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Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Okay, Hmm

Girls, do you like your bf's (If you had one) to be little jealous- {Using the term very loosely here} when you tell them that a boy likes you?

How should a guy acted?

Blokes, do you get jealous when your gf (If you had one) tells you that someone else fancy's her?

How would you act?

And if the roles where visa-versa how would you be?

I don't really get anywhere near jealous I don't think, Is that bad?*

I don't want the girl thinking I don't care & love her, but then I don't want to be over protective of her!


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    jealousy is a bad thing - it causes more problems than its worth. i personally think im quite a jealous person and i dont like it. i know its due to my own insecurities and it feels horrible. i suppose i can understand why a girl might feel good that her boyfriend is jealous - it shows that hes a bit insecure- but id really rather prefer a guy who wasnt really jealous. i would get jealous if i found out someone liked my boyfriend - for me it would be a natural reaction - but its not like id want to be jealous. id need a lot of reassurance to get over it though:(
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    When I was with my babe, she used to get a lot of guys attention. She wouldn't tell me about it unless I asked, so I asked if it happened again would she tell me about it. She did, and there was this one guy I felt pretty insecure about, even though I said nothing to her.

    Turns out she'd rather be with him than me. Broke my heart she did :(

    Anyway, I think girls can sometimes sense jealousy in their boyfriends, and it drives them away big time.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yeah your right Brian girls can sense jealousy, just as I'm sure you guys can with us.

    Jealousy is a really bad thing. It's split me and guys up on more than one occasion and is a sign of lack of trust, along with insecurity and weakness on the part of the person who's jealous. If a guy gets jealous I feel pushed away, like I'm not trusted, and to be honest it's likely to make me act that way and not be faithful because I don't see why I should when it doesn't make any difference.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I don't mean so much jealousy, Can't think of the right term to use.....:crazyeyes

    Girls like to tease their blokes right, to get little reaction out of him

    You kinda want him to show he cares for you without it getting out of hand (Am I way off here?!):confused:

    This is too much to think about right now, I'm off to a cold bed:( :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    oh girls definitely tease a blokes jealous instincts no doubt about it.

    Just one of the many pathetic games and tests they play.

    I find it hilarious that girls HATE a bloke getting overly jealous but can't help but get extremely jealous of other girls yet I (like many other blokes) just brush it aside as a compliment!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Chaz
    oh girls definitely tease a blokes jealous instincts no doubt about it.

    Just one of the many pathetic games and tests they play.

    I find it hilarious that girls HATE a bloke getting overly jealous but can't help but get extremely jealous of other girls yet I (like many other blokes) just brush it aside as a compliment!

    Aye we play games and we test guys, but guys do it back as well.

    But I sure as hell don't get jealous of other girls trying it on whatever, it's a compliment to me cos I have the guy and they want him. Hmm....I do get jealous of females with a better body than mine, but I'm working on that :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Grrrrr i told you that i didnt do it on purpose damn you.

    If i wanted to make you jealous, i'd do it a bit better than that!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    What ya done Emma?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    I never was before but am now with boyfriend as he has a fucking stunning ex who still wants him :rolleyes:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I get very jealous when I see some woman trying to chat up my boyfriend.

    His Ex was in the club last night, whom I've never seen before in my life. Shes blonde, slimmish, attractive, but has no sense of style whatsoever.

    I'm no jealous of her , but I got slightly jealous when I thought about what they might have shared etc. But, I never let my boyf see that I'm jealous. Ever.

    Anywhoo, I don't mind my boyf getting jealous, I find it quite funny actually, but like me, even if he was, he wouldn't let it show. :rolleyes:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Mmm this is a big issue here, I agree with most of the comments on here, but my opinion is that us girls love it when a bloke gets a little (just a little) bit jelous over someone else liking us, but us girls get very jelous if someone else likes our bloke, why is that? The better body thing is definatly true, but what girlys out there find anything female a threat? My ex had this female best mate, right fat bloter (sp??) not attractive at all, but i still thought of her as a threat? I cant understand us girls sometimes! All these insecurties are v.annoying :lol:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Butterfly00
    Mmm this is a big issue here, I agree with most of the comments on here, but my opinion is that us girls love it when a bloke gets a little (just a little) bit jelous over someone else liking us, but us girls get very jelous if someone else likes our bloke, why is that? The better body thing is definatly true, but what girlys out there find anything female a threat? My ex had this female best mate, right fat bloter (sp??) not attractive at all, but i still thought of her as a threat? I cant understand us girls sometimes! All these insecurties are v.annoying :lol:

    (keep forgetting things lol) Also the blokes ex's are things to jelous over, been with my new bloke for 5 months, but fancyied him for 10 yrs, (along time!!) and he was married to this right minger, nice dress sence but that was the best thing about her, i work @ a nite club and he generally comes into see me, she was there at the w.end and they were having a goss (i dont mind that) but its when they start refering to things they done together thats sooo annoying! (her new husband was there and laughing with them) if he can do that then why cant i join in? grrrrrrrrrr:mad:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    jealousy is a terrible thing! it get split people up. the best thing to do (so ive been told) at the end of the day the person is with you and nobody else.:)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Kazbo
    What ya done Emma?
    Oh nothing really (Is sooo going to get in trouble for this!) SORRY!! (Won’t do it again!)

    But I need to know the right answer.

    She basically told me someone else fancy’s her and my response was “Ok” (Was that right or wrong?)

    I don’t know what I should have said, and she not helping me (Maybe it was a test/game) in which case I’ve failed!

    I’m not bothered or unborthered with the fact someone else likes her (I don’t feel threatened in anyway) I know she’s a beautiful girl and some blokes will naturally like her. But I just don’t want to come across as uncaring in just saying 'ok'.

    Also I don’t want to ignore it (or do I?):confused:

    So what’s the right thing to say (generally?) in things like that!??! *Little help please ladies!*

    (And yes I’ve done the wrong thing in bring it on here:( , but it may help future bf's/men;) !)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Harmless

    Oh nothing really (Is sooo going to get in trouble for this!) SORRY!! (Won’t do it again!)

    But I need to know the right answer.

    She basically told me someone else fancy’s her and my response was “Ok” (Was that right or wrong?)

    I don’t know what I should have said, and she not helping me (Maybe it was a test/game) in which case I’ve failed!

    I’m not bothered or unborthered with the fact someone else likes her (I don’t feel threatened in anyway) I know she’s a beautiful girl and some blokes will naturally like her. But I just don’t want to come across as uncaring in just saying 'ok'.

    Also I don’t want to ignore it (or do I?):confused:

    So what’s the right thing to say (generally?) in things like that!??! *Little help please ladies!*

    (And yes I’ve done the wrong thing in bring it on here:( , but it may help future bf's/men;) !)

    This has happend to both me and adam.

    When he told me a girl at work liked him I went off on one! Just something inside me sparks and makes me think well this girl lives near him, works with him, and she knows about me yet sstill tells him she likes him. Makes me think she isn't very respectful as if somebody has a boyf/girlf you shouldn't really interfere with their minds telling them you like them.

    A guy who claims I lost my virginity to even though it didn't really happen as we stopped as it was hurting me, hadn'tr spoken to me for five months then turns up at work saying he likes me. This annoyed adam but he took the more calm approach and said he knows I love him and trusts me so he doesn't see it as a problem. It annoys him in the fact that this guy tries to twist my mind saying he probably cheats as it's long distance.

    It would seem that the better approach when your girlfriend/boyfriend tells you someone likes them is to take it as a compliment that somebody likes them but can't have them cos you've got them! It is quite frustrating especially since your not living close by but saying ok probably appears that perhaps you aren't bothered in which case she may think you don't feel for her as well as you say. This doesn't mean that you don't care for her but perhaps she sees it that way. As for the best thing to have said I'm not sure, everyone is different and reacts in different ways but maybe she wanted you to be abit jealous that somebody else liked her? Just to show that you really care that somebody else looks at your girlfriend this way.

    Just because adam stayed calm when I told him I didn't feel that he didn't care but just thought that he feels safe enough that I'm not going to do anything and its him that I love so why worry about somebody else.
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