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Music & Crime

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
A Govt minister said yesterday (details here) that he believes that music (more specifically Gangsta Rap) is related to crime.

Is he right, or is he talking out of his arse?


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    A song won't make you take up a gun and kill someone if you're completely sane.
    But I do guess that the Garabge wave which you have there, attracts a certain kind of people (generally), and that those same people can relate to the songs.

    I think that most people don't do what songs tell them to, but listen to songs because they can relate to it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    It's not just the music but the whole culture associated with it.

    But then again this is not a new issue. Poor people from deprived backgrounds living in shitholes don't have much going for them. There's drugs & crime all around them and they see drug dealers and other criminals living the Krystal life (reference to the very expensive champagne these people like to drink) and driving expensive flashy cars, and sadly they take them as role models.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    following is a cut and paste job of my reply to my own similar post to this one but in anything goes.

    1 1
    i believe that music has a massive massive influence on a young mind which is currently forming points of view, throwing new ideas and experiences around, feeling the rollercoaster ride of puberty and hormones...then sprinkle in a little alcohol and ilegals and you have one hell of a strong mix.
    in the 60's did one guy fall out of bed one morning and say to himself, "think i'll grow my hair way down my back, a big fuck off beard as well and smoke some dope." from this one guy a bazillion dope smoking hippies emerged into the world from...
    course not.
    i was there. by the time i was 14 i was gagging to get my hands on some weed. why? becuase i had been listening to bob dylan singing his protest songs. about religion, capitalism, the government, the vietnam war etc....oh and loads o stuff about getting stoned. john lennon was the same and a thousand other bands at the time. films about drugs and rebellion and how wrong the normal folk were. underground magazines...the furry freak brothers and the high times. all this was new and exciting and spoke directly to my soul. along with a few million other souls.
    of course there were more millions who didn't listen or did and just liked the tune. I...was not easily led. but i did have imagination and dreams. i could see the truth in the lyrics.
    no factory job for this boy then.
    it seems very naieve now looking back but, we actualy believed the love joy peace message for a while. we actulay believed we could and would stop the war in vietnam. we would then go on to stop all war and feed tyhe world. all by growing our hair long and smoking jazz cigarrettes!
    the music, magazines, films of the day told us we could and we would. it was like a massive advertising campaign.
    a million kids in the street with baseball caps...the peak has to be curved or your not cool. that awful fucking nylony looking clothing with stripes down the arms and legs that goes with it...anyone dressed like that right now? you didn't make that decision. that decision has been very cleverly engineered into your little head.
    i didn't decide to grow my hair down to my arse...the decision had already been made.
    you are what you eat.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    If you go to Yahoo USA, newspapers and look up the New York Daily News, there's an article linking rap to drug dealers today.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The music, the artists, the lyrics and lifestyle related to an artist has, in my opinion, a large effect on young people. Eminem for exampel, is promoted as a 'bad boy mutha fucka' :rolleyes: and of course, those fans that respect his music, and respect him are going to want to follow in his footsteps. Why do you think they use music artists on adverts to try and perusade them against drug use or smoking - becuase they know that their fans want to be just like them.

    Some fans will adopt the whole lifestyle and culture which is generally related to that certian type of music. Certainly around my area, many people who start listening to Metal start wearing the black hoodies, chains etc. Those who start listening to punk go out and buy a skateboard. Those who listen to hardhouse have the modded cars. Of course i'm being very very genral with this, so please dont start calling me an arrogant stereotyping so and so. But i'm just saying certain music genres generally bring with them a certian lifestyle, especially in this day and age. So if music artists can have such a big effect on the clothes people wear, the way they talk, the way they act, then it certainly shows that it has a large effect on weaker minded poeple.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by amz
    has a large effect on weaker minded poeple.
    it had a large effect on me and i have never considered myself or been considered by others to be weakminded.
    weak mindedness from the point of view of someone in the ghetto
    might well be those who believe the democracy, mortgage, carear, worship celebrity and material things kinda stuff to be just that.
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