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Did anyone watch the Bremner, Bird and Fortune programme on Iraq?

I missed the first 15 minutes but what I saw was absolutely brilliant. The best and most convincing anti-war propaganda I've watched for a while. I'd love to see Mr Tony countering that one.

Particularly enjoyable where the parallels drawn with the British government's policy in the area 80 years ago, the mention of the oil interests and shares Bush, Cheney and that woman adviser have, the 'revelation' that bin Laden actually hates Saddam and that the chances of a link between Al Queida and Iraq are absolutely nil (contrary to what Bush shamefully said on the anniversary of 9/11), the list of countries breaking UN resolutions and in possession of WMDs the US won't even give a second look, let alone attack...

Most of the things have been said already, in here and elsewhere, but it is nice to have it on primetime TV. Sadly we are unlikely to hear any government official contesting the charges.

Funniest of all was the mock interview with the British general talking about the recent war exercise in Oman. 27-hour life expectancy for helicopter rotors in desert conditions! :lol:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    didn't see it. did they bring up the close bizz and frienship that has existed for years and still does with george bush senior and bin laden senior? these two very wealthy and influential "friends"
    must be heartbroken that thier sons are always fighting each other aye! stinks that one.
    did they mention the 70's when top white house officials openly reffered to iraq as "the prize"? afghanistan as" the jewel."
    did they point to the puppet now in charge of afghanistan as a major shareholder in unacom oil? the company who will build the oil pipeline accross afghanistan. did they explain that the two biggest shareholders in unacon are...wait for it....george bush snr and binladen snr? did they explain that russia invaded afghanistan to clear away the cia on thier borders preparing to take over afghanistan? did they bring up the fact that two months before sept 11th happened, the head of pakistani inteligence was interviewed on bbc radio 4, where he said the americans had informed the pakistani government that they would be invading afghanistan soon?
    i could go on and on and on......the whole 9/11 thing fucking stinks. if you go to fight this war your as good as fighting for woolworths or is it esso or unacon
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    All those points and more my friends. Why do you think Ive been railing against the cover story of 9/11 for so long. The pat answers we've all been fed and upon which our militaries are so gung ho for war are just as a big a lie this time around as those that were given for fighting the Vietnam War. Sadly the majority of the public are too busy grazing like sheep to stand up and hold our elected governments fully accountable.

    Btw Moroccan don't forget that Cheney is heavily tied in to Haliburton which is another big player in this conquest for oil domination scenario.

    Here's some lil jewels for thought that I came across.


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    That redneck hillbilly fucker, AKA - Bush wants to liberate Iraq just get the Iraqi oil. And Blair..2 words..pussy fuck.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    damnit when was it on and will it be repeated? I really wanted to see that :mad: :mad:

    This flash movie is pretty funny although i dont agree with it :)

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Thank God Tony Blair, The Queen and the rest of the government in the UK personify "English character" that stands for something. How anyone could defend Saddam is beyond me. I have no doubt that if he gained nuclear capabilities he'd threaten that whole region and share his capability with any terrorist nut-job. The "oil thing" is such an easy argument to make. It only asks you to ignore the facts of who Saddam is and what he has done.

    Liberals valuing that view point are the same ones who knock the US for getting into WW2 too late. Well which is it? Fight Saddam now. Or fight him when he has the ability to bomb London?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    No one here is defending Saddam. What is being questioned is the REAL reasons behind Bush's push towards war. If you want to make some thinking of your own you might (or might not) reach several conclusions:

    - Iraq and the so-called war on terror have absolutely NOTHING to do with each other. There is no evidence whatsoever that Iraq has or will provide weapons to Al Queida. As it has been pointed out already bin Laden and Al Queida despise Saddam Hussein for running Iraq as a secular state, as opposed to their version of a Islamic state they would like it to be. If nothing else I had thought you and every other American would have been disgusted by Bush's shameful hijacking of the 9/11 anniversary when he claimed Iraq and Al Queida are linked. Talk about insulting the memory of the 3,000 victims by pushing his agenda and lies on the very anniversary of the attacks.

    - The very muslim 'perverts' you so despise so have been operating labs in Northern Iraq in league with Al Queida. If anything Saddam is preventing the expansion of such people in the parts of Iraq he controls.

    - There is no evidence or reason in the world why Saddam Hussein would want to launch an attack on any Western country. Not one. For starters the only thing he would achieve was guaranteeing the destruction of Iraq and himself. He have absolutely no interests or reason to attack anyone. He invaded Kuwait because of oil interests, and it is clear to everyone including Saddam himself that the same thing won't be allowed to happen in the future.

    - As weeks pass by it is becoming more and more apparent that if anybody is telling porkies about Iraq's WMD programme is the US and the UK, not Iraq. Hussein has so far complied with every last demand we have thrown at him and the UN inspectors have not found a trace of a renewed weapons programme. The US continues to claim it has proof of otherwise but cannot reveal it because it would "compromise its sources". I mean, give me a fucking break!

    - Not forgetting that much of the anthrax and chemicals we hear so often about were SUPPLIED by the US and the UK. I guess it's okay to dump the stuff on Kurds and Iranian soldiers, but not on white Westerners.

    - With regard to the compliance of UN resolutions, danger to world peace and possession of illegal WMDs, the double standards and sheer hypocrisy of the US are astonishing. There is one little country also in the Middle East that is guilty of all of the above and has been allowed to carry on unchecked for 3 decades. If the US want to become the world's policeman it should start there, then resolve the situation in North Korea and in the Indian-Pakistani conflict, another two issues many times more dangerous to world peace than Iraq, and then move to address the Iraqi issue. It might also want to disarm itself a little; as the world's biggest amasser of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons and the country that has invaded more nations than anybody else in the last 5 decades, the USA can be safely regarded as the biggest threat to world peace there is.

    Tell me again why we should invade Iraq?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    By your own words too pnj, I suggest you also learn a bit about Saddam and Bin Laden and how much support for their evil actions they have had from successive US administrations. You might be interested to know how much of our own tax money was given to these men who you now seem so eager to join in the chorus to condemn without equally condemning our own corrupt leaders (including Bush Sr. and Jr.) for their backing of these two (and many others equally as bad).
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i have been saying for months that iraq isn't what the uk and usa want but suadi arabia. they/we, have to have control, to prevent muslim extremists ousting the royal family, taking control and switching off the oil to the west. with nothing to negotiate. they want the wests destruction not dollars. the usa have to be as close as possible with a big stick and a scrapyard dog to prevent that happening. "oh america can mange without suadi oil, it would be no big deal". have had a few of those replies. along with "thats utter rubbish!"
    well it's nice to say that my point of view is quite plainly stated in todays mirror...thankyou!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Not really sure if youre being sarcastic or serious above Morrocan. I can say from my point of view that the OPEC nations want to seel their oil and really could care less if that is to America or anyone else.

    The real crux of the matter at hand though is the manner in our current right wing government wishes to do more than merely pay for other nations' resources (as we and any other nation should) but rather to exert military and political control over that and many other regions in the name of powerful and corrupt economic domination.

    This is tantamount to the height of the Imperial age, only its executed under more convenient pretexts so that our military men and woman can believe that are more than badly paid mercenaries for America's most powerful business interests. The reality is sadly just that. Patriotism is once again the propaganda buzz word of the day with our respective youth joining up to fight boogeymen born and bred from previous administrations' attempts at geo-political manipulation and control.

    It has to end eventually and I always hold out hope that America and wake up and see how out of control with power Washington has become, not only abroad but even more heinously on the domestic front.

    If our Constitution and Declaration of Independence are to retain any value then we as citizens must turn our scrutiny upon those who hide behind media broadcast lies and half-truths and decide whether we truly want to continue giving such positions of authority to the industrial and financial elites who have incrementally come to hold the reigns in Washington (and quite likely in most developed nations of the world).

    If America can learn to share this world equally with other nations and peoples regardless of their viewpoints then perhpas much of the rising hatred and mistrust that America has rightly earned for itself will diminish.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Clandestine
    Not really sure if youre being sarcastic or serious above Morrocan. I can say from my point of view that the OPEC nations want to seel their oil and really could care less if that is to America or anyone else.
    agreed. they want to sell oil. so does saddam. theres nothing more he would love right now than to be pulling in bazillions of dollars and pounds and francs etc and having a political relationship with the west like he used to have. he has NEVER been a terrorist to the west. always done our bidding in fact. he dreams of building palaces, cities, factories, highways. unfortunately he is in the way at the moment of other plans and problems. alqueda is a saudi terrorist group who detest the suadi royals and want them out .they also detest saddam. they hate the west and want the wests destruction.
    if osama turns up at mecca the suad royals are fucking pig meat mate. fundamentalism then rules overnight in suadi. no oil for anybody. the extremists would not sell you one drop of oil at any price. theres nothing to negotiate. there whole desire is the collapse and destruction of the western world.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Well that was rather dramatic for you my friend! lol.

    I think you credit Osama with far more power and capability than he or Al qaeda actually possess, despite what our political leaders and the media are trying to get us to believe.

    Im sure he might be able to stir up some chaos, but take out the ruling family and overthrow the regime is stretching the trutth to the breaking point i strongly believe.

    Remember that it is just as likely that the CIA (which has operatives throughout the world and a history of sparking unrest to suit America's agenda) could just as easily be behind many of the recent attacks (Kenya, Bali, etc.) that have been attributed to Al Qaeda. Since all the reports came after the fact, who's to say that it wasnt CIA agents who committed the deeds only to have the US admin waiting to point the finger immediately at Al Qaeda in order to keep up the fear factor and thus the unquestioning support for continued increased military budget allocations?

    Makes more political sense that this could well be more the case than having been carried out by some scattered and hunted group like Al Qaeda. The boogeyman syndrome is just another ploy that has been used throughout the decades (if not centuries)to divert attention away from the truth of what our governments are really up to.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    At this point, before you get carried away, I just need to remind you that the US was sitting on the Iraqi oil back in 1991. Under a Bush presidency, one which contained many of the same people you refer to.

    A comment which has consistently been ignored by these boards because it pokes a large hole in the "it's only about oil" argument.

    I have no doubt that there is an element of truth in the oil argument, but as with most things, when you take it to an extreme, as has been done here, the argument loses credibility.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Ahh yes but yet you readily subsribe to reports of Al Qaeda being behind everything even though that is being done to death?

    MoK, simply because one continues to point out the oil (or shall we say "Big Business") interests behind this latest exapnsionistic craze does not undermine the truth of the matter.

    In 1991 as you also recall Bush Sr. left Saddam in place. It was only subsequent to this that US interests were booted and the rights given to other oil refining nations. This merely reinforces the demand for action that is driving the current Bush administration.

    Just look at Afghanistan and the fact that Karzai was previously a consultant for Unocal (the very company i pointed out quite some time ago as being behind the intention to invade long before 9/11 ever happened). Im sure you can put the pieces together, the truth is so glaring its frightening.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The truth isnt glaring Clandestine, what you perceive to be the truth is glaringly obvious to you :)

    Personally I find the idea that the US are going to invade Iraq in order to steal their oil quite implausible. By steal their oil I mean put up whatever puppet govt and big business interests in the area. As MoK pointed out, they could have done that a decade ago.

    I dont believe Osama is as much a threat as some believe. I dont believe Saddam is a threat to anyone but his own people at the moment. Of course, if theres a war then you know what they say about cornered animals.

    I do believe that oil is involved but not in the same way you do.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Surely they could have changed their minds between 1991 and now? What could not be seen as acceptable 11 years ago is clearly seen otherwise today for a number of reasons: this administration is even more hawkish and greedy than Bush Senior's. Back in 1991 there was an international coalition of 27 countries involved- now is only Bush and poodle-Blair. And even though the cold war was over Russia was still seen as a military power to be reckoned with- today they are seen as a joke and the US clearly sees itself as an all-powerful nation that will do as it pleases without anyone else on earth doing as much as raising their concerns.

    So now the US oil companies want the Iraqi oil, the current US government shows levels of contempt for the international community of unprecedented levels, and the US military grows cockier by the day. So who is to stop them? Some White House officials have already admitted it's all about the oil. Even our own Foreign Secretary Jack Straw has said oil is the main priority of British foreign policy .

    Oil might not be the only reason of course. Bush needed something to do with the war momentum after the much trumpeted war on terror had somehow turned pear-shaped and Osama bin Laden escaped alive (probably). Nothing like a good war against some 'evil' empire- god how they like that word- to boost the nation's moral, the military, the voters and the defence industry.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Clandestine
    Ahh yes but yet you readily subsribe to reports of Al Qaeda being behind everything even though that is being done to death?

    Nope, but I don't discount it out of hand either.
    Im sure you can put the pieces together, the truth is so glaring its frightening.

    Did you know that the Mafia killed JFK? There's loads of evidence which supports that.

    Or was it the CIA? There evidence which supports that too.

    As there is for an assassination by Cuban exiles...

    All conspiracies, all have supporting, in some cases apparently overwealming evidence. That's how conspiracies are formed.

    What I am saying is that I don't believe that this is the only reason that the US wants to invade. Yes Karzai held a position in Unocol. He was also in opposition to the Taliban before 11/9.

    And yes, in 1991 Bush left Saddam in power, believing that the uprisings in the South and North would be successful. As we all know, they weren't.

    I know that there's no smoke without fire, but that doesn't mean that there has to be a firestorm.

    FYI My support for action doesn't come from any Al Qaeda link, nor from WMD. My support comes from the belief that Saddam needs to be removed, that he may have WMD or that he may have connections with terrorism (there's more than just Al Qaeda out there) are just convenient side issues. Regardless of the bitter taste that the Bush administration leaves in my mouth, I prefer them to Saddam...

    BTW My opinion - cuban exiles, with links to the Mafia and supported by the CIA.
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