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Born again bullies.

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
I'm not sure if this is just an American thing, but even if it is it's relevant for all of you to speak about since the Christian right helped elect Bush.

See, I live down the shore. And some big towns have boardwalks with rides. And every summer, youngish Born again Christians descend on the boards to save teens. I used to try to be polite and listen. But what I've found is that it's just easier not to because they think they're convincing you. They start about knowing the love of Jesus. Fine, he was a good guy. Then it gets to be you can only know him this way. I always answer I'm a Catholic, I already know him. Then they escalate it basically saying if you aren't born again, you won't see God in the afterlife or the people you love who have died. So now I'm think'n, yup, that's a loving God. One who is going to send all Jews, Muslims and any Christian who doesn't think exactly like them to hell. The last time I spoke with one of these born again bullies I said: to you, hell is this huge space to hold all of the people God is sending there. And have, is this selective space just big enough for u! I guess that makes you pretty special. And I walked away.

Anyone have any experience with radical Christians?


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yes and many will be rather shocked to see who makes it to heaven and who doesnt in the end. hehe.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Like we say: the Christian right, ain't right. *points to head*
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I hate the people who use their religion to tell you "do this and this, and you'll go to hell".
    And I generally hate people for either demeaning you for believing, or the ones who don't think you show your belief enough.
    When I get asked, I answer, or when I think that a religious point (and not always using the point of view, from my own religion) of view has any relevance for a discussion or conversation.

    In the end they do it out of good will, and want to "save" as many people as possible. But a no is a no.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Especially the Hell part and totally not respecting my beliefs. They also work against the idea of respecting diversity and all different religions that we learn in school.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    you have some nerve pissinthepot calling them bullies for doing what jesus and his mates did, which was to go round town preaching to people!
    the catholic church are the people who started off the teaching of god burning people in hell for thier sins. the catholic church is the ultimate in antichrists! without the catholic bishops 100% backing hitler could not have done what he did. the catholic church tortured and killed and burnt at the stake men who tried to translate the bible into common languages for the people. their church is full of idols and images which the god of the bible detests. they teach that you can pray through a woman called mary and a thousand plaster saints...but jesus said you could only reach god if you prayed in his name.
    the catholic bishops live in palaces with servants and every luxury...of course you could see jesus saying "these men are truly following me, they are my true disciples on earth"? i think not mate.
    do not be called father in a spiritual sense says the bible...so the catholics do not just do the opposite but even have a "most holy father."
    read about the destruction of babylon the great in the book of revalation and tell me that the great harlot is not the catholic church. it describes in great detail the robes, the buildings and even where her seat of power lays. a unique city on seven hills.
    vatican city is the only city on earth that is that unique, with it's own currency and it's own army and is officialy a city state and sits on the seven hills of rome.
    the catholic church is the ultimate antichrist for gods sake. read it for yourself and then tell me what catholocism has in common with biblical christianty.
    the blood on the hands of the catholic church is unmeasurable.
    you dare to call other christian faiths bullies. have a read of your bible...something the catholic church dont encourage as the bible exposes them for what they are. have a read about jesus going from house to house with his men, knocking on doors and stopping people in town. he didn't do what the catholic bishops do which is to put themselves above the people and teach lies, stay in , in thier luxury. when was the last time you saw a bishop going from door to door and street to street preaching the good news? feeding people, washing thier feet.
    you got a nerve calling them bullies!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    just to add. i think all religous people should examine what thier leaders are teaching them and exhorting them to do in the name of thier god and thier religion and compare it with the teachings in thier holy books. most christian religions seem to only teach the bits that suit them. most of the followers ignore the bits they dont like. to me , i think whats the point! you believe it or you dont. if you dont then why pretend? why not start your own?
    i cant comment on islam as i know jack shit about it. but the bible i have read in some detail and discussed at some length with various people for many years.
    do you honestly believe that if the god of the bible is real and alive and well, that he would take sides with either the catholics or the protestants in n.ireland? i think not. i don't for a moment believe that he condones one single act of hatred committed in his name.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Catholics saved a lot of Jews in Europe...including the current Pope so get your facts straight. I know the history of Northern Ireland. And now it's about land as much as religion. I'm glad to see it's peaceful now. My family's history in the UK is that we were at times Prostestant and Catholic. But even if I didn't have that history, I wouldn't be as hateful as you Morrocan Role. Your own words say it ALL.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by pnjsurferpoet
    I wouldn't be as hateful as you Morrocan Role. Your own words say it ALL.
    i am not religous but i have studied the bible to some degree.
    the bible is very straight in telling people who want to serve that particular god, what that god praises and what he condems.
    look at your bible and compare it's teachings with catholic teachings. you will discover that catholic is nothing like christian.
    theres no hatred in my words. read the bit in revalation about god destroying the unique city that stands on seven hills. the bibles anger not mine. jesus said if your not for him your against him. theres no middle fence to sit on. yes catholic individuals i'm sure saved jews. i am talking about the organisation and it's teachings. i haven't made up any of what i have said. it's all in YOUR bible. teaching priests not to marry is not the teaching of god but the teaching of demons. have a read before you condem me!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    See, I could never be a "good Catholic". I think you have to have the mind of an accountant to keep all the sins straight. Plus, I don't know if any American is a good Catholic. #1 the majority of Americans are Prostestant and everyone is influenced by that. So follow blindly one leader, the Pope, that is so far away from American values. We mostly criticize our leaders or throw them out of office after a few years.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by pnjsurferpoet
    See, I could never be a "good Catholic". I think you have to have the mind of an accountant to keep all the sins straight. Plus, I don't know if any American is a good Catholic. #1 the majority of Americans are Prostestant and everyone is influenced by that. So follow blindly one leader, the Pope, that is so far away from American values. We mostly criticize our leaders or throw them out of office after a few years.
    the point i am trying to make is that the catholic hierachy know they are teaching exact opposites of what christ and the prophets before him taught. AND they get away with it! your average catholic sincerely believes he is being taught christian TRUTHS, when in fact he is being taught exact opposites. the opposite of truth is lies. all this praying to mary and saints is going AGAINST the bible and christ. anyone who sets themselves against the teachings of chris are then anti christs are they not. do please read about the destruction of babylon the great. the great harlot. a vision for the future yet to come supposedly.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by pnjsurferpoet
    Catholics saved a lot of Jews in Europe...

    The Catholic Church however, wasn't as helpful...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Indeed! Perhaps pnj isnt aware of Hitler's close dealing with Opus Dei (the ultra-rightwing organisation within the Vatican) and all the support for the Nazi's that (as a matter of record) the Roman Catholic church provided.

    The RCC was also quite involved with the Musolini government during WWII.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Exactly, you could also have said that the Nazis saved jews too, because some rebelled against this part of National Socialism...

    Schindler - a paid up party member I believe - being an notable example...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Or perhaps I can spot people who might just plain hate Americans and Catholics?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by pnjsurferpoet
    Or perhaps I can spot people who might just plain hate Americans and Catholics?

    Or perhaps you are just a little paranoid.

    I don't think you'll find people who hate Americans and Catholics, but you may find a few who don't like what the American Govt or the Catholic Church stand for. There is a big difference...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Im beginning to think our little friend has no interest in achieving real comprehension of the nature of world affairs nor how important a critical watch on one's own (as well as foreign) governments' actions.

    pnj, like many of my compatriots, seems to believe that Washington stands for the average man on the street. Sadly he will come to understand (hopefully) in time that Washington is an incestuous cesspool of corruption that serves only itself and its biggest financial contributors and couldnt give a rats ass in day to day operational terms about the general public.

    Only time they take any notice whatsoever to the "will of the people" is when activism reaches levels that might tip the balance of the next election. Even then, all youll get is convenient BS meant to quiet (or in some cases) discredit such activists so that the status quo is not unduly interrupted.

    The Bush admin (like the Catholic Church) has earned (and continues to earn) all the criticism and condemnation they receive.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The bible teaches of a loving, forgiving god, who wants all his worshippers to get into heaven, but some of these Jehovah's witness/televangelist types put the emphasis on sinners going to hell, rather than good people going to heaven.

    A little less of the doomsaying would be nice.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Captain Slog
    The bible teaches of a loving, forgiving god, who wants all his worshippers to get into heaven, but some of these Jehovah's witness/televangelist types put the emphasis on sinners going to hell, rather than good people going to heaven.

    A little less of the doomsaying would be nice.

    Jehovahs witnesses dont actually believe in Hell, they believe in total death with ressurection to a renewed earth in an earthly body.
    Televangelist are in it for financial gain, not to save souls.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by pnjsurferpoet
    Or perhaps I can spot people who might just plain hate Americans and Catholics?
    the north americans are our true brothers. there our sons and fathers. we have very strong fleshly and emotional ties to america. i'm english. margaret thather was english. i hated her. everything she and her cronies stood for. didn't mean i hated the english you muppet.
    i hate the way america is trampling accross people in it's sudden mad and bad expansion. going to slaughter hundreds of thousands of flesh and blood people for what...for woolworths.
    i actualy have a couple of catholics in my family. they wont read what i ask them to. NO NO it...cant be true. surely your making it up. dream on dream on.live in your nice warm ilusion. your entitled to. sometimes i wish i could join you.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Ya know, some Catholics are born again too.

    So I was speaking about anyone who tries to jam his or her beliefs down my throat.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by pnjsurferpoet
    Catholics saved a lot of Jews in Europe...including the current Pope so get your facts straight. I know the history of Northern Ireland. And now it's about land as much as religion. I'm glad to see it's peaceful now. My family's history in the UK is that we were at times Prostestant and Catholic. But even if I didn't have that history, I wouldn't be as hateful as you Morrocan Role. Your own words say it ALL.

    altho, Nothern Irelands not really peaceful now. and it probably never will be.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The point is....they don't respect my beliefs. That's the point. If someone wants to tell you their beliefs...fine. But when they get into the "your going to hell for your beliefs"...they can go to hell.

    I'm not exactly "like" anyone else. My religion gives me a moral background from which to live and keeps me from being materialistic and being jealous of other people who have more in this life. I've met people who don't believe in anything who are moral too or believe in a totally different afterlife...as those who grew up in Vietnam. One person on the site that I admire is Dead in Hollywood...She's a Wiccan.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Schindler was a payed up member so he could get the Army quote. For no other reason than that.

    Northern Ireland will never be peaceful. I can tell you that now. Those of us who are close to Ulster will know that it's a gangland war now about who's right it is to sell drugs on what patch (hence UDA and UVF, two Loyalist paramilitaries fighting in the street.) The only exception at the moment being the Orange Volounteers who are just out to kill anyone who's bad for Ulster.

    Why wont we have peace? Because the ancient laws that have been made up in our Irish blood wont let us forgive and forget.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by RoyalSubject
    Schindler was a payed up member so he could get the Army quote. For no other reason than that.

    A lot of other sources have stories which are different from your statement.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by RoyalSubject
    Schindler was a payed up member so he could get the Army quote. For no other reason than that.

    Northern Ireland will never be peaceful. I can tell you that now. Those of us who are close to Ulster will know that it's a gangland war now about who's right it is to sell drugs on what patch (hence UDA and UVF, two Loyalist paramilitaries fighting in the street.) The only exception at the moment being the Orange Volounteers who are just out to kill anyone who's bad for Ulster.

    Why wont we have peace? Because the ancient laws that have been made up in our Irish blood wont let us forgive and forget.
    aye, what he said.

    altho, we are kinda off the subject of born again Christians.
    and i just thought i would let you all know that i am one, and i dont agree with forcing my beliefs down other peoples throats. its a personal thing for me and im not gonna go around preaching to others, although there are some who will (most of the time with good intentions), thats not for me.
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