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terrorism profanity

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
i recently watched a program on channel 1 about neo-conservative americans proclaiming their "victorous success" against terrorism. i laughed wen i heard a certain women saying "for 12 years we have tried to get rid of sadam hussein and no we've done it"(thats a paraphrase by the way). i have 3 things to ay to that:
1) during the end of the first gulf war geroge bush snr urged the iraqi rebels to revolt against sadam and they'd be behind their backs all the way, but in fact they left them to get massacred and now wen they find the bodies of these slain rebels they blame sadams brutality, i can't help but feel that if george bush snr helped them there wouldn't be as many bodies.
2) every1 knows that at any time between 1991-2003 the americans could have crushed sadam easily, so y wait till 2003
3) this point will tell you why, pre-september 11th, geroge bush jr couldn't tell u who the taliban or Al qauda were, he prob couldn't have told u were afghanistan was, post-september 11th, america becomes hardline on terrorism and these groups that hold the world ransom, mmm... one day before 9/11 they were other countries problems, one day after it, the world is under attack, george bush and his dictak are oppurtunists who seek to do anything to get a publicity stunt, one the taliban was eliminated they "needed" to get rid of "axis' of evils", they found iraq an easy target, north korea was too close to china for comfort and cuba was too close to america, a middle eastern country with a hated leader is an easy choice. the truth is, sadam prob hasn't got weapons of mass destruction and if he has he wuldn't have used them, if he had he wuld have used them by now. this whole escapade of activites by america and it's hillbilly imbosile of a leader scares me, i fear for my safety, and the safety of 6 billion other ppl.


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i fear for my safety, and the safety of 6 billion other ppl.

    Much better to have Saddam and sons in power so they could continue to torture the Iraqi people.

    Al Qeada had two separate cells in two separate areas of the country operating out of Iraq. One cell sent a man with ricin from Northern Iraq to London in January.

    People have lot's of motives for being against the war. These include ignorance, being caught in a liberal time warp from a by gone era, anti-Americanism, misguided pro-every-Muslim-is-my brother, (forget the tortures or that Saddam killed millions of Muslims) and others.

    The world has changed. Arab countries are afraid we'll invade them if they don't really fight terrorism. Saudi Arabia told Muslim clerics to knock of the hateful, jihad speeches or they won't be allowed to preach anymore. The Middle East has the best chance for peace in years. Mostly, my country is safer from Muslim perverts...perverts who pervert the religion into a death cult.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You left out the actual reason...

    that the majority of the globe can see through the lies and fraud used to justify this illegal conquest and subsequent domination of a sovereign nation, unlike yourself who revels in believing the spin of hyopcritical, corrupt and authoritarian men hellbent on taking what they want by force under whatever pretext gullible souls like yourself will swallow.

    You truly are thoroughly brainwashed.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Like I've said, it's not that what you're saying isn't true. But, it's also not like we can decide we're not going to fight the terrorists. You sound as if there's no such thing as Al Qaeda.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    No, I sound like Al Qaeda is being blown up to fictitious levels so that every event can be linked to them as the "ubiquitous boogeymen". All according to a concerted and planned out agenda of continual fearmongering being perpetrated upon a public which, like yourself, is ready to believe any sensational claim because you ceased to question the possibility that every event beginning with 9/11 may well have been engineered by the Bush admin, which was previously sinking into the quicksand of rapidly declining public opinion from its entry into office up to that point.

    You simply continue to drone on, regurgitating claims which are patently made by your preferred right wing propaganda machine rather than go back and properly review the consistent thread of unanswered questions, spin, fraudulent coverstories and policy coups made by this administration since they took office. Look deep enough and youll see that quite to the contrary of your oft repeated littany of Bush and co's successes for America, they have actually set in motion institutional and policy mechanisms which are destroying everything that has made our nation great.

    You simply lack any contextual basis, due to your lack of awareness of anything political prior to Bush, by which to comprehend how much worse off the nation is both domestically as well as internationally and how increasingly similar our leaders are to those they are programming you to blame for all our ills.

    The real threat is right at home, in Washington. "Al Qaeda" is merely the buzz word they now have at their disposal to shut down public scrutiny whilst they continue to dismantle even more of the freedoms and rights you and the majority of our nation take for granted.

    Wake up and stop being so gullible before its too late to do anything about it, if you truly care about our country that is.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    clandestine, how can a leftist possibly agree on anything a right wing conservative government that america is, i'm not from america,i'm white and from Northern Ireland and i'm certainly not brainwashed or gullable from the "spin hypocrosy" you claim me to be a victim off. i don't know the mindset of the american ppl, yes i do agree that Al Qaeda are a serious threat to westerners but do u genuinely blame them, to say that america don't act superior over other countries and there is widespread institutionalised racism in our countires is plain ignorance, i admit that terrorism is wrong and shuld b abolished but its annoying wen american ppl say "we're victims of a terrible atrocity so take pity on us", where i live there has been a 30 year terrorist war and i've experenced it, then some new yorker come along and claims he knows more cos a plane crashed into a building in his city, wake up america, this has been a problem for decades, not something that can be fixed easily, hurry up and get the democrats into office and get some stability into the world, it's politics thats needed not B-52'S
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Pre 9/11 there was hardly ever any talk about terrorists as turlough stated,there will never be an end to terrorism.
    There will always be someone out there somewhere who will want to cause death and destruction to others and there will always be many people who want to do this to American,the only way this will change will be if America stop playing the "bully" in this lifewasting age that we live in.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    turlough, you obviously misread my posts completely. My comments were aimed at pnj (as usual) not you. I agree with your post.

    Im an American, old enough to be pnj's father and having worked long enough in the political sphere on both sides of the Atlantic to know how spin drenched and lied to he, like the vast majority of my countrymen, is.

    Sorry if you though my comments were aimed at you, but you should have paid more attention to what i said and youd see it supported your views.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    sorry clandestine, wen u readur comment again and realise that it was aimed at pnj, it all makes sense
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