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Losing Weight Within 4Weeks

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
If you have read my recent posts, you'd understand my concern on whay I want to lose weight.

For those who haven't a clue what I'm on about:

I was on the contraceptive injection about 2 years ago - stopped it one year and haven't had my period since - due to this injection I have put on a stone.

My bests mates 18th Birthday party is in exactly 4 weeks - There's this outfit I would love to wear to her party but can't fit into it - No money to buy another outfit and I want to use this to make me determined to lose my weight anyway.

Question: Have you any tips on how I can lose my weight?
I like to think I eat responisibly, e.g. fruit+veg - avoid snacks in between meals, drink plenty of water, etc
I also do yoga, etc.

Any other tips would be so helpful. Thanx! :)


  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Excercise. Build up muscle, and do plenty of excercise that makes your heart rate speed up, it uses more calories to sustain muscle than fat so you loose weight quicker and look good for it.
    How much weight/dress size are you wanting to loose over these 4 weeks?
    Remember that cutting down too much on your food will slow your metabolism and make it harder to loose weight, so the key is, cut down on calories and fat in your diet but keep enough calories going in to keep your body working and keep you healthy, if you feel constantly tired youve cut down too far.
    A good web site is
    they have a free 3 day trial with meal planner to help you get the balance right.
    Good luck
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hi there - avoid crash diets, do a bit more exercise, and buy an outfit that fits and flatters you (not something you squeeze yourself into).
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I've lost half a stone in the last four weeks. :) Through sensible dieting and exercise. Maybe join a club like WeightWatchers or Slimming World? Then you can get the weight off for good, rather than starving yourself for this night out then munching again.

    You lose weight most quickly at the start of a diet so you may find that you could lose more than half a stone in a month. Not recommended BUT Slim Fast is pretty effective. You'll be starving though so its not much fun, and hard to stick to. Good luck.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru

    ME TOO

    well..put on weight with the contraceptive jab..

    my tummy and bum is just so flabby..
    i juggle when i walk..

    i recommend going to your local leisure centre and use their gym.

    the treadmill and stair master work wonders =D
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by barbie
    I've lost half a stone in the last four weeks. :) Through sensible dieting and exercise. Maybe join a club like WeightWatchers or Slimming World? Then you can get the weight off for good, rather than starving yourself for this night out then munching again.

    You lose weight most quickly at the start of a diet so you may find that you could lose more than half a stone in a month. Not recommended BUT Slim Fast is pretty effective. You'll be starving though so its not much fun, and hard to stick to. Good luck.

    I think the whole Slim Fast thing is a bit of a waste of money. Take for example their chicken soup - It has more calories and fat in it than Heinz tomato!

    I'm on a diet too, but i'm not doing anything faddy. Instead i'm just cutting back on portions, having no fatty/suggary snacks and having lower fat version where ever possible. I'm also working out as much as possible as I want to get rid of my tummy cos i think it shows up in my prom dress...
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Jo_is_an_Angel

    I think the whole Slim Fast thing is a bit of a waste of money. Take for example their chicken soup - It has more calories and fat in it than Heinz tomato!
    But its fortified with all sorts of vitamins & minerals, and added fibre so you feel fuller. They're totally different.

    Non-faddy is good, but takes longer!
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Two Weeks till my mates birthday....

    And I have actually put on 1lb.

    I have been doing yoga three times a week.
    During the week I have:

    Breakfast: Cereal wiv semiskimmed milk and tea or orange juice.
    No Snack as I'm at class.
    Lunch: I get the meal deal at Boots.
    Chicken salad sandwiches, shaper strawberrt nougat bar + bottle of water.
    Sometimes eat celery sticks or an apple with a class of orange when I get home after class.

    Have my dinner.... (varies in what I have) but made my portions smaller.

    Cup of tea before I go to bed.

    What am I doing wrong? ....on top of that, I have been recieving more migrianes/headaches :(
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    If you want to lose a serious amount of weight in a month, I'm sorry, but its very, very hard to do. I do have some suggestions.

    Avoid processed sugars and starches like the plague. Ie, white rice (which has had the fiberous outer casing removed), potatoes, white bread, etc.

    You must do more aerobic exercise, like walking, jogging, running, swimming, etc. Yoga does increase your heart rate, but you will find better results with the same time spent doing one of these. I suggest walking from place to place whenever possible and taking the stairs instead of the elevator (lift to you)

    Break meals up into smaller more frequent ones. Instead of having three meals a day, try four or five smaller ones. I might have a half a sandwich and an apple or something like that every three hours, its a better way for your body to metabolize food.

    Drink lots of water. Not only good for your kidneys, but good more helping to lose weight. I could explain but I'm lazy, trust me.

    Gaining one pound doesn't necessarily mean that you've put on fat, either. If you've been eating well and exercising it might just be muscle that's taken the place of fat.

    The only healthy way to lose a ton of weight in a short period of time is to exercise vigorously, a lot. This isn't for anyone, you should see a doctor before you do something like this, and especially consult with one about what you should be eating. Lots of vigorous exercise can be dangerous if you aren't used to it. If I were you, I would just try to do the best you can with the exercise and diet and be happy with the results you get by your deadline. So what if you don't fit into the outfit, you can always try to fit in it by some other important date.

    Good luck.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I've lost 12lbs in the last 6 weeks on the Slimming World diet. I can honestly say I've never felt hungry. Go to www.slimming-world.co.uk to find your nearest class. And ditch the Boots lunch.
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