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The forgotten issue of the Anthrax attacks that took place last year in the US



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Clandestine
    You have a rich and vibrant fantasy life there Than, too bad your head is so far up your butt you couldn't see reality unless it bit you or unless it came dressed in military fatigues and a rocket launcher singing The Battle Hymn of The Republic.

    Dearie, I am afraid that T has not just seen, but experienced much more reality than what you and I are able to comprehend. His sense of reality is very broad, compared to us who (may I add, thankfully) havn't got those experiences.
    The fact that you and Greenhat wont even open your minds to any remote possibilities that our government is not entrenched in duplicity and lies regarding the purposes and objectives of this continued war posture only goes to show how systemically programmed our military personnel are. The rest of us non-military types will support free, open and critical thought.

    Maybe they are so sure of their opinions, due to the fact that they have some knowledge concerning these acts which you and I don't (especially Greenhat comes to mind)? Not everything is published in the press. And not everything published in the press is true.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Jacqueline, the press is not the only source of information available to those who spend their lives doing geo-political research as I do. Furthermore, neither Thanatos nor Greenhat despite what they may claim have any idea whatsoever of my world experience. I have travelled extensively in the course of my professional life and don't need some self righteous military types telling me that reality is only the way they choose to see it.

    The fact that they cannot even go so far as to acknowledge a possibility of ulterior motives (which has been revealed throughout the past century with more than a few administrations in differing circumstances) shows only that like good military men, they do not question the government.

    Sorry, I disagree with the institutional attitudes they portray in nearly every post. The military is not the font of all knowledge or insight regardless of their wish for it to be so.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Clandestine
    I doubt very highly that anyone other than perhaps military officers have even close to the level of education I have had. And it didnt take a government handout or selling my mind and soul to the armed forces to achieve it either thankfully.


    I have an NCO (as in Master Sergeant) who works for me who has PHDs in linguistics and International Studies; Masters in German, French, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, and History; and Bachelors degrees in History, Political Science and Psychology.

    So, you have a higher level of education? :rolleyes:

    Oh, and it just might be that some people might have access to information well beyond either the press or your sources...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    *Sigh* Here we go again.... :impissed:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Just a thought, but if this was indeed a conspiracy at the highest levels of the US Govt, why were the FBI allowed to publish any such findings?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Simply because their is plenty of inter-agency rivalry taking place in Washington, as the whole issue of what might or might not have been known by whom and when concerning the 9/11 attacks has already shown most clearly.

    I also did not say the highest levels but in the case of the likely suspect, he does happen to be quite well connected with military and government heavy hitters. This is one suggestion from those who have reviewed the FBI findings as to why no arrest has to date been made, nor any files charged.

    My whole point in raising the issue is simply to get people to start asking some questions about what is going on in Washington. Sorry if our right-wing hawks want to blindly ignore any possible cover-ups within a right-wing administration. Not like there haven't been cover-ups or attempted cover-ups at even higher levels of the US government in the past. Anyone remember Watergate? The Iran-Contra scandal?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hey, just asking ;)

    Yes there is the possibility of a cover up, but then I suspect that you could spot a conspiracy any where. Certainly your other comments have led me to that conclusion.

    So, assuming that this was an action orchestrated by the US Govt. What was their goal?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I believe I gave a link to lengthy review of the FBI findings somewhere back a page or two, but basically one school of thought is that it was likely a case of one hawkish Bio weapons expert trying to make a case to the country and more so to the administration that a bio-chem attack could happen quite easily using routine US postal services.

    Whilst the point being made is valid, this is a clear example of the ends not justifying the means.

    Just in case, here is the link again:

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