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The Site.org best moments/history

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    *claps PussyKatty and takes the stage*

    I'm slightly tipsy, so excuse me...

    OK, where to begin. When I first joined this place under a different username, I used to post a lot of my problems in Relationships. I used to be hyper sensitive about things, and was so unnecessariy paranoid, I'd beleive things that weren't true etc.

    Then I got a grip of myself, and it wasn't till the end of May this year that I became a "proper" poster. Since then, this place has been absolutely brilliant to me. I've come across some absoulute darlings from here. People like Deeeeb, Ego, Daisy, Harmless, Chevvy, Lacy, Tash, BeckyBoo, Rainbow, Balddog, the list goes on forever. People on the Relationships board like BumbleBee have given me so much help when I've needed it. I apprciate each and every one of you who's ever helped me out. I have had such a laugh with all you guys on Anything Goes, some of your randomness is sooo funny. I love you guys for it. Every single one of you.

    I spent a lot of my time over the summer on here (when I wasn't being arrested fo drunkeness or waking up one morning in a field without a clue where I am) and I found it damn refreshing to be able to talk to so many different types of people. People like Mr Roll, Ebb, Kiezo Turtle and Man of Kent have had me in stitches with ther sarcasm and "wit" ;) And then there's MadintheNuts, who's actually turned from Class A Plonker to a really nice guy. In my eyes at least :p

    Thinking about it, the smilies are damn important too. Think how many more people would get offended if :p or ;) wasn't added to the end of a cheeky remark. Well done guys.

    Anyway, my three fave threads would be...

    Sorry Madinthenut, it just had to be done

    Yes. I'm a plonker


    Thanks guys, for a lovely time :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    My outstanding memory has to be Snow Whites appreciation thread, some of you won't remember it, but it was quality, I can't find it anymore :(

    Otherwise too many memories and people to even begin to mention them all, its a wonderful place, full of wonderful people and wonderful things. From three differnt board lay outs, to the petition and creation of a sports forum, from universe people (remember them) to My 1000th post thread, from the big board census to the world cup special, joy and sadness......... I could go on forever :)

    HURRAH for the site.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    in prospective i havnt been here that long really. My first experience of coming her for actual help was in august, and i found out that people would try to help with anything. (Im not sure if i should post the link though even if i can find it cos its a sorta personal thing in the sex forum, and no its not that one involving the two girls either:) )
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    rubbers goodbye will be a site and internet memory for me that will last.
    best laugh i had on here was when i decided to come clean. i owned up to the fact i was realy a female researcher called jackie.
    i was working for a large media company and some time in the near future would be asking some of the site members to appear on an upcoming tv programme where we would be discussing how easy it is to be fooled by people and personalities on the web. VERY mixed reactions to say the least. caused a bit of an uproar and i was banned. sent a grovelling email to the mods, cos by this time i had come to realy like this place. i was let back in minus...my first nearly 700 posts, so becoming a newbie again.
    i had a laugh out of it anyway.
    a post i did about the word "presumably" has haunted me ever since. it was off the top of my head but everytime i hear that bloody word now......
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    Chev, I had been trying to put the memory of the muffin thread out of my head. Thanks a lot! :p


    Anyway, I can't say that I have specific best memories of thesite. Actually, that's not true, I can remember laughing my head off when a certain site member was spooked by the gardeners that his parents had check out the garden. :p

    Threads where I thought that I might have helped someone out in a bad situation, or given some advice that helped a person on the way to better things, that sort of thing is what I remember. Fitness threads with Alistair were always great too. (Miss ya mate)

    Going through these old threads remind me though, of the posters that were here when I joined that aren't. Snow White, Kermit, Miss Quoted (now reborn as what, Smash?), thefairmelissa, BK, Rubberskin (rest in peace Kev), Lexicon (what ever happened to him, he was great :D ), etc...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by *Groovaybaby*
    People here that are new are lucky to have thesite. a while back the paper issued us a vulgar, sex- oriniated. basically promoting things we sud not.

    Well to be honest the actual site part of thesite probably still is in a way. :p The actual forums are great though, nice and informative it you need it for that and generally just a lovely pleasant place too. :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Well I've not been on here for long at all so I don't really have any memories as such. I just think that you guys seem like you've built up great friendships on here, and I just hope that through time I get to be part of them too:)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by rushin
    Well I've not been on here for long at all so I don't really have any memories as such. I just think that you guys seem like you've built up great friendships on here, and I just hope that through time I get to be part of them too:)
    don't go rushin now little fellah.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    too new still... or maybe i just can't think of anything at the moment... give me time.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I remember when I came to The Site and I also remember who I received my 1st PM from............probs why we get on so well because he made me so welcome and gave me some sound advice. You know who you are so im not gonna embarras the shit out of you, or make your head swell any more than it already is :p;)
    I havent been around that long, but tell you what ive had some laughs here, tears here and seen some really good advice.

    My most recent laugh was when I went to Brians old thread with the fellas in the garden, well I just pissed myself :lol::lol: That was just so so funny, omg yeah that was funny :D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Well in my 20 odd months at this place I certainly have a lot of memories...

    I stumbled across this place by chance doing searches on yahoo, I wandered into the drugs forum and after reading some of the 'then shite' that was being posted I stayed to debate my two pence worth and started out as quite a serious poster not really showing much charactor apart from helping wherever I could.

    Most of the old people I remember have gone, GFM was a good poster for a long time, Turtle and Whowhere are both still with us, Hellie, Kermit, Girl with Sharp Teeth! We had the big split of point where the boards kinda split in two and many left. I can remember Skive and myself vowing to stay on and our many debates in the drugs forums when J came along.. I remember how the boards grew and several forums were added!

    I found that late 2001 we had all the arrivals of lots of newbies and it brought more life into the boards, people started to 'chat' more and show more character, it was definatly a time when you really got to know just who you were with. I emigrated 17,000km east to NZ and did a post in Kula Lumpar on the way in a right dodgy internet cafe! You had the first big site meetup with Alistair, Kaz and LoL (well, that was juicy), J and his running around and Black-knight etc.

    2002 was the post whore year, where many of the oldies were overtaken by newbies and their love to post and post like they've never posted before... We got to know the wonderful Daisy, Deeb, Harmless, Rubberskin, Go_Away, Morrocan and BettyBoo. Things changed, we had a flux from Liv4now which caused probably the most confusion in 48hrs this place had ever known! Lots of meets, loads of flurting and 'site' shagging (half of you are guilty.. lol!)

    Its been a great few years here, I personally thing Snow-White did the best post with her appreciation thread, that was stunning and at such a good time, this place goes through a lot of bickering from time to time but we get through :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    yea, i'm gonna agree with the some of you who said the people are memorable. granted i havn't reached the point where i think of them during dinner, but there are memorable people on here. people that are always helpful and sincer, people that post random amusinc crap, and just pepole to remember... good people.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Occasionally I think back to the 'street art' threads, which made me almost wet myself laughing, mainly a collaborative work of DJP and Morrocy. *sighs*

    I can't have 'good' memories of here because still being a newbie and having lost a load of what seemed to be bloody brilliant posters on here, and all the blame (ok not all, but a fair bit) being dumped on the newbies who are running loose all over thesite. For example, I had started talking to AListair and DJP and then they both went and though they do occasionally come on MSN I just don't get to talk to them very much, which is just....meh. Then of course, we really did lose rubberskin. So...la di da.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Anyone remember when a load of us hijacked MESSAGEBOARD.COM, that had me in bits. I was pretedning to be some really dumb American and you all fell for it till I confessed. Have to find the thread.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    hey guys, I don't know what to say about my memories, there have been good and bad.

    It seems not that long ago when i first came here under another name, then I left again and came back as chaos :)

    I remember I came here to begin with to help with my depression, and help was at hand, from the likes of rubberskin (God bless), morrocan roll and later on BeckyBoo. I look back at those times and remember how much of a bastard I was, and yet I still had a reasonably warm reception.

    Of course the most recent thing that will go down in my head as being bad is the death of Kevin, who will be greatly missed. Other than that there are hardly any bad bits at all :)

    Thanks to all for being so kind to me and making me feel welcome, even though I can be such a bastard at times ;)

    god bless! :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I would say that the politics posts is what sticks to mind the best.
    Read the first post I made there, and can say that from "back then" (not even a year, yet) my writing style and general approach on that board has changed, and only for the better.

    Plus, my English writing and comprehension of "British nature/mentality" has also risen significantly (quite surprising when reading through a lot of the posts here :p).

    Katy, I remember the invasion :D
    They damn deserved it as well.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by evilemsie
    Occasionally I think back to the 'street art' threads, which made me almost wet myself laughing, mainly a collaborative work of DJP and Morrocy. *sighs*

    that was amusing.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Alessandro
    Going through these old threads remind me though, of the posters that were here when I joined that aren't. Snow White, Kermit, Miss Quoted (now reborn as what, Smash?), thefairmelissa, BK, Rubberskin (rest in peace Kev), Lexicon (what ever happened to him, he was great :D ), etc...

    Well, one of those is around... though God alone knows why anyone could miss me. :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    BK.. wow, welcome back?! Because your such a talented poster thats why, you give great advice... I've certainly missed your posts :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    That's exceptionally kind of you Justin.

    Sorry I vanished so suddenly some months ago, but life decided to come crashing down on me (as life likes to do at times) and I had to take some time to dig myself out. :)

    Hope you've been having a great time in your Xmas sunshine.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Black_Knight

    Well, one of those is around... though God alone knows why anyone could miss me. :)

    Are you crazy?
    You have no clue, how many times people have mentioned you and your absence, and what a shame it was that we "lost" you.

    You're a site-legend, lol :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    If someone said they missed me I probably owed them a drink or something. :D

    A legend? Moi? (Not with my clothes on :naughty: )
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    why hello there bk, i dont' know you but you seem to be a legand, and i'm just one of those people that do this, so hi :D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Pleased to make your acquaintance, my_name. :)

    Don't believe any of that legend nonsense - the only thing I'm famous for is being older than most folks here. :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    Ahh so many memories. My 1000th post thread in which I thanked almost every poster with over 50 posts at the time. Insane. Few other threads I can think of but can't be bothered to dig up.

    The appreciation thread was quality. However mostly it's the posters I remember. I've been away for a bit so I don't know many of the new generation of posters. Posters like DaisyChaingThing, RNT, WuckFit, Justin, J, Brian, Deeb, Groovay, Jacq, Roll, ebb, Dan the Man, PussyKatty, Hellie, Kermit, MoK - I can name quality posters forever :D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hi there Black_Knight. I don't remember you from before as I only joined in October but I've heard your name mentioned a lot around this place so it's good to eventually "meet" you- over the last few months I read lots of posts saying what happened to BK, they were a really good poster, I miss BK etc etc so you've got a lot to live up to!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    My best moments here have got to be me & Marmite getting together & This .

    Also remember the first Hello thread...was very long but passed the time away! :)

    this place has really helped me alot with my problems, just to know i'm not alone in feeling the ways i do sometimes helps.

    /End of soppy post.:p
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Wahey, BK, welcome back. :) An injection of sanity and intelligence into these boards, it's good to see you again.

    Best memories? The meets. Nothing on the boards, but in The Hart with BK, Alistair, Sara, Smoif. Getting pissed at Al's place an hour before I had to fly back home. Meeting a load of good friends on here.

    Wandering out of the Tate Modern with Stellar and IckleMissKay, and the comment being made "So did we just walk out of David's penis?" leaving us in hysterics.

    Yes. Lots of good memories, but the best ones are "real", tangible.
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