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Why the WTC happened.



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Teagan
    This was posted by pnjsurferpoet...not teagan. I don't know how that happened.

    Sorry Teagan,


    If you say so ;)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    pnj, once again this blindly sheepish rhetoric does you no justice. I love my country, not those running it nor the policies they have instituted which you, if you had any sense to actually dig deeply into the matter for yourself, would see have domestically undermined our Constituionally guaranteed rights and liberties whilst the very organisation put in place to undertake the dirty work of gathering secret and "classified" evidence against anyone (US citizens included) is "above the law". Do you defend that? Do you think any US government or its agencies should be "above the law"???

    Stop swalllowing so readily what you are being given on the surface of things and look at what has been incrementally brought to pass whilst the majority of our nation have been too traumatised to scrutinise things beyond what they are told on the evning news. Paranoia and fear and xenophobia are the order of the day back home, certainly from the point of view of Washington. This is not how I wish my country to be nor to be be governed.

    And you had indeed better go back and do some reading my friend. The Jewish lobby is a powerful motivator in right wing politics and is represented by powerful Iraeli and Jewish American economic interests. To think I am talking about your next door neighbour who might be Jewish is completely off the mark.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Jews make up less than 2% of the population in America. Jews died in the WTC murders. So did Muslims.

    Saudi Arabia invests over $700 million a year, with the help of advice from the Bush family and others, in America. Saudis were the only people allowed to fly out of America on 911, 12, 13.

    Question: Do any of you know any Jews? If you want, for your own peace of mind not their benefit, hang out in Jewish Deli's or wherever and get to know some Jews. You'll come to see they are all different just like Arabs and Muslims are.

    There will be a Palestine soon that recognizes Isreal's right to exist.

    Clandestine you just proved my point. A lot of Jews are liberals...not right wing. They supported the Clintons. Barbara Streistand is anti-Bush and against the war in Iraq...even though she called it Iran. *smirk*

    The US was on the side of Muslims in Bosnia. And the US, not the UN will bring about a Palestine.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The US, my friend, is the one that has blocked no less than 30 UN Resolutions calling for tougher action against Israel if it fails to comply with its obligations. Of the resolutions that the UN managed to pass (with US abstention in most cases) America has not made any effort to make Israel comply, let alone threaten them with war.

    Unfortunately the UN hasn't got an army to speak of. The US has the biggest army and controls NATO. So it will probably be the US the one that makes a Palestinian State happen (if such thing ever occurs) but not because of how great and just America is, but because it is the only one that is in a position of force to do so.

    Do you think that if France were to send a task force to the region (the UK will only do as told so the French are the only vocal voice against Israeli abuses with some sort of up-for-it armed forces) they were going to be allowed to engage with the Israelis to impose the outstanding UN resolutions? I have no doubt that the US would sooner sink the French carriers that allow that to happen.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Your Daily Horoscope for January 17, 2003

    Dear JOHN,
    This is a good day to practice patience, JOHN. There is a lot of powerful energy floating around, and people could be expressing their stubborn egos. It could be tempting to get involved with a debate or argument. Try to control your temper and realize that it's not worth the stress of fighting. You'll do better if you remain detached and try to be unaffected by other people's moods.

    So true, so true. :cool:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    israel is basicaly americas wmd h.q within the middle east. it has been estimated that israel has 200 nuclear warheads! it's in americas interests that the middle east is in constant turmoil.
    the last thing america would want is a highly eficient and organised middle east.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Greenhat also said the Arab countries want it too. Isreal keeps the focus off their own corrupt countries.
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