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E questions

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
For the more experienced user, if you could answer some/all/any of my questions I would be grateful! Some are more down to personal opinion.

How does the effect of E relate to a persons height and weight?

How long does it take to come up?

What is the best thing to do the following day to feel better?

Is it normal to be really really cold?

What happens if you mix alcohol with e?

Is it really wrong to take it when the people or person you are with is not aware that you have done so?

Sex on e..is it worth it, is it any better than without?

Um..that's it for now! Thanks x


  • SkiveSkive Posts: 15,285 Skive's The Limit
    Re: E questions
    Originally posted by PussyKatty

    How does the effect of E relate to a persons height and weight?

    It can make you lose weight as it suppresses apetite, and often ecastay is used while dancing which also leads to a loss of weight.
    How long does it take to come up?

    Anything between 20 mins and an hour - depending on what you've eaten, you matabalism (sp) and the quality of the pills!
    What is the best thing to do the following day to feel better?

    Well generally I smoke loads of ganja and drink till I pass out - not very healthy but a good laugh. There are various remedies containing vitamins and other substances too help boost and replenish your seratonin levels - but in my experience lots of sleep is the best remedy.
    Is it normal to be really really cold?


    ...although ecstasy does fuck with your internal thermostat which is why people often over heat. Ecstasy fucks with you senses and it is quite common to have shivers and tremors. It also makes you want to feel warm and cozy, which could be mistaken for feeling cold I suppose.

    What happens if you mix alcohol with e?

    Generally not a good idea though every experienced user does it. Alcohol is generall not a good drug to mix with anything - it makes you dehydrated and is a depressant, where as ecstasy is a stimualnt. In other words the risk of fuckin up is increased the more alcohol you drink.
    Is it really wrong to take it when the people or person you are with is not aware that you have done so?

    It's not fair becasue peopl using ecstasy are pretty obvious. You gurn, your pupils look like 2 piss holes on the snow, and your very luv'd up.
    Sex on e..is it worth it, is it any better than without?

    Some people say that it's shit - I on the other hand believe it's great. Ecstasy is a very touchy-feely drug and once my mind turns to sex while I'm using E, I feel very very horny and it takes me a great deal to think about anything else.
    Weekender Offender 
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Re: E questions

    How does the effect of E relate to a persons height and weight?
    There isn't really a fixed rule. My mate's a tiny size 6 and can do more than my b/f's mates who are over 6 foot and 14 stone. The only way to tell is by experience. Of course, different quality pills will increase/decrease the number u can take before becoming a gurning mess in the corner.

    How long does it take to come up?
    Again, no fixed rule. I've come up like a rocket in 15 minutes on one pill, and after 2 hours in a very floaty gentle way after taking 2-3 pills. Ur mood/what u've eaten/how tired u are/the company u're with/temperature all affect how quickly u come up. Also, if u spend the time waiting to come up and analysing how u're feeling all the time it's guaranteed to take fookin' ages! Best thing to do is relax and forget about it. Chat with mates and enjoy the night and it'll happen sooner and better.

    What is the best thing to do the following day to feel better?
    Sleep! But that never really happens.... be with people u like, preferably who are feeling the same way as u. There's nothing worse than feeling like poo and having unsympathetic people around u. TLC is definately in order the day after. If u're by urself then drink tea/fruit juice, brush ur teeth, have some mushroom super noodles if u can stomach any food, take some 5-HTP (help u sleep and increase ur levels of serotonin to help ur mood) and go to bed - even if it's just to watch TV.

    Is it normal to be really really cold?
    Never had this in a club, but have when I've dropped at home. Drugs send ur body's thermoregulation down the drain - look at the effects it has on girls' nipples..!

    What happens if you mix alcohol with e?
    Never tried it cos I find everything tastes like shit after a couple of pills and if I'm clubbing I'm too busy dancing to drink.

    Is it really wrong to take it when the people or person you are with is not aware that you have done so?
    Depends on the person I guess! I've never done them with people who didn't know. For me though, it's all about sharing the experience - makes it twice as enjoyable when u can be mashed as a whole loved-up group :-) From safety's point of view, probably best someone knows. Just in case....

    Sex on e..is it worth it, is it any better than without?
    If u're both in the right mood, and it the right place, it's brilliant :D
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Re: E questions
    Originally posted by PussyKatty
    How does the effect of E relate to a persons height and weight?

    How long does it take to come up?

    What is the best thing to do the following day to feel better?

    Is it normal to be really really cold?

    What happens if you mix alcohol with e?

    Is it really wrong to take it when the people or person you are with is not aware that you have done so?

    Sex on e..is it worth it, is it any better than without?

    Um right spos ill just start at the beggining.
    first of all the effect of E are dependant on a lot of things, it is true that a smaller person may feel the effects more but there are other things to be taken into account too, like there own natural tolerance.

    It can any amount of time to come up from 15 mins too 2 hours, just depends on the conditions, a lot of people take a long time to come up on there first time.... i took 1.5 hours

    I find the best thign to do the day after is to just chill witrh your mates and smoke some weed.... one of my friends claims he likes to have a wank the next day but never really appeled to me.

    I find that myself and my friends said too that they can sometimes feal really cold on pills but some peopel dont.

    From my experience mixing alchohol with pills didnt do much. Dont be fooled that you will overheat if you drink on pills. it does increase the chances but you will be fine unless you dont drink any water and are dancing in a club all night.

    Depends if the person you are with would be offended if you took E and didnt tell them, me and a lot of my mates have taken E and not told some of the people we're with but they usually notice.

    Some peopel have said sex on E is amazing but personally i have found it hard to get it up on pills, but i spos dont knock it till you tried it, other people find it easyer to have sex on pills.

    Anyway hope that has answerd your questions
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Re: Re: E questions

    Not a good idea to take it with alcohol. The first time I ever did it, one of my mates friends took both too much alcohol and too much e, and he spent most of the evening trying to throw up.

    I think it has something to do with how much you eat before hand. my friends always tell me to eat a big meal like pasta, which will both stop you from feeling sick when coming up, and make the next day better. Also state of mind important cos I have found that if I was really excited about doing it, I come up pretty much within 30 mins, cos e responds to your inner feelings, or something like that!

    Another of my friends always drinks loads of milk when he comes back.

    Sex on e is great! For starters you got more energy, secondly you are loved up. Did it once and both of us couldnt stop laughing, so maybe not the most romantic thing to do!:p
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    First of all the shivers that some people get while on pills arent normaly to do with MDMA. If you have meth in your pills you can find that you have shivers even in a really hot club.

    As for doing pills with someone who doesnt know you are doing it, I wouldnt bother, you'll have to try and hide it and that will ruin your enjoyment. Its by far the best to do it with people you know and people who know what you have taken in case something goes sideways.

    I've never found sex on pills very good, theres a post recently about sex on drugs, its not really a great idea unless you are used to the drug first.
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