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Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
Why, even among experienced drug users, is heroin the ultimate taboo? You could tell a fellow drug user you've had nearly every drug under the sun and they wouldn't care but the moment you mention heroin, you can just about guarentee they'll turn up their nose and think of you as a complete waste of space twat. Why? I mean other drugs are addictive, other drugs have a bad rep for being cut with a lot of shit (look at speed).
So my question is, to users of or former users of heroin, what is it like? When I've asked in the past all I get is "URGH! You dirty junkie" etc etc, and that pisses me off. What are the down to earth facts - do you always react badly on your first time? Is the high really all it's made out to be? Exactly HOW addictive is it?
Please, if you're gonna reply with those stupid "you're a fool for even wondering about heroin" messages, please don't bother, all I want are the down to earth first hand facts and figures.


  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Well , considering no one has posted anything, i will!!!

    I have not used it, but my mate has, and she told me what it is like and why people think of it being dirty..

    When people think of heroin, they see those dirty 'crack' (for lack of a better word) houses, they smell and are DIRTY and there are people lying everywhere completly wasted, she said that she has been to one here in South Africa and she said that it scared the shit out of her!!! Also, there is this the risk that you might catch something, Aids ect from dirty needles!!!

    What is amazing to me is the way that the movies play a role in our perception of drugs, in most movies , herion is portrayed in the same was as i did above, then you look at 'Pulp Fiction' when John Trovolta had his little box, with a clean needle and clean equipment, it gave the herion an appealing feel - if you know what i mean!!! It made it look cool!

    As for does it always hit you in a bad way the first time, she said that it is the highest high that you can ever get (i think) next to crack cocaine!

    Hope that some of your questions have been answered!!
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The only thing I can compare it too is codine, which I know isnt anywhere near as strong but is similar.
    I just felt very very relaxed, your mind just turns to mush, you cant really focus on anything and you couldnt worry about anything even if someone nasty poked you with a stick. It wasnt really a 'high' as such though, it is a downer after all.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    never done it, but supposedly the first time you feel very very sick, then after that you dont mind it
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by duffy_2k
    never done it, but supposedly the first time you feel very very sick, then after that you dont mind it

    Yeah I heard that the first time you do it you become sick because your body rejects it or something. Bongbudda...when you did it did you become sick or were you ok? Did you find it addictive at all? I mean when you were sober again, did you crave it or anything?
    What does everyone think is the safest method of ingestion? Personally, I'd have to say smoking it.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    heroin. i had a love affair with the stuff. i'm not an educated man but i am reasonably inteligent. inteligent enough to not become a junkie? inteligence doesn't come into it. strength of will, ambition, lifestyle, economics, great family background or deprived ...none of this has any bearing on wether heroin will fuck you.
    yes the first time you will throw up. it's over and done with in mins though. then your back to the buzz. it's inferior to raw opium
    buzz wize. it makes you comfortably numb. you feel nothing at all.
    you sit in the corner very sleepy and have incredible dreams for very short moments. if you suddenly have to get up and do something you will. the buzz is then gone. but your still comfortably numb. if you have enough to become incapable of getting up and handling any responsibilities thats great.
    there is know way of knowing if you are going to fall in love with this stuff or walk away thginking that, that was nice but i won't do it agaian. no way of knowing. it's a bit like inviting a demon into your very being ...is the demon going to posess you or are you going to walk free?
    heroin addiction turns out to have almost no long term effects on your mental opr phyisical health. the crap thats often in it is unpredictable.
    to become physicaly addicted you would have to have at least one hit a day for about a month ...smoking or injecting is a hit ...there's no difference in the addiction stakes. but that very first hit can actualy set you off on a journey of heroin intrigue.
    once a week ... once a month ...now and again ...if you go down that road you are almost certain to become addicted.
    if you become addicted you will put heroin before your friends and family, before food, before any moral beliefs you may hold ...and you'll somehopw justify all the shit things you do to those around you ...who will slowly fade away from you. you will only be able to associate with fellow junkies ...they will be the only people who "understand where your coming from man".
    when you decide to end the love affair and get your life back in order is when you truly begin to understand addiction and how helpless and pathetic you have become.
    i didn't frequent crack den type places. i was a very active and reasonably together person on the outside, involved in many things on a daily basis. my nieghbours wouldn't have had a clue.
    until that is my physical appearance started to deteriorate. at six ft 2in it looks a bit freaky when you wiegh 9stone.
    the buzz isn't even that interesting. trouble is, you know not if it's going to hold you in it's spell until you try it. if you taste it and your the one it mesmorises ...your fucked.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    nice post morrocan.

    I also want to try hroin once. This summer it was party all day long and I came pretty close to do it, but just didn't had the right plug for "safe" (well, safer) heroin. Then at the beginning of winter my friend did heroin like 4 times in 3 weeks, I was suppose to do some with him, but I got scared for him, he was always talking about it, so I refused to be with him for his "last one". He didn't touched the stuff since, so maybe some day I will try it to see. I'm the kind who like to try everything once.

    Last week-end I meet a guy on smack and he was just too fucked up to have any fun, he talked about when you live on the street, you would do everything to get cash for a hit, that you don't care about anybody. This is the state of mind I never wanna come close to.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Imightbewrong00
    nice post morrocan.

    I also want to try hroin once.
    Last week-end I meet a guy on smack and he was just too fucked up to have any fun, he talked about when you live on the street, you would do everything to get cash for a hit, that you don't care about anybody. This is the state of mind I never wanna come close to.
    sadly this is the state of mind that heroin reduces people to. remember not everyone ends up on the street. i eventualy went into a very expensive rehab clinic in kent, the place was full of very well heeled junkies ...even a lord. but rich or poor, if you become addicted then you have to have that powder. that lifeless bit of dust controls your every waking moment.
    i believe that legalizing it by way of prescription would actualy protect peoples health and screw up and eventualy kill of that side of organised crimes very easy money. big money. it would also take away the desperation from an addict. addicts can actualy do a days work like the rest of the population if his/her mind is free of the worry about where that next hit is coming from.
    crime would plummet and the jails not be so overcrowded. our streets would be a lot safer.
    i have to say it ..."DON'T BOTHER TRYING IT!" but ...........
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I didnt get sick but codine is quite a different animal to heroin, its really not in the same league.
    I've maybe only done it half a dozen times and I havent felt any real burning desire to do it again.

    If you really want to do an opiate I would suggest that you do codine rather than heroin, your less likely to get sick and its not as addictive. BUT as morrocan has said, you are inviting a demon in with opiates, and he's the bloke to comment, not me.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I was on heroin for just over five years but been off it two years.If your evan thinking of using it doesnt realy matter what any one says , chances are you`ll try it anyway thats what i did.Il just try it once i said to myself that was it after about month of taking it it had a prity good hold that i could get out of.
    This is the way most addicts start i guess i mean no one sets out to be an addict do they? It changes the way you look and think about things.Your life revolves around getting your next bag or getting the money for the next bag.Doesnt matter how much money you`ve got its guna go on gear .You cant do the normal things like just go off in car somewhere ect cos you need the gear if not for now then tommorow.
    Why do you need the gear i hear ?? because when you dont have it of cause you start to withdrawl from it which unless you`ve been thru it you cant realy understand how bad it is.Its the second worst feeling ive had in my life .Flu like they say but every bone in your body aches you cant sleep cos u cant keep your legs still if you do drop off you`ll have bad nightmares which will wake u and this goes on for at least a week.
    If you decide to try it or if you already have il bet you ul want it again then again then you`ll know what will come next .Am not trying to be awfull but take it from me if you try it you`ll wish you`d listened to this or any of the others comments good look in what you decide any way keep us informed eh
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Re: Heroin
    Originally posted by z0ma
    Why, even among experienced drug users, is heroin the ultimate taboo? You could tell a fellow drug user you've had nearly every drug under the sun and they wouldn't care but the moment you mention heroin, you can just about guarentee they'll turn up their nose and think of you as a complete waste of space twat. Why? I mean other drugs are addictive, other drugs have a bad rep for being cut with a lot of shit (look at speed).
    So my question is, to users of or former users of heroin, what is it like? When I've asked in the past all I get is "URGH! You dirty junkie" etc etc, and that pisses me off. What are the down to earth facts - do you always react badly on your first time? Is the high really all it's made out to be? Exactly HOW addictive is it?
    Please, if you're gonna reply with those stupid "you're a fool for even wondering about heroin" messages, please don't bother, all I want are the down to earth first hand facts and figures.

    I smoked it once out of plain curiosity and it made me really really relaxed and dazed nothing europhic or great and I did it out of pure curiosity. People tend to look down on it because of what it turns the person into. Usually a thief, dirty etc Maybe not the majority but most users this happens to. I had a friend who i grew up with who ended up a smackhead (heroin addict) and he told me never ever to trust him cos he knows if it came to it he'd do nearly anything to get it and this was from a good friend!! he now keeps away from friends and family for fear of what he could do. He also has AIDs now. So I was pretty stupid to try it myself, I could have been trapped. So I wouldnt advise anyone ever to do it,
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