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September 11, um no disrespect but



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by cokephreak
    Greenhat :

    They can call me what they like, from whatever country they are in.

    In fact they can call me what they like standing in the street with me, and i will be open to debate about comparative religions.

    If they try to hurt me, herang me or intimidate me I will inform the police and take legal action.

    If they kill me then they will be sent to jail, and people will have that much less respect and time for Islamic fundamentalists and the ways of Islam generally, meaning the act was self defeating.

    I have read the whole thread again. I don't see where any-ones suggested that every country has to follow every other countrys customs and laws at all times through-out the world.

    But as I have said on other threads, If i read a lot of text I can miss out bits, so please point out to me where some-one has said this, or where I have agreed.
    Really, i have read as carefully as i can, so please point it out to me.

    MoK : If the islamic fundementalists really want the entire world to change, why have they so far only attacked 1 country? OK, there have been sounds about attacks on other countrys, but nothing yet... And as most of this info comes from the US, who want more worldwide support, forgive me if I am sceptical.

    I think that it is possible to live in peace and not piss them off. IF we (the west) stopped started live with respect to other cultures, didn't screw them financailly, didn't allow 90% of the profit from there cash crops go to the US companys, then maybe there would be less terrorists.

    There would still be the Tim McVeighs of the world....
    But even if it only reduce the number of people with "terrorist" on their passport by 10% wouldn't it be worth it?
    Added to that it would make the population of the other countries happier, even if they would never turn to terrorism, thats got to be a good thing.

    Read my post about New Guinea. Read it carefully. Consider the implications and meanings of each word.

    As for attacking only one country, you really need to read more.

    Islamic terrorists have staged attacks on multiple places and nationalities in at least five African nations, in a half dozen nations of the Middle East (including Israel), in the United States, Britain, Germany, France, Turkey, Greece, the Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia. Those are just from recent memory.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    If you start arguing to the bits my responses to Mok, and he does the same then i really am screwed....

    But i accept that statement i made was untrue.

    Read my post about New Guinea. Read it carefully. Consider the implications and meanings of each word.

    The only new guiena post i saw was this

    So, are you suggesting that New Guinea should be allowed to return to cannabalism? And if a person from New Guinea wanted to eat your sister, you would respect their culture?

    Is that what you mean? If so then i still hold by what i said regarding it, and still don't see where any-one has proposed that every country has to follow every other countrys customs and laws at all times through-out the world.

    BTW I like people quoting me, but quoting the entire post is getting a little tiresome. Please just quote the relevent bits.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by cokephreak
    If you start arguing to the bits my responses to Mok, and he does the same then i really am screwed....

    You're screwed. :D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    again, 10/10 for observation, good effort for humer, but the mark for usfulness just has the comment "must try harder".

    Was that the new guniea post you were refering to?
    If so what was the relevence in telling me to refer to it? I was looking for something along the lines of ... :

    still don't see where any-one has proposed that every country has to follow every other countrys customs and laws at all times through-out the world.

    and i have read it carefuly and i have though about the implications. I stil hold by my comments regarding it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The TV companies dwell on it because they get good ratings.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    Ever been to Thailand? In Thailand, the culture includes not touching others on the head, and not pointing your feet at people. It isn't part of the law, it's part of the culture (there is a difference). Cultural differences are often not codified, and may even be opposed to what the laws are (the social strata and treatment of servents in Thailand for example). Now, Thailand is a rather "laid back" culture, but similar cultural traits in a less tolerant society (such as most Middle East Islamic nations) can end up with a foreigner killed with it having nothing to do with laws, but everything to do with culture. As for "announcing", it is extremely unusual for a person to be aware of the prejudices and other issues resulting from their own culture. Difficult to "announce" them if you don't know what they are.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    I think this post is highly disrespectful and should be closed, a lot of people died in the towers, deserved is their remembrance, and rightly talked about they are. If you're sick about hearing about it, then shut your ears, i'm sure it would be a hell of a lot different if you're father or mother had died in one of those two buildings or one of the flights !

    Small Mindedness is not a virtue - never will it be - easily irritated young person !
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    dan, old boy, I think you're being a little hasty. It's possible to enter informed debate about the consequences of 9/11 without disrespecting the victims. also, why do you talk like yoda? I merely ask.
    now, and I'm glad you like people quoting you, cokephreak:

    1.MoK : If the islamic fundementalists really want the entire world to change, why have they so far only attacked 1 country?

    2.They can call me what they like, from whatever country they are in.

    3.i still hold by what i said regarding cannibalism, and still don't see where any-one has proposed that every country has to follow every other countrys customs and laws at all times through-out the world.

    1. USA represents the western world to a very great extent; also, it isn't OK to 'only attack one country'. ANd they didn't anyway. as someone said, they atatck loads.
    2. If you think they just want to call you nasty names then you entirely misunderstand the basis on which certain islamic fundamentalist groups work. They don't want to live side by side in the world with you. They don't even want to kill you. They simply want you not to exist. The most chilling thing about 9/11 is that the main motive isn't getting attention, or resolving the palestine israel thing, or getting the west to act in a different way: it was killing and destroying as many people and as much property as possible. It was that striaghtforward. If members of Al-Qaeeda oculd press a button which would kill all non-muslims (and even some muslims who are at teh opposite end of the spectrum to them) THEY WOULD. That's what your dealing with; such people are hard to negotiate with.

    3. Well, that's just bonkers. What you're saying is thatif you could press a button and stop people eating each other you wouldn't. You're crossing the line between respecting other cultures and standing idly by while evil things happen.
    Edmund Burke said 'All that is needed for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.' I truly believe that there are certain moral absolutes, things like murder and rape and, oh yeah, eating people: if you don't believe that these thing are absolutely wrong rather than just 'seen as being wrong by our culture' then why not just go out tomorrow and kill someone who's been pissing you off? It's not our right, it's our responsibility to try and change things like this. that's not the same at all as denying people their rigfht to an indigenous culture: it's just to assert that you believe certain things to be true and that you believe all people, not just your neighbours, have the right to live in a free world where they can live without fear of attack for their beliefs or their creed or their gender or their race.
    In some islamic countries, it's legal for a man to kill his wife if she's been RAPED, because he's been dishonoured: how do you think most of the women feel about that? and why do you take their husbands opinions so much more seriously than theirs? In some parts of the world, female cicumcision still happens.
    If you don't know about that, you should find out, becasue it's the most brutal and humiliating and barbaric practice imaginable and not all that many women step forward when they're asking for volunteers, but it still happens. Do you think we shouldn't try and stop that? do you really?
    it's important to realise that this isn't the same as promoting cultural imperialism, pushing starbucks on the whoole world: but you must understand that a country's culture may be hellish for a large chunk of that country who hate it but have no choice, and that their rights are just as important as anyone else's. you can do what you like as long as you don't hurt others. SOme of the things I've been talking about rather cross taht line.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    September 11th

    Very Tragic day.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    Very well said.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Aladdin
    There have been some valid comments asking when are we going to remember many other forgotten victims, and what about the 5,000+ innocents killed in Afghanistan and scores of other people from other conflicts.

    Then you are for killing the people that committed atrocities in Afganistan??

    But why are you against attacking those that committed the atrocities, the taliban and al-qaeda..

    Does this mean you are on line with attacking Iraq? No not for the kurds, but for the marsh arabs.

    Listen well to Prufrock's words
    They don't want to live side by side in the world with you. They don't even want to kill you. They simply want you not to exist.

    The muslim fundimentalists are quite open and honest about it, they only goal is that you cease to exist.

    Point is, they tell you and you ignore them. They repeat it over and over, yet you still ignore them.

    I am curious if you will listen as they cut your throat?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by reverse

    The muslim fundimentalists are quite open and honest about it, they only goal is that you cease to exist.

    Point is, they tell you and you ignore them. They repeat it over and over, yet you still ignore them.

    I am curious if you will listen as they cut your throat?

    Or blow you to bits with airplanes full of jet fuel. THIS IS WHAT THEY WERE DOING ON SEPT 11TH

    Also dont forget they are still trying, they havnt given up they are simply slowed for a time. Most likely hopeing well forget.:mad:

    Maybe it will be your turn next, the attacks are not limited to Americans.

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