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honey on a forked tongue

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Hi everyone, firefly here! I've got a bit of a dilemma with my ex... actually i'm not sure if it's a dilemma I need u to help me clear my mind a bit!

This guy and me have been going out on and off for about 5 years now, we're totally in love with each other but it never works out. About 2 years ago I called it off for good, but we got together again in september, after we both just couldn't resist any longer.

We lasted about a month, and were fine apart from the odd tiff, but then he kissed his ex at a bonfire night party, which I didnt go to because I had pharyngitis :(:(:( I was totally devastated, and wouldnt talk to him for a week (thats a long time for me). Since then he's moved from girl to girl trying to get over me but he keeps telling me how it isn't working and how he still loves me, and he's never going to find anybody like me again. Having said this, he doesnt stop seeing them - he keeps on doing it and it really upsets me.

I really am in love with this guy (to give u some idea I was physically sick 5 times when I found out he'd cheated on me) but I am the worst person he could have cheated on, because I have serious trust issues, and I dont think I will ever be able to trust him completely again.
But i've tried getting over him, and 2 months later I still feel exactly the same. I really want him back, but not only am I worried about trusting him but my friends all hate him now as well. They keep reminding me what a scumbag he is, and how he's a user etc etc.... but i love him! :(:confused:

Even if i got back with him and tried to trust him again, I dont think i could handle the comments from my friends and knowing that they dont support me. But it seems impossible for either of us to move on... anybody got any ideas what I should do? Am i making a drama out of nothing?

It seems like I cant be with him, but I seriously cant be without him... help!


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Well I can understand that you still have really strong feelings for this guy, but how many times have you gone out with him??

    After five years it really must be hard to move on, but don't give in!! If I were you I would stick by the advice of your friends. Once or twice is bad enough but 5 years of using you on or off?? There must be better guys out there for you!!

    I think you deserve someone alot better, and shouldn't be wasting your time with him!!

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I kinda know how you feel hun. I've been with my boyf for 2 &1/2 years now - on and off! We've split up about 3 times and always got back together - the longest split we had was about 3 weeks I think. I have a few trust problems between us cos of things he's done in the past, he's never actually cheated on me but there have been a few 'issues' with other girls and cos of this I don't trust him 100%. The lack of trust on my part does cause a few arguments between us, but cos we both want it to work we are trying really hard, and it's going good at the mo. I know how it is to want to get back with someone no matter what - looking back I sometimes think that maybe I should have just left it and found someone else, but if you want to be with someone...

    How does he feel about it? Does he want to get back with you? Cos if he does, and you both really wanna try and make a go of it again then why not try? Don't worry about what your friends think, I have mates that think I shouldn't be back with my boyf but you have to think that you can't let mates decide who you want to spend the rest of your life with!

    Anyway, enuff waffling from me. PM me if you wanna chat :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Thanks you guys, even though u both said different things i think you kinda helped :)
    I think I'm going to wait and see what happens for a little while.. his behaviour since I posted the topic has kinda annoyed me somewhat so I'm going to have to see what he's got to say for himself!

    Thanks again, if anything interesting occurs or I need another moan I'll let you know :D

    firefly xxx
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