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Hey guys, I'm new

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
Hello everyone. I'm new round here so I thought I'd just intro myself.
My name's Vicky, I'm 15 (16 in December) and I live in Norfolk.
I'm into swimming, gardening, biking, football (I support Liverpool and my local team King's Lynn). I also like music including rock like Sum 41, Blink 182 and Green Day.
Life's unfortunately not going too well for me at the moment; I've just split from my boyfriend of 7 months who I love like hell, and who I thought was head over heels for me too. Oh well, if it's meant to be it will be, so we'll see how it goes and anyway we're still best mates.
I live with my Mum, Dad, and my weird 7 year old brother Stephen (He really is weird, I so wish you could see him. He honestly makes Phil Mitchell seem normal, not to mention Cilla Black).
Anyway, I've bored you for long enough. Hopefully talk to some of you in the threads from time to time.;)


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