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Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
argh i hate the feeling when u come out of a realtionship and u NEED someone else. i dumped my boyf a month ago or something but it didnt end officially until he went away for 2months travellin. we're both missin each other like crazy and are still in love but my reasons for splitting up, well i just thought it was for the best because ive moved away to uni.

so now im left feeling like i need a man to make me happy because i feel so sad and alone. i miss sex and affection. i keep wanting to find someone when im walkin down the street and i go out hoping i'll meet someone but i dont coz i miss my boyf and end up crying.

the problem is, i'm not over him yet. and its not like i cant get a boyfriend, i know lads fancy me but im so damn fussy it drives me mad. after coming out of a relationship of over a year i want to find someone whos so gorgeous who i can just have fun with over the summer but i cant find him! i've even resorted to goin in chat rooms and putting my myself on that faceparty! ok so its only been a couple of weeks but i need him now. being single sux!

(ok so maybe i just needed to rant a little)


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    awww its ok, you can have me for a wee while :)

    But i know what you mean the way your feeling
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    Know the feeling..

    Sometimes, it can be good to get a rebound guy (althought not exactly nice) to have a laugh, and possibly show you that you dont even need one!

    But, you also need breathing space. You cant go from one serious relationship into another because it will send your head crazy.

    This is a time when you need your mates, and a pint down the pub checking out the fellas, this is when you need to have fun being single!
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