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Thatcher, Thatcher, Milk Snatcher...



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    tbh, i think the NHS needs restructuring. but not in a way that turns it over to the private sector (i find it deplorable that companies think of making money out of other people's ills). they need to do something about the cost (both in money and time) of administration, which would go a long way towards encouraging more people to become doctors etc. another major problem is that the NHS is forced to buy in expensive drugs (ie they dont produce them themselves). now, how to solve all these problems i dont know, but i think idly throwing money at the existing system would be a bit wasteful.

    Nolite te bastardes carborundorum
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    If the taxes our government charges arent as high as those in Europe then how come we pay more on pretty much every single thing we buy in our everyday lives.

    You don't. I used to live in Brussels and made trips over to England so I could buy things reasonably cheaply. Admittedly, some European countries are cheaper but there are a lot that are more expensive (Switzerland, Belgium, Andorra, etc)
    Why do we pay the equivalent of $6 per gallon of fuel when the US pays less than $1.50 per gallon. Why do cigarettes cost $6 dollars here and less than 3 in the US?
    I can't explain the petrol but cigarettes are because smoking is a lot less common in North America. In Canada at least (where prices are similar) it's illegal to smoke in any public indoor areas in a lot of cities. If the British government tried that it would cause huge problems. People are educated in North America from a very early age that smoking is antisocial (& it is over here). But there's never been any initiative to SERIOUSLY reduce the number of smokers in the UK and if the government can make money off it then they will.
    Why are cars made in England more expensive to buy from England than they are once theyve been shipped to the continent or Japan and shipped back to england?
    Because it's more expensive to make English cars anyway as they have to be made right-hand drive. Once they've been shipped to the continent if there's any hope of selling them they need to have the price reduced to fit in with cars from the rest of the world.
    Every single thing you can think of costs more in the UK than in Europe or the US..Now if thats not down to tax then can you tell me why its so.
    Ha! I'd give anything to be paying what I used to for my groceries! So I suppose it's only the really useful things in England that aer more expensive, like cigarettes and cars. Never mind those useless things like food.

    Semper ubi sub ubi

    [This message has been edited by Snow White (edited 12-10-2001).]
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    MOK this is not a dig at you.

    I do a lot of voluntary work at a day centre for people with mental health problems in the 8yrs I have been helping, in the last 12 months the centre which has not increased the number of clients or grown in size but has gone from 1 manager to 3, the project/day centre workers have gone down by 2. The managers spend most of their time at meetings or doing yet more reports/studies usually on how well they are helping the clients. In reality the level of service has gone down and is getting less and less. The volunteers are leaving as we are having more and more work that we are not trained or meant to do put on us. There have been instances where the only NHS staff there has been in the building was 1 project worker , this member of staff was involved doing 1 to 1 closed door sessions with clients and the volunteers had to run the Centre, this is not fair on the clients, staff or volunteers.

    In the limited area of the NHS that I see, it really is a case of too many chiefs not enough indians. This cannot be blamed on the Tories.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You don't. I used to live in Brussels and made trips over to England so I could buy things reasonably cheaply

    What did you come to England to buy cheaply?
    I can't explain the petrol but cigarettes are because smoking is a lot less common in North America

    Sorry but thats rubbish.. Basics of economics proves this wrong. More people smoke in the UK so competition is greater. Competition leads to decreases in price so therefore we should have cheaper fags because we smoke more of them. Id also say that there are more smokers in the US than here. We may have a higher percentage of smokers but they have more actual fag buyers.
    Because it's more expensive to make English cars anyway as they have to be made right-hand drive.

    It costs exactly the same to make a right hand drive than it does to make a left. Even when the car is exported to right hand drive countries(Japan) it still costs less to buy a car from japan and have it shipped back here than it is to buy it from the country its made in(uk)
    Ha! I'd give anything to be paying what I used to for my groceries!

    How much less did you used to pay for groceries then?

    "Let's roll......" Todd Beamer, American Hero
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Balddog:
    Simple solution, pump more cash into the system.

    OK, how much? Where is it coming from? Who do you give it to, does each Trust get the same amount, does it go to GP, Health Authorities...

    God I WISH it was that simple. It not just about money, but the way we do things in the NHS that needs work..it takes time to completely overhaul the way things happen. For a start you have to make sure that the changes made DO improve things for the patient...
    Ah well, now they can see while they are dying of cancer or whatever other more serious diseases that we die of more often here in the UK.

    Small picture Balddog. Now look at the bigger picture. 85 year old woman with untreated cataract, can't see the table walks into it and falls over, breaking her leg in the process. Minimum ten days in an acute hospital, then onto cottage hospital for recuperation, weeks (if not months) of physio before moving into a nursing home. Oh and she STILL can't see. Of course an operation which costs approx £700 could have prevented all of that...

    As for cancer, do you know of a cure then?

    I don't think that is the fault of the NHS that people smoke, eat junk food, develop breast cancer, prostate cancer, brain tumours etc...
    Well im afraid that im totally unable to diagnose myself for anything more serious than a cold. Surely its the job of the NHS itself or the govt to educate people on when they need to go to the a&e.

    Yes, because people listen to everything the Govt says...DON'T SMOKE - YOU'LL DIE...has been a prominent message for several decades now...

    DRINK DRIVING CAUSES ACCIDENTS...of course, nobody does that anymore...

    Surely it is the job of people to take some responsibility for their own actions too...
    Higher taxes arent needed..The govt has all the money it could ever need to get the NHS up to par. They squander the cash on total shit..We are not a poor country, the high taxes we pay should be able to cover a working health system. Unfortunately our successive governments refuse to spend enough cash on the NHS.

    Agreed, successive govt have undervalued the NHS, and - apart from defence, police, ambulance, fire, and education - I personally cannot think of anywhere more important to spend our money.

    So why not vote the Tories back in, they were always good for a few quid, they never made cuts at all... <IMG alt="image" SRC="http://www.thesite.org/ubb/wink.gif"&gt;
    Is it such an achievement that *occasionally* people get seem swiftly?

    who said *occasionally*? I said it does happen, in every hospital, every day, but is never reported. Where is the story in the NHS doing what it should do?

    You believe too much of what the media says.
    Nobody is throwing anything at you. Its the govt that has fucked the NHS, not the NHS itself.

    Yes you are, you just don't realise it. Look at the feeling in what I said, I wish I was the only person who felt like that.

    By constantly attacking the NHS, the media portrays it as an institution on the brink of collapse. We need more staff, especially nurses and doctors, it takes YEARS to train either. Would you be willing to start your training now, having read what you have? I'm not advocating censoreship, just balanced reporting..
    Sorry but if the NHS is in such a great state then why is it in the news every other day having had some other awful incident. You cannot deny that the NHS is currently substandard and isnt achieving its goals. This is down to nobody else but the govt. They have tying the hands of the NHS staff and literally killing us.

    I'm not saying that the NHS is in a great state, just that it isn't a bad as portrayed.

    As for it all being the fault of Govt, let me ask you this - who votes for them? Who voted for 18 years of Tory Govt? Like I said the public should take some responsibilty for it's actions...

    "Perhaps my best years are gone, but I wouldn't want them back. Not with the fire in me now." - Samuel Beckett
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I forgot to add to my earlier rant: because of the extra paperwork generated by the 2 extra managers we got another admin person, and all the managers got new furniture, carpets, decoration ,computers etc etc but money for helping the project workers no chance. I know it all comes from different budgets but the priority really gets screwed up in my view.

    Here's a tip if you are going to have a mental health problem do so somewhere else.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Ok MOK, maybe I shouldnt rag on the NHS so much. I understand you are doing a hard job in awful circumstances and never receive any praise. Im sorry if I caused offence.

    I think we both agree that the government could and should be doing a hell of a lot more to help the NHS. Pumping money into it is a good first step right?

    BTW, if needed I would gladly pay more taxes to improve the NHS and I think most of the population would be willing to do the same.

    "Let's roll......" Todd Beamer, American Hero
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by peacechild:
    I forgot to add to my earlier rant: because of the extra paperwork generated by the 2 extra managers we got another admin person, and all the managers got new furniture, carpets, decoration ,computers etc etc but money for helping the project workers no chance. I know it all comes from different budgets but the priority really gets screwed up in my view.

    Here's a tip if you are going to have a mental health problem do so somewhere else.

    Sorry, missed your earlier rant, have now gone back and read it...

    Yep, I see that (and the problem you mention above) everyday. I sometimes wonder if we really to spend money in the areas we do, generating paperwork etc. In many cases I'd say, that like lots of other agencies, we spend money in crazy ways.

    Problem is that there are too many people, making decisions, who are looking at their career - their next step - rather than making sure that the job they are doing now, is being done correctly. There are too many 9-5ers (as we call them), and not enough concientious people making the decisions.

    This is why I asked Balddog where the money should go. If you give it to the wonrg people it will get wasted, and that's the tough part - who ARE the right people? The answer isn't as obvious as you'd think...

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Man Of Kent:

    There are too many 9-5ers (as we call them), and not enough concientious people making the decisions.

    I see the concientious people being squeezed out or the stress gets to much and they leave for before their own mental health goes.

    I'd like to say the answer is more frontline staff but it isn't that easy, I wish I had the answer but I don't.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Seriouslt fucking ironic...

    I was told today that my Trust has been selected to pilot the sending of patients abroad...

    After my previous comments, I thought was was hilarious.

    SO what have we been told to send? Hip relacements and ..... cataracts.

    As we are the closest place to France, I guess it makes some sense...We have been linked to a hospital in Lille (just south of Calais) and a couple of us have to go out and visit...now if I can just persuade my boss to arrange it for the Champions League Game between Lille and Manchester United in a week or so...(obviously tickets at my expense..)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    What, most of new labour 'old problem' seem to neglect is taht we currently have a more right wing govt. thatn we ever had under the 'Tories'.

    They also forget that they have a lot to thank Maggie for...

    Without her Labor would of never been elected because of the Trade Unions extreme Left Wing Views, and the majoritive control over the party, its pretty well documented over what happened the last time that Labout were in govt. the TU's brought this county to a shambles, and made it a laughing stock. If Thatcher had not broken them then the majority would NEVER of voted for labour.

    And as for sticking true to you Socialist values, social concience - where the fucks that gone then Tony?? or should I be asking the Prime Minister Mr. A. Cambell???

    The Labour Govt has stealth taxed us, fucked about the NHS (which was improving) since 1997 and Herr Blairs (sig hiel! Sig Hiel!)reign of terror began Gordon brown has systematically increased tax on everything lining the govt. funds with cash that he has no intention of spending. Speaking to a Head of a Secondaery School, she cannot find the funds to complete repairs, the NHS waiting lists have increased there are less beds, nurses, and we are now forced to recruit staff from overseas becasue we cannot meet the pay/time requirements of our own medical staff. Tansport has not improved, and labour have sluched money into Railtrack, the Dome, and christ knows what else, all of which admittedly were orig. tory initiatives but which labour could not control. They have waisted our money, and bowed to the US like a lap dog in everything. At least in the Gulf maggie had her own ideas of what was required.

    Labourites go on about the sleaze - Cash for questions, was wrong. Resignations, there was bed hopping, yes, in this liberal age surely an MP who is doing his job can be forgiven a few transgressions, have you never slept around, or two timed??

    this govt. is without a dobt commiting far worse atrocities, Jo Moores, Peter Mandelson, spin FAR greater than anything seen before Labour control media images of itself by control of the beeb, and bowing to hte Sun the Mirror et al.

    to quote a recent memo - 'Today would be a good day to bury bad goverment'


    Sex is the only liquid center at the great Newberry Fruit of friendship. - Jilly Cooper 1937 -
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by dazed_dan:
    i find it deplorable that companies think of making money out of other people's ills

    Why? I thought it was a central tenet of what we call civilisation that everyone - everyone - is entitled to receive a fair profit on their labours. Healthcare providers provide a service. We pay them for that service. If they do the job right, they make a profit. I struggle to see why we should cling to some taboo about not profiting from others' ill health. What next? No profit for refuse collectors, undertakers and the like?

    You're damn right we need a rational code of morality and ethics. But not much progress can be made in that direction while we've still got a majority ranting about gods, devils, souls, and absolute morality, and using an ancient book written by ignorant nomads as a guide.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Nice thread.
    Just a little point about the Wonderful NHS that I need to query.
    In my area they have had to bring nurses in at great expense from places like South Africa. This I dont mind, except I would prefer the money to stop within the local economy, but what I do mind is the fact that we have thousands of asylum seekers in the local area too. Some of these asylum seekers are very highly qualified docters and other medical professionals (it stands to reason the majority of people that can fund their flee from persecuton have professional jobs). Why cant the NHS use these people that are more than able, and totaly willing to work. It would prove cheaper and they would probably get a better job done for their money.

    Also just another little note to a post earlier, Andorra is a tax-free Kingdon, thats why lots of people go there for the day to buy stuff that is CHEAPER than in the U.K.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Snoop:

    Also just another little note to a post earlier, Andorra is a tax-free Kingdon, thats why lots of people go there for the day to buy stuff that is CHEAPER than in the U.K.

    everywhere is cheaper than the UK. we get taxed on tax

    ˆMấ§ŧế®° <IMG alt="image" SRC="http://www.contrabandent.com/pez/games/poke/005.gif"&gt; ¤ĐєvĩŁĩ§Ħ¤™
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Mackenzie, I understand what you're syaing (i think!), and i agree that it is only fair that those who provide healthcare services be paid forit. hell, if not, we'd have no health service at all. my problem is with corporations (such as the insurance giants and drug firms of the US and continental Europe) who are, lets face it, far more concerned with the moeny they can make than the people they can help. shareholder's dividends, and share prices in general, rely on business being efficient, ie charging the maximum they can for the minimum of service. any profit is extracted for shareholders. balance that against the NHS, wherein all money made on items such as prescriptions does not leave the system, but is reinvested in order to provide better treatment, employ more doctors etc etc. all the while, this is maintained at an artificially low price, essentially through government subsidy.

    okay, i admit that the NHS is far from being the best and most efficient healthcare service in the world. but it does what no other system truly can: it provides equal treatment for all. unlike the two-tier system of health insurance in the US, unlike the french service whereby dozens of immigrants (illegal perhaps, but they still have a right to treatment) cannot afford the hugely expensive drugs that we get cheaply on prescription. the reason these systems cannot provide for everybody is because not everybody can afford it. thus, even accounting for acts of generosity or government subsidy, you can be refused treatment, or wind up excessive debt.

    the NHS is founded on what i believe to be one of the firmest principles ever stated: everybody has the right to free and equal treatment, no matter what their means of payment, no matter what their social status or non-status. that is why i object to private healthcare, which, with the bets will in the world, is run not by a government that acts in the interests of the people, but by a company in the best interests of itself and its shareholders.

    "we have intercourse in every direction" - Karl Marx, The Communist Manifesto (honest!!)
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