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Hash in Cannabutter

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
Hey.............anyway my question involves knowledge of cannabutter made from hash.The way I make it is by getting a spoon,putting butter on it and crumbling hash on it and heating it on the cooker.I only heat it until it starts bubbleing for a few seconds and then pour it into a glass but tonight I heated for longer and after about 30 secs it stopped bubbleing even though it was still on the cooker and the butter turned black,so I am asking if this is a good thing or not,did I destroy most the the THC or did I get most of it out?I made my friend a batch too but heated it for a shorter time and his didnt turn black.I really need to know becuse I dont want to be too baked (like trippin) tomarrow,just a good normal high. thnks


  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    the best thing to do is cook it in a pan. crumble say a quarter in to quite a lot of butter (check the hempfiles for exact amounts in the eating section, easy to find) and cook it for a while, then leave it in the fridge for quite a while and make it into space cakes\ cake\ anything with butter in the recipie.
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