our army isn't big enough to police the country.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by dantheman
    I think the ideal situation, when everything has died down I

    when everything has bleeding calmed down! tell that to the liberated ....
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