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Wot do u people think of Rage against the machine and their message.

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Hi their this is actuly my first post on any of the boards /
I was just woandering if any of u ever listen to the rock band rage against the machine.
I personaly think rage have a good message on social issues in America like the law and the jumal case .
But i do feel that their extreme left wing views our at times way over the top. The lyrcs our to abstarct and it sometimes sounds that they do encourage violent revolutions . Basicly if u dont know who rage our they our a policatly charged rock rap kinda of band . (no their not like limpbizkit.). At 1 time i uste to go to the rage board but the cia shut it down after the wtc incident.


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I can guess their stance on the Jumal case and I despise them for it.

    They are the normal left wing scum that try to get attention and popularity by supporting whichever alternative cause is running that day.

    They are a joke.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Balddog:
    <STRONG>I can guess their stance on the Jumal case and I despise them for it.</STRONG>

    Despise them for standing up for what they believe justice to be? I presume that you have looked into the 'facts' of the case then...and that you don't support the 'free Martin' campaign...
    <STRONG>They are the normal left wing scum that try to get attention and popularity by supporting whichever alternative cause is running that day.

    They are a joke.</STRONG>

    You can be SO narrow minded at time Balddog.

    I like RATM's music, but disagree with many of their political beliefs. That doesn't mean that they have nothing to say, or don't have any valid arguments.

    The song "Testify" is a good read on the reporting of the Gulf war. It is a interesting statement on how the real reasons for the war were hidden behind a 'new Hitler' facade, rather than the reality. Personally I believe that the protection of oil supplies was a perfectly good reason for warfare, but that wasn't what we were told at the time. Remeber 'protecting Kuwaiti democracy' or the alledged murder of babies in Kuwait City's hospital...

    You may not agree with them, but you shouldn't dismiss them completely...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I despise them for believing his is innocent. He is a murderer and under the laws of his country, he should be put to death. Yes I know about the case . I have no doubts that he is guilty.

    For the record I do support the Free Martin campaign. Not for the reasons you think though.

    How exactly am I being narrow minded? Because I dont agree with their views? I think their views are a total joke and I believe them to be nothing more than publicity seekers. I didnt dismiss them completely despite what you think you read.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Would anyone care to share the details of the Jumal case?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Which song has those views in?
    Got a link?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    Back in 1981, Mumia Al Jamal shot and killed a young police officer named Daniel Faulkner over in Philadelphia. Jamal was found guilty of the murder by several courts and sentanced to death. Hes still on death row at the moment.

    Leftists all over the world are screaming that he is a political prisoner and there was nothing but racism involved. <IMG alt="image" SRC="rolleyes.gif" border="0">
    Of course they conveniently forget that he is as guilty as Hitler.

    Pro Mumia Al Jamal website HERE
    Pro Justice website HERE

    Feel free to read both those websites..His court appearances were a joke and he didnt get a fair trial originally. That doesnt affect the fact that he is so obviously guilty and has been found guilty by several other courts.

    Even today the justice system isnt arguing that hes innocent, just that he got an unfair trial.

    [ 05-01-2002: Message edited by: Balddog ]
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I like their first album, and some of their third... I think that they have some valid points to their lyrics, and I appriciate the way that instead of jus singing about it, they actually go and do other stuff to help the causes they believe in.
    They have songs which, for example, highlight the faults in the education system, and there are faults to be highlighted.

    Just because you don't agree with their views, doesn't make them a joke. They go about their message spreading in a fairly successful way, they support causes that they believe in, and their songs have pretty good lyrics that get the message across.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yes but Rage are not arguing his inocence but instead the fact that every 1 deserves a fair trial ok.
    That includes poor black people .
    Plus jamal was a rastas . & rastas have to be the most chilled out anti violent people in the world . I think he did shoot the cop but his brother was being attaked at the time by the cops . His brother got shot by the cops to . At the end of the day people shouldetn be afraid to challenge authority . With out bands like rage how else would u get a fair insight into the world news. Read ur newspaper they would rather talk about a labours mp baby than disscuss wot capatilsm is realy doing to the world/.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    "Read ur newspaper they would rather talk about a labours mp baby than disscuss wot capatilsm is realy doing to the world/."

    Yes that's true- and when they do discuss anti capitalism, the papers prefer to portray every anti capitalist as a smelly thug, instead of focusing on the issues, or even interviewing some of the protesters. But then of course, their papers are full of adverts and they can't rock the boat-reveal some home truths about (say) Dixons, with a full page ad of Dixons opposite? I don't think so....

    "& rastas have to be the most chilled out anti violent people in the world ."

    In that case, if I'm ever up in court, "I'm a rasta, I didn't do it". If they dare to mention that I'm white, I can just cry racism!

    Thanks for the info Balddog, v. interesting.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Anarchism:
    Plus jamal was a rastas . & rastas have to be the most chilled out anti violent people in the world . </STRONG>

    Explain the Yardies then? They are rastafarian, from jamaica no less. And they are violent bastards.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Think about christians Their our the true ones who do wot they preach and respec other humans.
    Then theirs total hypocrits (the church). They rob u belive in wars and uphold the government which exploits u .
    Bacisly jumal was a real rasta . Yardies our just pot heads with dreads . I bet the majorty of them dont know fuck all about their rasta relgion. Just like the kkk think their close to god.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Anarchism, your ignorance about this is quite amazing. Did you even read either of the website links I posted earlier?

    He was a rasta so that means he was totally non-violent??? ROFL..He was a member of the Black Panthers, the black version of the KKK in the US. He was also a member of MOVE, a violent anti-govt organisation...anti-violent my arse.

    His brother wasnt being attacked by cops. His brother attacked a policeman after being pulled over for driving on the wrong side of the road with his lights out at night.

    While the cop and Jamals brother were fighting, Jamal approached and shot the policeman in the back from 10 inches away. The cop then rolled over and shot Jumal in the belly...Jumal then walked over and executed the cop by shooting him once in the head.

    There were FOUR eyewitnesses that testify to this story. There are more witnesses that saw and heard Jumal boasting about killing the cop when he was taken to hospital.

    Challenging authority is one thing. Executing a police officer for no reason is another.

    Oh and if you get your world news from bands then its you who dont get a fair insight.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Below are the events that have been held up by several courts of law in the US. This is what happened and no amount of your bullshit will change what happened. Jumal is a cold blooded killer and deserves to be punished.

    At 3:55 AM on December 9, 1981 Daniel Faulkner, a twenty five year old police Philadelphia Police Officer Daniel Faulkner observed a light blue Volkswagen driving down 13th Street (a one way street) the wrong way and then turning east onto Locust Street. Officer Faulkner then pulled the Volkswagen over in view of several eyewitnesses.

    Prior to leaving his car, Faulkner radioed for a police wagon to back him up. Unknown to him, this would later help preserve the scene of his own murder. Officer Faulkner exited his vehicle and approached the driver's side of the Volkswagen, which was being driven by Mr. William Cook. Officer Faulkner asked Mr. Cook to exit his car. As the officer was looking away, several witnesses stated that they saw Mr. Cook punch Officer Faulkner in the face, violently attacking him. The officer responded by striking Cook, apparently with his flashlight, and then turned Cook towards the car attempting to subdue him.

    For reasons that remain unknown today, sitting in a taxicab across the narrow street and watching the events as they unfolded, was William Cook's older brother, Wesley Cook (AKA Mumia Abu Jamal). According to witnesses, Mr. Jamal exited his taxi and ran across the street toward the Officer and his brother, William Cook. While Officer Faulkner was distracted by Mr. Cook, with his back turned to Mr. Jamal, Mr. Jamal was seen raising his arm and then firing one shot that found it's mark in Officer Faulkner's back. A tract Metal Test for Primer Lead done before the trial positively showed that the shot was fired from approximately 10- 12 inches.

    Officer Faulkner was able to draw his gun and fire one return shot at his assailant, Mumia Abu-Jamal. This bullet was later extracted from Mr. Jamal's upper abdomen. Having fired this shot, Officer Faulkner fell to the sidewalk. While the wounded officer lay helpless and unarmed on his back, Mr. Jamal was seen by four individuals standing over the Officer with his five shot, .38 caliber Charter Arms revolver in his hand. From approximately 3 feet, Jamal began to fire at the officer's upper body.

    Officer Faulkner is believed to have been conscious at this point and to be looking up at his assailant, who was later identified by several people at the crime scene as Mumia Abu Jamal. It's believed that in an attempt to save his life, Faulkner began to roll from side to side as Jamal fired at him. Jamal missed his first several shots. He then moved closer to Faulkner and bent down over him. Mr. Jamal put the muzzle of his gun within inches of Officer Faulkner's face, and squeezed off the final, and fatal, shot. The bullet entered the officer's face slightly above the eye and came to rest in his brain, killing him instantly.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I dont care if he killed the cop . The point is he still deserved a fair trial.
    I dont get all my info from bands, I use alot of sources then way em up and see which 1 makes the most sence.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I dont care if he killed the cop . The point is he still deserved a fair trial.

    So why did you just start arguing about how he was so anti-violence and wouldnt have killed the cop?

    He has had a fair trial..The first one wasnt fair but he has had several appeals trials since.

    Only reason we are talking about him is because he has been hijacked by the anti-death penalty crowd as their new poster child.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    pity you can't spell isn't it.

    a fair trial? you mean you think he deserved to get off?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Well being perfectly blunt he killed a cop, and if he got off it sends the wrong message! being biased here i know but cop killers and assaulters should be delt with harshly <IMG alt="image" SRC="tongue.gif" border="0">
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    They are the normal left wing scum that try to get attention and popularity by supporting whichever alternative cause is running that day.

    They are a joke.

    well said Balddog, well said.

    anarchism is not alternative at all. Just like communism.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I like them as musicians but their politics are a bit too extreme.
    They support the freeing of Leonard Peltier - who killed 2 FBI agents in the late 70s. They have offered no proof to counter the court's findings and ramble on that his conviction was racist, targeting American Indians. To me he's no "political prisoner" just another cop killer who should have gotten the chair.
    On Mumia Abu Jamal - sorry, he shot a cop in cold blood who was in the performance of executing his duty when he pulled over his brother - I am saddened and irate at the recent decision not to execute him and possibly grant this murderer a new trial.
    On their politics in general - while Im happy someone from my generation is taking a stand politically (everyone else in the US at my age group, 25, shows a horrid lack of interest in politics that will later affect them) for once but I hate any radical, violent, nearly socialist crap they tend to represent. Indeed, Zach De La Rocha was at a show where he was quoted as saying "if you see any fascists (sic) ... knock their f***ing heads off with a baseball bat!" A combination of that kind of rhetoric and the fact the little pissant likes to burn American flags on stage, just causes me to have no respect for them as artists or as Americans.
    Personally Id love for Zach to burn a flag in my vicinity... <IMG alt="image" SRC="mad.gif" border="0">
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    On a slightly different note, I don't think cop-killers should be delt wit hany differently to normal killers.
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