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Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
As a pretty new pill user does anyone know anyways of making that comedown at the end of the night a little more bearable. IM talking when ya get home and feel like hell. And anyway you can feel less zombiefied the next day


  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Fucing shit init, i make sure i have loads of pot and just pop toot's the day after i do pills...

    all i can say is take some vittamins, drink some orange juice and have a nice hot bath
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I pulled this out of an old response for you;

    I'm sorry but you buy the ticket you take the ride; if you cant handle what the drugs are doing to you you shouldnt take them.

    However most people want to continue taking pills and other stuff when the comedowns get bad so I'll give you a few hints that might help; Dont blame me if it goes tits up though.

    Pre and post loading your body may well help it to get over what you are doing to it.
    Pre-load with, well basicaly make your well slept, well fed and feel good.
    Post-load with 5-htp, this is a herbal suplement which MAY help replenish the seratonin (the brain chemical which make pills work) that your bodies used. Take one 50mg pill every night for the 5-7 nights after doing pills.
    Don't take 5-htp with pills.

    Also spacing out how often you do pills to about once every two weeks at the least will give your body a chance to recover.

    If you want to contiue as you do then you want to look at what might take away the crap feeling. Taking a benzo (sleeping tablet) on the comedown will help a lot but they are difficult to get. You could always try talking to your docter saying you have really big test and your stressed about it, he might give you some.
    Ketamine also works, well for some people, dont do very much though otherwise you might have a nasty experiance (K-hole)
    I wouldnt recomend booze, it dehydrates you even further and will make you feel even crapper.
    GHB works quite well too, but be careful you might knock yourself out if you dont know what dose to do.
    Weed works for some people, to me it just makes me more edgy.
    Valerian root may also help, this is a herbal insomnia remady which could be useful.
    Also there are things like the opium style drugs but I wouldnt recomend those.

    Hope this helps, also I hate to go on about it but you should test your pills, pure mdma doesnt give you such bad comedowns if its pure an not mixed with speed and other drugs.

    If you really cant stop yourself going out as often as you do then you could think about doing speed insted, it wont damage your body as much. BUT it is addictive, be careful.

    I give this for info only, what you do is your choice!
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Iv neva don drugs b4...UNTIL...i was tricked in2takin som stupid pill 2 ease pain but aparently its well strong! It didnt work on me tho...

    Neway..remember wat Mr.Macky from south park said..."Drugs r bad mkay" :crazyeyes

    S**** x
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by customised_doll
    Iv neva don drugs b4...UNTIL...i was tricked in2takin som stupid pill 2 ease pain but aparently its well strong! It didnt work on me tho...

    Neway..remember wat Mr.Macky from south park said..."Drugs r bad mkay" :crazyeyes

    S**** x

    Hmmmm? I do worry about some people!?!?!?! :eek2:
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    come downs aye. that was my big mistake when i was young and cool like you people are now. the way i enjoyed it was , "why come down"? so i dididn't. some people would say i haven't.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    It might just be me being weird but sometimes I quite like comedowns. If I'm at home in my bed in the the morning and don't wake up on the floor and have to get home from somewhere, somehow, I quite like them.

  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Lucky for some.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru

    the best thing you can do is smoke a lot of blow when u r coming down as this softens the blow but this tends to lead to a mangled head.then you should just go to bed for a few hours.another effective method is to be with friends you like or someone who comforts you like a girlfriend:rolleyes
    Valium is also good for softening the comedowns.:crazyeyes
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    For every high there must be an equal low.


    Getting plenty of weed after a night out and a couple of 5-HTP before bed then 1 a night for the next few days always make mine much more bearable!

    I go for 500mg of Vitamin C & multi-vitamins too.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Well..i think im on a comedown at the moment or is it me..c i came on here and i cudnt get logged on..it just said log out but that cudnt b rite..well neway if i carry on wat i was sayin then it wudnt really make ne sense cuz wat i got 2 say is quite long!

    Im sooooo confused cuz im logged on as som1 else which is kinda cool but not cool! Am i on a comedown or wat! Im sooooo confused!

    I saw this guy rite and he was like smokin (most probably weed) and drinkin a can of beer at the same time...i mean wat is the point in doin that, it just confuses others that dont really do that.

    C i remember bac in the old days wen u cud eat and not really drink but the thing is i used 2 b able 2 get on the band wagon and go 4 rides but time has changed and the only way forward is actually goin backwards!

    Neway i jus thought id let u guys kno how i was thinkin.

    S**** X ~*@*@*@*@*@*@*~~~
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru

    Its very enjoyable drinkin and smokin at da same time:D
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by PositivePain
    Well..i think im on a comedown at the moment or is it me..c i came on here and i cudnt get logged on..it just said log out but that cudnt b rite..well neway if i carry on wat i was sayin then it wudnt really make ne sense cuz wat i got 2 say is quite long!

    Im sooooo confused cuz im logged on as som1 else which is kinda cool but not cool! Am i on a comedown or wat! Im sooooo confused!

    I saw this guy rite and he was like smokin (most probably weed) and drinkin a can of beer at the same time...i mean wat is the point in doin that, it just confuses others that dont really do that.

    C i remember bac in the old days wen u cud eat and not really drink but the thing is i used 2 b able 2 get on the band wagon and go 4 rides but time has changed and the only way forward is actually goin backwards!

    Neway i jus thought id let u guys kno how i was thinkin.

    S**** X ~*@*@*@*@*@*@*~~~
    hello custard doll.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    There are preaty serious dangers of mixing all sorts of drugs to try and avoid the come down and I've got it wrong on a few occations and it just makes things worse.

    An example being having GHB on a speed comedown, I didnt knock myself out and then when the G wore off I just felt crap. Not sure why but they dont seem to go together.

    Personaly I dont really like smoking weed when I get home after a night out either, it just makes me feel a bit jittery and on edge.

    Valiums the best thing, but strangely my docter doesnt seem to want to give me a script.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by PositivePain
    Well..i think im on a comedown at the moment or is it me..c i came on here and i cudnt get logged on..it just said log out but that cudnt b rite..well neway if i carry on wat i was sayin then it wudnt really make ne sense cuz wat i got 2 say is quite long!

    Im sooooo confused cuz im logged on as som1 else which is kinda cool but not cool! Am i on a comedown or wat! Im sooooo confused!

    I saw this guy rite and he was like smokin (most probably weed) and drinkin a can of beer at the same time...i mean wat is the point in doin that, it just confuses others that dont really do that.

    C i remember bac in the old days wen u cud eat and not really drink but the thing is i used 2 b able 2 get on the band wagon and go 4 rides but time has changed and the only way forward is actually goin backwards!

    Neway i jus thought id let u guys kno how i was thinkin.

    S**** X ~*@*@*@*@*@*@*~~~

    comedown? sounds like you're still talkin the codshit to me! :D
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I find

    the best way 2 deal with it is lots of pot and a few beers :)
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I don't know if this is just me, but I only seem to feel low if somehow get back by myself and there is no one to talk to etc etc. So whenever I do do them, and I am coming back down to something resembling normal, I like to be with the people I was with during the night, ie mates, so we sort of come down together. Also seem to find a smoke a good way, but I can't say I do much the day after! But then it is going to be a Saturday or Sunday, and a bit of useless information for you all, the Czech for Sunday literally means The Not Doing Day! Which, when you come to think of it, is a pretty class name! Also, you are simply complying to the theory if you spend your Sunday laying in bed reliving your last night!

    Can't say I have ever really felt really shit like, but then I don't do more than 2 a night, which I guess helps:confused:
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Smoke a few spliff's couple of beers and lots of munch:D :yum:
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