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Risen Found In London ~~ Algerians



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Well are we surprised by such claims? Nope.

    Every crackpot will be labelled a terrorist even though the term has never even be given a comprehensive definition by the world community. It means whatever suits those using it be they government leaders or the media.

    And is it any surprise that they are now claiming Saddam has been making Ricin? Again Nope. He'll be accused of the fall of man if theologians can find some prophetic reference vague enough to ascribe to him. lol.

    Frankly the lies and sensationalism are becoming so blatantly transparent after all this time that it speaks worse about the media's refusal or inability to seriously question and investigate just what our governments are trying to pull like they did back when Woodward and Bernstein uncovered the Nixon administration's underhanded behaviour.

    You might as well stop wasting further board space with these BS reports pnj, we all see them enough in our everyday lives and shouldnt have to dwell on them here. At least share something that doesnt have "Al Qaeda", "Saddam", "Iraq", or "Terrorist(s)" as the predominant terminology.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Nope, I'll keep putting up facts for discussion. Feel free to ignore them or post more aniti-American stuff if that makes you happy.

    Meantime, the report that Saddam made a deal to leave his country is being denied by Libya.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I would be watch myself if I were you pnj. If anything is "Anti-American" its following in step with government behaviour that is blatantly fascist and un-Constitutional.

    Ill excuse your snide remark however given the fact that you lack any historical perspective of how closely the Bish admins successive actions mirror a dark period of our history known as as McCarthyism.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    That's not my take on Bush and I live in my country and I am very well read for my age. America is being very careful regarding rights, but America is also being careful the animals don't come into our country and murder several thousand people again. And I'm thrilled with that.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You may be very well read for your age, but like most teens you presume to think you know how the world works and ill tell you for nothing that you dont have a clue.

    Your own posts are filled with the evidence that you take every report you hear as gospel truth without seeing the larger historical context and links of economic, military and political manipulation and control that relate to the larger pisture of what is truly going on. You wont read any of that in our modern compliant media.

    As a teen I was all starry eyed over Reagan and his tough America politics until I traveled and spent considerable time working and living abroad and seeing beyond the propaganda to what our government has done and is doing throughout the globe (and not for the betterment of the general US public I can promise you). Power and greed drive Washington and the spoils they seek serve only our leaders and those that finance them.

    Your youthful idealism is heartwarming, but naive my young friend.
    Much like those who swallowed the calls of patriotic defence of freedom to fight and/or die in Vietnam, I warn you to be wary lest (like the case of the Vietnam War) you wake up 20 years from now to revelations of the extent of the lies and coverups and propganda that are bending American minds to unquestioning support for a new era of government dirty deeds around the globe.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Clandestine, no thinking person could think all of the media in all of the countries in the world are working together to lie. That only happens in Muslim extremist countries. And the reason they have to be so careful checking everyone and making sure no one is carrying bombs are people like you Clandestine....who hate America. Your job on this site is to spread mis-information about America like some cold war Soviet spy. And, I wonder if it is a job.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    pnj, get your head out of your ass and stop talking like some pickup driving, beer swilling, shot-gun toting redneck.

    Our nation was founded on the principle of the right to criticise and indeed expose our own leaders' abuses of power. Calling a fellow American who is trying (in vain apparently) to wake you out of your gullible acceptance of what the US media is feeding you only shows how brainwashed with jingoistic government rhetoric you are.

    Our government is NOT our country, and the sooner you learn that lesson the more you will come to understand the forces and interests that run Washington and our national policies. We do not have a a government " of the people, by the people and for the people" no matter what your civics text book might say.

    I truly pity you for your inability to see how corrupt and self serving Washington truly is. But then talk to me in twenty years when life has opened your naive little eyes to the ways of the world and we'll see how much of your current blind faith you have left.
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