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Stressed out big time

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Dont worry I feel like you most of the time. I have an extremely short temper and the slightest of things really gets to me.

Like on friday, I really felt like smashing my room up compltely. I had been at work and straight after work I had a driving lesson so I ran home literally, dumped my work uniform home, and then ran to my driving lesson. By the time I got there i was drenched from the rain, got in the car and it started to thunder and lighten. Had a pretty shit lesson I ve got worse since Ive booked my test, then on the way home got drenched again my clothes were actually ringing wet. Came home and went on the computer to send an email, mum comes home and started shouting her head off saying that I was a bitch blah de blah, hadnt bothered to help round the house, dishes to be done etc. I wondered what she was on about I had been home literally 20 seconds when she got home so how could I do the dishes? An hour later I told her I had been having hot flushes all day and she said yeh probably from all the alcohol you drink (I had been out the night before)I totally flipped and said no mum its cos the air conditioning in work has broke. She then turns around and says oh you been at work today I didnt realsie. :mad: she was there shouting for no reason apparently she thought i had been home all day thats why she flipped at me. i was so angry i was shaking from rage she should get her facts right before shouting.

Lately I have been crying at the silliest of things as well, just found out my grandad has cancer and three months to live its so awful I cant think how my grandma will cope with him gone.

I get so angry I shake and think the easiest way to make it all go away would be to not be here at all but I no that things always get better so I wolud never do anything stupid to myself.

I dont really no what advice to offer you cos if I knew that then maybe I could help myself but I hope things get better, they always do believe me your just going through one of those bad patches.

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