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UN: North Korea has weeks to comply.

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
The IAEA board, which includes representatives of 35 nations, said North Korea could face "serious consequences, not unlike Iraq," if it continues to defy the world community.

What do we think?


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I think youll see that the US is not about to seriously launch an attack against yet another country however much the lunatic right-wingers who are driving the current US foreign policy might want to.

    N. Korea has a 1 million strong military. The resources and cost of fighting them and Iraq would utterly ruin the already crippled US economy as well as pushing the growing worldwide hatred of the US government through the roof.

    Its time we stopped thinking that we can dictate what other sovereign nations can or cant do so long as they arent threatening or launching attacks against anyone. Especially when half of what the current administration claims as Korean or Iranian or Iraqi violations have been and are being committed many times over by our own government.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Agree with Clandestine. "Do as I say, not as I do". That seems to be the US advice to everyone else.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Re: UN: North Korea has weeks to comply.
    Originally posted by pnjsurferpoet
    The IAEA board, which includes representatives of 35 nations, said North Korea could face "serious consequences, not unlike Iraq," if it continues to defy the world community.

    What do we think?
    wh o are bloody IAEA to be making statements like this. it's surely not for this authority to make statements like that. bluuurrrggghhh. gotta go to bed. just come back from watching the two towers. brill.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    Now with North Korea, it's too late to get the dirt bag out. He can, and kind of is, threatening Asia: China, South Korea and Japan. And you know what? If he takes it in his nutty head to say: hey I've got a nuclear missle pointed towards you....all of those countries have to give in.

    This is exactly the meirit of attacking Saddam now. I don't care if someone is going to make millions off of some oil deal. What I don't want, is to someday, get the chance to go to London and see a site where Big Ben used to stand but is now a beautiful memorial.

    I love Tony Blair. In school, when we studied WW2 I called up a map of Europe. And there was little UK against a Nazi=controlled Europe. Not neutral collaborators like Switzerland and Sweden. But there against evil. The UK must still have a majority that has character and courage today....judging by what the UK said about standing by the US.

    What does all of this have to do with North Korea? Think about it. If it was Iraq or Iran that got the nuclear capabilities...there wouldn't be a damned thing any of us could do. But you could sit back and say: "well we're morally superior because we didn't interfere with Iraq's internal politics. Meantime...he could take whatever he wants including most of the world's oil supply.

    You know what - screw them before they screw us.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    pnj, you have a flair for sensationalist rhetoric I must say! lol.

    You should consider going to work with Ari Fleischer, your BS runs as thinck as his!

    Frankly my young friend, regardless of how Saddam is being played up as a global villain by Western media, he is nothing more than a contained local despot who has nothing whatsoever to do with international terrorism. This fact has been explained to you repeatedly, but still you persist in regurgitating the headline propaganda which Bush and Co. are doing their utmost to programme into you.

    Stop acting like an automoton and try undertaking an in depth investigation into how unsuccessful he has had been at his attempts even at achieving some regional preeminence, then see how credible a global threat he is.

    Underneath the exaggerations youll find a cautious and calculating man who cares more about the survival of his office and his party to go threatening (let alone attacking) any Western nation. He is not about to commit any act outside of Iraq which would undermine potential future foreign investment after this standoff has ended.

    Big Ben is safe from Saddam at the very least! lol.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by pnjsurferpoet
    threatening Asia: China, South Korea and Japan.

    To be honest, I don't think China will be too worried. They can afford to lose a few million and would still be able to swot the North like a fly...

    Japan and the South have mutual defence agreements with the US, therefore the protection of all US weaponry. So I don't think they are too worried either.

    Proof of that is that the South is acting as the negotiator here.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Iraq is a pissy little worm compared to the shit thats gonna get stirred up over in asia.

    That is where your ww3 will start, nothing to do with arabs and muslims...

    MoK, Japan may well have mutual defence pacts with the US but that doesnt really help if NK launch a strike on Japan. They will still get hit and the US wont be able to stop it.

    I just pray the north arent stupid enough to start anything..:(
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by pnjsurferpoet

    What I don't want, is to someday, get the chance to go to London and see a site where Big Ben used to stand but is now a beautiful memorial.

    shit, didn't think I was a target!
    I wondered why I felt a bit rough after breakfast today...

    (thanx to b3ta.com for image)

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Balddog
    MoK, Japan may well have mutual defence pacts with the US but that doesnt really help if NK launch a strike on Japan. They will still get hit and the US wont be able to stop it.

    I just pray the north arent stupid enough to start anything..:(

    What I meant by that was that I doubt the North would launch, due to their knowledge of what retalliation would follow. You don't want to piss off someone who is much bigger than you.

    Much as they dispise the Japanese, I don't think that even the North are that stupid.

    I have a feeling that in reality this is more about the North cronic food/oil shortages and that they are using their nucs as bargaining power over the US. It's interesting that this comes at a time when the North and South are friendlier than anytime in the last 50(ish) years...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Indeed MoK!

    North Korea wants relations with the US. However, since the US is currently being steered by ultra-right wing nutcases who see confrontation and threat as a viable foreign policy methodology, the North Koreans are merely following the example we ourselves are setting (and rightly so, if thats how Bush thinks one can win friends and influence people).

    In the end, NK is not about to launch nukes at anyone. What the media suggest is merely a sensational way to seel papers and air time and has little to do with NK's political rationale. No pnj, Kim Jong-il is not insane anymore than Saddam is so dont keep swallowing the lies of the Bush administration which are meant to keep the masses from overt protest against our own heavy handedness in the world.

    Its time Bush stopped listening to fascist scum like Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, and other notable militaristic bastards like Rumsfeld and Cheney and returned to legitimate and diplomatic means of conflict resolution. Maybe then the rising tension in the world would abate and we could get back to a positive and constructive public political debate on issues affecting us all now.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    We shall see..

    PS Clandestine, I think there is quite a good case for president Kim being insane..Saddam, much less so...

    Have you seen his godzilla movie? Oh dear god.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    My opinion is that Iraq is a very small treat compared to North Korea. Bush has already got Iraq where he wants them, fully complying now, and can loom this threat over Iraq at any time until the pressure cracks Sadaam to give up everything, or go into exile (as reproted earlier in the week).

    Now North Korea should be focused on completely. Frankly they are no Iraq, and have admitted to Nuclear weapons programs. US needs to be less concerned about the Gulf and put more UN inspectors on the ground there since Iraq gets the point now, and deal with North Korea. Seoul is not too far from the DMZ (DeMilitarized Zone) and if North Korea tries anything on South Korea, we're going to have a huge battle on our hands.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Bush wants to get re-elected and he wont if he starts Vietnam2:The annoying sequel.

    Iraq is a house of cards compared to Korea and Bush looks like he's taking a tough line by invading. People like JP (surferpoet) are taken in by this propaganda.

    JP: When Britain stood up against Nazi-Europe it did so because we were sure it was right. We are not about Iraq. Plus being British we always favour the underdog (see Eddie the Eagle) and The World Vs Iraq doesn't look too good.

    Oh and why would Communist North Korea take out it's neighbour the communist China? I really don't know.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Clandestine
    I think youll see that the US is not about to seriously launch an attack against yet another country however much the lunatic right-wingers who are driving the current US foreign policy might want to.

    N. Korea has a 1 million strong military. The resources and cost of fighting them and Iraq would utterly ruin the already crippled US economy as well as pushing the growing worldwide hatred of the US government through the roof.

    Its time we stopped thinking that we can dictate what other sovereign nations can or cant do so long as they arent threatening or launching attacks against anyone. Especially when half of what the current administration claims as Korean or Iranian or Iraqi violations have been and are being committed many times over by our own government.

    I tend to disagree. America has more than 50% of the worlds military power, they can do whatever they please. Also remember WWII was fought just as the US was going through 'the great depression' and they did quite well. In fact war seems only to improve the American economy. The US can fight a war on three fronts and still win, hands down!
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