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am I making the same mistake again??

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Hey I am a 16 year old female who recently just got broken up with so I have a question the boy a was in a relationship with we met over the summer and I thought we were feeling each other in the same way but a few weeks after my birthday this past October I get on his Facebook and his ex inbox him so I look thru their messages I ask him about it he lied so the girl inbox me on my page saying Yea your boyfriend was never your he will always be mines so I said fine keep him and a few days later he snap chat me saying I miss you I need a best friend so I became his best friend I do everything his girl suppose to do but I want to know am I making the same mistake by talking to him again our feelings for each other is still there I just want to know should we stay friends or No


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    This depends if you enjoy being friends with people who deceive you and don't give two shits if your feelings are hurt by their stupid actions. I personally set the bar for my friends a bit higher and am therefor very satisfied with my friends and their reliability and how they see and treat me.

    He deceived you by not telling you that he and his ex are still together (if I understand that correctly) and seemingly had no problems with that. Only after YOU found out and rightfully distanced yourself from him he pulls the best friend bullshit. That's not friendship. It sounds like he wants you on the backburner or at least cheat on his gf with you.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I understand where you're coming from but how do I say I'm done with his bullshit I mean I do all the things she don't do I ask him how is his day and I mean he said that to me but I'm stuck between letting go and staying
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    DeAyra wrote: »
    I understand where you're coming from but how do I say I'm done with his bullshit I mean I do all the things she don't do I ask him how is his day and I mean he said that to me but I'm stuck between letting go and staying

    I get the feeling that friendship is not enough for you. You've been with him and were 'forced' into the friendship role. It sounds like you are pining for him and hope that he chooses you over him, is that correct? That's what I take away from
    I do all the things she don't do I ask him how is his day and I mean he said that to me

    You are trying to provide things she does not, in the hopes that he switches over to you. It's not gonna happen. That guy is dishonest and merely fancies your attention. The warm, yummy feeling of someone longing for you, but you yourself are in the nice position that you do not have to reciprocate, because you have a GF.

    If someone did that to me I'd be gone and not exchanging a word with her the moment her ex tries to boss me around and she lets him/chooses him over me. It just makes it clear that you were just a temporary toy of his. This is the reaction I would expect from anyone who has an intact sense of self-worth. You don't owe him any big explanations. Just block him on all channels (phone, fb, email and god knows where kids these days are in contact, kik, snapchat, what do i know) and ignore him.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Thank you you're Right
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