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Tattoos & Piercings

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
What do have?
What do you find sexy? etc etc

*lets have a massed debate*

I have a pierced nipple. I had it done this year cos my gf mentioned she found them sexy. Id always been dead anti, but I got to thinking more about how it might turn her on. When I first showed her she was dead shocked that Id done it and it was only the bleeding that stopped her thinking it was fake.

She has a pierced navel which I love. (she had it done before I knew her)

She hates tattoos (I dont have any) I would be tempted if she didnt hate them so much. Id lover her to have a small discreet one somewhere but I dont think its on the cards.


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I must say, im not really into piercing. Its ok with the tounge (how the f do i spell tounge??) and bellybuttons. and nipples for men tho.. (since females cant breastfeed after it im against it tho)

    what i really hate is facial stuff... eyes, lips piercing etc bites.

    tho, i wanna do it the way Dennis Leary sayes it. Pierce my balls and my bellybutton and put a chain between em with my carkeys on. That way id always know where my keys and my balls are:D

    Tatoos are cool tho, as long as u place it somewhere you can hide em if nessesary. I wanna get myself tatooed. Only problem is that a tatoo costs like SHIT loads in norway. Stupid freekin country.
    Ive always sayed that heaven is full of tits, so my gf tatooed "heaven" on her tits with chinese letters... That one rocks:D The one many females use to, which are placed a lil over the butt is cool.
    odd that wed get exited cos of a drawing tho:/

    (i really need a dictionary)

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    No I dont like facial or genital piercings really. Would love to experience the sensations of a woman with a pierced tongue though I wouldnt want my gf to have one full time (if you know what I mean)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I have a small tat on my right arm, I hate tat's on girls ! (I know, I know) Belly button peircing can be quite sexy on a nice flat girls tummy, But not on a big beer gut. No other peircings for me though thankyouverymuch !
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    My gf got a tounge pierced...which rocks!!!
    tho, it only takes 15 minutes for it to start growing if you take it out, so it got to be permanent if u do it... specialy considering the price in this god forsaken country.

    But atleast u can hide a tounge piercing. or... partly that is:/
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I have my belly button and my tongue done, and I think both look sexy.

    So many people don't even notice that I have my tongue done for weeks after they've met me, so unless you show it off all the time it doesnt notice that much.

    On blokes I think a peirced nipple looks really sexy and some tattoos do. But I agree, tattoo's on girls are not sexy at all. (sorry!)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i have a pierced bellybutton, and three tattoos, a pegasus on the bottom of my back, a flower on my ankle, and a dolphin on my stomach!!!

    on a guy, i love tattoos, but not loads of them, and i love pierced eyebrows!!!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by dizzy blonde babe

    , and i love pierced eyebrows!!!

    Not to go against you on that, or to start an argument, but what is it thats so cool/nice/sexy (or what you find it) with a pierced eyebrow?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Apparently quite a few girls in the younger generation find face armour attractive. For the life of me i can't see the attraction and find (IMO) to be a disturbing indication of sado/masochistic tendencies in today's teens, but if the frankenstein monster look is a girl's thing then more power to her.

    it makes me laugh to think that much in the same way as many teens/early twenty-somethings from say my parent's generation who might have gotten a tattoo as a dare while drunk later wondered why the heck they did that to themselves, many of today's teens will wake up one day in their thirties or forties and kick themselves for basically mutilating their looks. Sadly, the difference here is that whilst a tattoo can be removed without any blatant scarring, this face armour (especially those hideous earlobe expanders) will leave permanent marks.

    I tried telling this to my nephew who has fort brag on his face and sizeable expanders in both earlobes, but it didnt deter him in the slightest. By the time he realises how stupid and sick it looks, it'll require major surgery just to revert back to some semblence of normal looks. So much for modern fashion.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Clandestine
    but if the frankenstein monster look is a girl's thing then more power to her.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I have no tattoos or piercings -
    But I think a piercing on a guy really turns on (if it looks good) - I love the feeling of licking his skin and there's that cold steel :D
    I love playing with my tongue with that - no matter where the piercing is - well so far I've just had one pierced guy.

    I like tattoos too, but just when they are not corny.

    I'm thinking of getting a tattoo too - on my upper arm - but I'm not sure about the motive.
    I love my Avatar-Lion, but I think that wouldn't look so good.
    Or something like the attachment.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I have nothing against tattoos, per se. The only thing I abhor is extensive tattooing over one's body; it's just so unattractive.

    A few discrete ones here and there aren't bad though.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Clandestine
    Apparently quite a few girls in the younger generation find face armour attractive. For the life of me i can't see the attraction and find (IMO) to be a disturbing indication of sado/masochistic tendencies in today's teens, but if the frankenstein monster look is a girl's thing then more power to her.

    it makes me laugh to think that much in the same way as many teens/early twenty-somethings from say my parent's generation who might have gotten a tattoo as a dare while drunk later wondered why the heck they did that to themselves, many of today's teens will wake up one day in their thirties or forties and kick themselves for basically mutilating their looks. Sadly, the difference here is that whilst a tattoo can be removed without any blatant scarring, this face armour (especially those hideous earlobe expanders) will leave permanent marks.

    I tried telling this to my nephew who has fort brag on his face and sizeable expanders in both earlobes, but it didnt deter him in the slightest. By the time he realises how stupid and sick it looks, it'll require major surgery just to revert back to some semblence of normal looks. So much for modern fashion.

    I agree, I don't genuineluy approve of gratuitous piercings on one's face.

    I like your comment about sadism and masochism though. :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Thanks, hehe i don't have any problem with being tied up per se, just dont relish the thought of all the whips/chains and other unpleasantries associated with S&M
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Come on, live a little, you're turning it into a pretty depressing thread. What's so bad about piercings? I don't think everyone who has a facial piercing or ear tunnel for example are going to regret it in later life...you just accept it was a phase of your life and part of what you wanted to do. Plus many piercings heal up without an obvious scar. A friend of mine had 12mm ear tunnels for 2 yrs and has taken them out and they have healed perfectly. Not all piercing is mutilation.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I have got a tattoo !
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    There seems to be a lot of misinformed people when it comes to piercings. They don't leave much, if any, marks after they've been removed.

    The stretched lobes close up to near normal size quite quickly. Most nose piercings are almost invisible within weeks of being removed. Eyebrows (as long as they haven't stated growing out) leave nothing more than a slight mark and tiny reddish dot. Many others heal over without a trace too.
    Last year I had to remove one of my nipple bars due to migration. After a couple of weeks you couldn't tell it had ever been pierced.
    A girl at work lost her nose stud, and didn't get another in time. You can only see what looks like a large pore in her skin now, and in a few months you won't even see that.
    Another girl used to have two nose rings (one either side), and half a dozen ear piercings, including some major ones such as her tragus. She only has a couple in each ear lobe now, and the others just can't be made out any more. If you didn't know she had them in the past, you would never have guessed.

    I don't think a face full of metal is attractive either, but a handful of well chosen, well thought out piercings, are nice, and like any good jewelery, enhance.

    A pierced tongue does feel nice when being licked or sucked. I wouldn't say it was mind blowing, but it's definitely an enhancement, and one I miss since splitting up with my ex who used to have one.
    Taking it out for short periods of time isn't too bad, but no more than 30-45 mins max. I had to take mine out for some x-rays for about 20 mins, and had no problem putting it back in. My ex had to take hers out for 30 mins for a scan once. Again, no problems putting it back in.

    My fave piercings are - tongue, nipples, navels, nose (stud or small ring), some ear, and some genital (hood for example).

    Tattoos. Haven't got any because I haven't seen any I really liked. Thought about an armband a couple of years ago. Maybe something on my back between my shoulders. But I haven't seen anything I'd be happy to have for the rest of my life yet.

    Mr_Wobble ;)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    got my tongue pierced n a lil tat on my shoulder..... I think piercings r attractive, but u can go too far, only others I would consider would b a small nose stud n a genital piercin <but I'm a wimp!!!>
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Morgenstern
    I have no tattoos or piercings -
    But I think a piercing on a guy really turns on (if it looks good) - I love the feeling of licking his skin and there's that cold steel :D
    I love playing with my tongue with that - no matter where the piercing is - well so far I've just had one pierced guy.

    I like tattoos too, but just when they are not corny.

    I'm thinking of getting a tattoo too - on my upper arm - but I'm not sure about the motive.
    I love my Avatar-Lion, but I think that wouldn't look so good.
    Or something like the attachment.
    That fish is excellent....I had a small black shark on my right arm, just above the elbow....had it when I was 18....ou forget about them, and then people say "hey whats that on your arm" A couple of years ago I decided it looked crap so I spent 4 hours with my local (one of the best in UK) tattooist working out a tribal band that could encorporate the shark....bless him...4 hours we fannied about, and now I have a complete band in black thats complete original. And i'm very pleased. If your gonna get a tattoo, think about it, make sure the tattooist is good (coz a bad tattoos don;t just look bad, the feel bad) and try and customise or even create an original...afterall your the canvas, and its life long. Ohh and colour fades so if you can do it in black then thats best.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I had a piercing when I was like 12 I got my left ear done

    Got it re-pierced for ever summer till I reached 15 and then I thought it looked shit on me and didn't bother getting it done again after that.

    I wouldn't now get my nose or anywhere else on my face down unless I thought it would look good on me (Which I very much doubt it would)

    I think I may get a tattoo when I'm 21, when I've finish growing for good, not sure what I'll get but I know it won't be the "Croydon Tiger" every c*** seems to have that and it looks shit!:p :p in my humble view

    Won't get my little man done as well it hurt to much, plus it creeps me out just thinking about it. I think my piercing days maybe behind me now:p
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i have my lip, tongue, nipple and navel pierced (navel done twice - once at the top, once at the bottom). I also have two tattoos - a rose over my kidney, and a fairy on the back of my hip on the opposite side to the rose. I really love them all, and have spent more than 250 on getting them done. Like optimistic_dan says, it's better to pay more and get someone who's good and you can trust, cos if they aren't done right, you can be scarred for life. The only one of all my piercings you can see is my lip one, and it has a tiny ball on the end of it so instead of looking chunky, it just looks delicate, or as delicate as it can look! I'm not bothered about piercings or tattoos on blokes, i think too much can look ridiculous, but i've been with people with and without them - my ex had both his nipples done twice and tattoos on his stomach and the side of his arse, and i thought they were v. sexy, but i've also been with someone who didn't like my piercings that much and was really against me getting my tongue pierced... he soon came round though :D It's really a case of each to their own, i think.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by ObviouslyBlonde
    n a genital piercin <but I'm a wimp!!!>

    I havnt forgotten I owe ya one ! :mad:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I've got two tats on my back, just little ones of personal designs.

    I'm thinking of getting my tongue pierced, anyone have this done already??

    I know there are some benefits with a tongue piercing, but what are the drawbacks??
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    One drawback that ive been told of by a dentist friend of mine is that tongue rings are responsible for a huge surge in chipped and broken teeth cases in past few years.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by |Regrets|
    tho, i wanna do it the way Dennis Leary sayes it. Pierce my balls and my bellybutton and put a chain between em with my carkeys on. That way id always know where my keys and my balls are:D

    Lock and load...he's just so damn funny!

    anyway, i've got two tattoos...one is the chines symbol for a dragon on my lower tummy on the right and on my left hip is the zodiac for Leo...naturally being my sign. I did feel a little rebellious getting them done, but I love them...am thinking about another one, but unsure where and what - I would always go for something that means something to me! The only piercings I have are my ears...couldn't abide them anywhere else

    Tattoos on blokes...as long as they mean something and clear, then they look great....My bloke doesn't have one...yet!!:p
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I have my eyebrow peirced and thats got a bar on it.
    I have a celtic knotty cross thingy tattoo on my back inbetween my shoulder blades.

    My girlfriend said nipple peircings are nice on men, but i don't exactly have great 'pecs' so i may have to wait a while for that one....

    It doesn't bother me what women have, my girlfriend just has her ears done a few times. As long as it is not done ott it looks alright. But i don't like women that have masculine tattoo's that looks a bit awful.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by CRAZYREDEYES

    I havnt forgotten I owe ya one ! :mad:

    hmmmmmm yeassssssss...... :eek: ya still gonna get ya nipple done?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by ObviouslyBlonde

    hmmmmmm yeassssssss...... :eek: ya still gonna get ya nipple done?

    Lol mmmm have to get sum pex fIrst :(
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by CRAZYREDEYES

    Lol mmmm have to get sum pex fIrst :(

    lol shurrup - u look fine as ya are n it would look wicked as ya are.... but then again I just like nipple piercings so I'm obviously gonna say that!

    trust me.... go on.... ya know ya wanna.....:D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I just have a problem witht the pain thing nipples and PAs just make me cringe, am fine with anywhere else, maybe the lebret or sommink next :D
    Or maybe will get nipple done when you get the hood done :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    it's a deal then!!!! I will if u will lol

    labrettes are pretty kewl, but if ya get it done it'll take the focus off ya eyes, so I'd advise against it!
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