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appendix and stomach cramps - HELP

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Hi, I need some help.
My friend is staying with me and she has really bad stomach ache. It's not her period, and she hasn't got a stitch or anything like that. I have a feeling it could be her appendix, because the pain moved across her stomach. I looked in the first aid manual and it said not to give any medicine, because it could hide symptoms that the doctor might need to know about. But when it started we rang an older friend who suggested it was indegestion, and to take some pepto bismol or something. So she did, but now I'm worried that I've done the wrong thing.
She wont tell her mum because if she gets taken to the doctor and gets asked if she is sexually active she will have to tell. THing is she is 14.
Any advice?

HELP!!!! :(:(


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Re: appendix and stomach cramps - MoK - one for you?!?
    Originally posted by Knee High Stripy Socks
    Hi, I need some help.
    My friend is staying with me and she has really bad stomach ache. It's not her period, and she hasn't got a stitch or anything like that. I have a feeling it could be her appendix, because the pain moved across her stomach. I looked in the first aid manual and it said not to give any medicine, because it could hide symptoms that the doctor might need to know about. But when it started we rang an older friend who suggested it was indegestion, and to take some pepto bismol or something. So she did, but now I'm worried that I've done the wrong thing.
    She wont tell her mum because if she gets taken to the doctor and gets asked if she is sexually active she will have to tell. THing is she is 14.
    Any advice?

    HELP!!!! :(:(

    Get her to go to the doctors - you do NOT want a ruptured appendix inside of you... if thats what it is!!!

    One of the reasons why they say not to give them anything is in case they need to operate and prefer nothing to be in the persons system - I dont think that Pepto Bismol is too bad a thing... wouldnt worry about it...

    It could be gastorentoritis (sp?) or something... or trapped wind??

    Doctors - She does NOT have to tell - she doesnt even have to take her mum in the first instance... and if she does go the doctor will NOT go back to her mum with her secrets, only if there is something wrong that needs hospital treatment or something.

    Man Of Kent - can you advise on this one??
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Call nhs direct 0845 4647
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Susie
    Call nhs direct 0845 4647

    This is another option - plus its a really good, free service...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    My mates got the same problem as this as well. We went out on saturday night for her 18th and she never had a very good night really she was so ill she didnt know what it was she felt really sick and had awful stomach cramps and was moaning about it all night. The next morning she felt no better so she went to the chemist and they just gave her some really strong pain kilers. Im not sure what it was she had but its worth your mate getting it checked out.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Call out a doctor, or go to casualty if you are worried - better safe than sorry.

    DO TELL the doctor that she is sexually active, they will have to rule out the possibility of an ectopic pregnancy which can be life-threatening.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Karla
    Call out a doctor, or go to casualty if you are worried - better safe than sorry.

    DO TELL the doctor that she is sexually active, they will have to rule out the possibility of an ectopic pregnancy which can be life-threatening.

    Sorry - you are right of course...

    But you dont have to tell her mum...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Karla

    DO TELL the doctor that she is sexually active, they will have to rule out the possibility of an ectopic pregnancy which can be life-threatening.

    Seriously you need to go. My best mate had an ectopic pregancy and you need to have it sorted if that is it! (pain on the side)

    Go with her and you don't have to say anything to her mum initally till you know what is up!

    Don't put this off it's really important it gets sorted!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I thought that if you were under 16 then you had to take a parent into the doctor's with you, and the person she would take would be her mum, and then if she was asked in front of her mum then her mum would know.

    I'm worried about this. She said that the pain isn't as bad as earlier, but I can see that she holds her stomach and grimaces a lot.
    I'll keep you informed.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Knee High Stripy Socks
    I thought that if you were under 16 then you had to take a parent into the doctor's with you, and the person she would take would be her mum, and then if she was asked in front of her mum then her mum would know.

    I'm worried about this. She said that the pain isn't as bad as earlier, but I can see that she holds her stomach and grimaces a lot.
    I'll keep you informed.

    No you don't! You can go to the doctors on your own! If something is wrong i would suggest telling her mum but until then she can if she wants keep it quiet!

    Though i can't remember what you do about prescriptions.....it's free for 16-18 in full time education but ic an't for my life rememver what you do under 14. Does a parent have to sign it?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I had exactly the same thing a month ago and got taken into hospital with suspected appendicitis. It was definately not a pleasant weekend believe me. I really hope by now that your friend has got in contact with a doctor/nhs direct as it's definately not something to just push to the side.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I used to work in a pharmacy last summer. Basically, if you're under 16, you're not allowed to sign it yourself, but in most chemist's, an assistant will sign it for you (unless it's something which is heavily controlled).
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Thanks for all your replies

    It has stopped hurting today, but apparently she gets stomach ache a lot, sometimes every other day, but not nearly so bad as that was. We are going to get it checked out tomorrow at the clinic in town, after I get my GCSE results.
    It's not just a stomach ache, because they don't hurt that badly. It could be nothing but it could be something serious and its better to know and get it sorted. :)
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